fundamentals Flashcards
right brain damage
left side weakness
spatial perceptual def
-high risk for falls
rise from suttting (crtuches)
hold hand grips on borth crutches in the hand of the affacted side
- move to chairs edge
- hold armrest with the hand on the unaffected side
- use crutces, armrest, and unaffected leg to support when rising
to sit
back up to the chair and move both of the crutches into the hand on the affected side and then holds arm rest with other hand and lowers body
before sitting the clien
back up to the chair till the unaffected leg touches the chair
caring for unconsious pt during admission
dont remove medical patches until consulting with HCP because clients are often prescribed transdermal patches for chronic conditions
- remove contact lenses
- tampons should be removed to prevetn toxic shock or infection
- rings and jewlery should be removed to prevent constrictive injury if edema dev
absoulte contrindications for MRI
cardiac pacemaker
- inplantable cardioverter defillator
- choclear inplant
- retained metallic forign body such as in the eye
relative contrindication:
- metal pins
- prostehtic heart value
med patches before MRI
should be removed but not contrindication but can cause burns so replace after MRI
when determining most app method of safetly transfer assess
wether the client can bear weight
-whether client is copperative
if client is cooperative and able to particallt bear weight
one person stand and pivot techniquie with gait belt
if client is copperative and can bear full weight
stand by
no weight bearing abilty but can follow commands
2 person stand assist lift
motoized assist device
no weight bearing and not following commands
2 person assit with full body sling
types of error
Diagnostic (delay in diagnosis, failure to employ indicated tests, failure to act on results of monitoring)
Treatment (error in performance of procedure, treatment, dose; avoidable delay)
Preventive (failure to provide prophylactic treatment, inadequate follow-up/monitoring of treatment)
Other (failure of communication, equipment failure, system failure)
trach tube in infalted cuff is used in clients
ho are at risk for apsiration (unconsous, mechanical ventilation)
the cuff is delated when
the client is iporving and not to be at risk for aspiration
-is awake
before cuff can be delated
the client is asked to cough to exporate secretions that is built above the inflated cuff
-then suction is applieid through the trach tube and then the mouth and it is then deflated
aditional interventions to deccrease the risk of aspiration
sit upright with chin flexed slightly toward chest
-mointor wet or garbled sound
hypextension of the neck
increases risk for aspiraiotion
it should be flexed toward the chest
if a client is up and awake and isnt at risk for apsiration
then deflate the cuff to prevent aspiration
droplet precaution
mentigits diphtherpia MMR pertussis grpup a step (strep throat) viral influenza
protective euq for dropley
as needed for procedures with risk of splasm: gloves gown googles anf face shield (suctioning, wound care)
-equip should stay in room
sterile technique when
collecting urine sample
perineal hygeine
soap and water not antisepectic cleansers
irrgation of catherter
routine irrgation with atimicrobial soltiion or adm of atnimicrobials is not recommends
contact precaustions
c diff
VRE (vancymycin resistant enteroccus)
compact precations include
private roomo (preffered) or cohoring clients with same infection
- using dedicated equip
- door notice for vistors
- if xray is needed try to arrange for portable one
etoh hand rubs vs hand wash
MRSA and VRE- etoh
cdiff- soap
vasodilator and headache is expected so take ecta
ca channel blocker and causes vasodilation
ca channel
vasodilation and causes peripheral edema and this si an expected freq side effect and not allergic reaction
-tell clients to elevate their legs when lying down and to use stockings
allegries can happen 3-4 days after
common latex
kiwi, banaa, avacoda, tomator, peaches, grapes,
- baloon tupped catherers (arterial cath)
- blowing up toy balloons
- use of bottle nipples and pacifiers
- confoms or diaphragmns
who is at risk for catherter related bloodstream infections
those with comprimised immune system
higher when using lower ext
-higher infection when using wrists or upper arm compared to hands
antecubial fossa
commly use in emergency sitautoiins due to its size and ease of cannulation
0but prob when longer termr needs because it is at the bend of the elbow
-bending of the arm can move cather and increase infection risk
using foot for IV
severe pain
nerve dmage
inflammation of the subq tissues due to bacterial infection resulting from insect bite
open wound
cellutis characteristic
nursing care for cellutlist
ensure the affected ext is elevated when sitting or lying down
-flat or dependednt position can worsen edema
–protect cliients with weeping or draining woudnds from prolonged exposure to moist or soiled linens –>infection
-warm compresses promote circulation and reduce edema
-daily marking and dating
unsterile field
one inch margin at the edge
when tb client leaves room
surgical mask ONLY
scrub foley collection port
with elcholol or chlohexdine for 15 seconds before drawing sepecimens
middle east resp syndrome
viral resp illness caused by coronavirus
middle east resp syndrome symtoms
fever cough sob