hem/onc/anemia Flashcards
megaloblastic anemia caused by
vit b12 or folic acid def
b12 food sources
meat fish pultry eggs milk breads and cerelas can contain fortified b12 nutritional yeast -PLANT PRODUCTS RARELY HAVE IT
HIV patho
viral infection of the CD4+ cells
hiv education
be up to date on vacc such as influenza
- avoid eating undercooked meats such as pink seak
- avoid contact with feces such as cat litter
- avoid drinking water from developing contries that are poor sanitized so use bottled water or purfied water when drinking and brushing teef
- use synthetic or latex or dental dams barriers during sex
- dont share toothburshes
tb prgonosis
curable if they follow med regimen
-drug therpy is about 6 months
autoimmune where the bodys immune system attacks body tissues
SLE symtoms
pinaful swlooen joints
- fatigue
- skin rashes
- kidney prob
treatment for SLE
no cure
-use immnosupressants such as corticosteroids
SLE education
pnuemonia and influenza vacc are recommended
- report fever
- avoid contact with sick people
- physical and emotional stress can make it worse so follow a healthy lifestyle with 7-9 hours of sleep
- sunlight can worsen the rash and should be avoided (10am-4pm)
- rash should be cleaned only with mild soap not anitbiotic soap
clients with meningitis risk for
seizures bc of fever and ICP
mengitis what kind of idolation
env for menegitis
reduced stimulus
quiet, dim lighted, cool temp
poistion for menegitis
bed rest with HOB 10-30 to promote venous circulation
teletherpy (external beam radiation ) education
dont rub the skin, scrabtch ors crub
- wear soft losse fitting clothes
- cotton sheets and towel
- pat dry skin after bathing
- avoid bandages or tapes on the treamtent area
- cleanse the skin with lukewarm shower
- milf soap withoutgragarance or deodrant
- do not wash off radiation maarkings
- use only creams or lotions approved by HCP
- dont use OTC creams oils or powders
- should skin from sun during and after treamtent
- avoid tanning beds and sunabthing
- wear hats, long sleeve and long pants outside
- use suncreen 30spf or higher
- avoid extemes in skin temp (heating pads or ice packs)
- maintain cool, humid env
thrombocyopenia complication from
heprian products
thrymobocyemia meaning
low plalets
heprain induced thrombocytpoenia
contradictory meaning that is leads to venous /arterial thrombosis and less commoly to bleeding so its the opposite
danger of HIT
organ damage from local thrombi and emoblization leading to stroke and pulmonary embolism
if pt has HIT
all heprain products should be stopped and use another anticogulant such as argatroban
blood urea nutrgoen (BUN) lvl
montor what for HIT
plalet and notify HCP if plalet levl is ≥50% from baseline or a drop below 150,000/mm
influenza incubation
incbuation of 1-4 days and transimmion up to 5-7 days after illness stage begins
inf transmmion
during icibation and illness stage
inf vaccine education
imunity against influenza about 2 wk after incoulaion but does not offer complete protection from all virus strains so avoid close
contact for ONE WEEK
polycythemia versa
too many RBC, WBC, PLALETS produced
Polycythemia vera (PV) risk for
producing blood clots due to increase blood volume and viscosity
education for Polycythemia vera (PV)
- elevate legs and ffeet when sitting
- wear support stockings
- report signs of thrombosis such as swelling and tenderness in the legs
- adq fluid during exc and hot weather
- dont increase iron containg foods because this can further cause increase in hemoglobin prod and is not recommended
- need periodic phlebtomy to remove excess blood
- prevent dehydrationnnn
common symtom of Polycythemia vera (PV)
can be reduced by reducing water temp and using starch baths and patting skin instead of rubbing
Rhematic fever def
inflammatory disease of the heart
Rhematic fever occurs from
streptococcal pharyngitis.
Rhematic fever affects
heart, skin, joints, and CNS
response to infection that causes impared organ function
Rhematic fever teaching
fam hisotry not a risk factor
septic shock occurs
when sepsis causes CV collapse or impaires bodys ability to maintain normal metabloic and cellular process
septic shock manestificaations
fever or hypothermia ((>100.4 F [38 C]; <96.8 F
-hypotension (Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure <65 mm Hg in a client with infection may indicate septic shock
- prolonged cap refull
- tacycadia of restingHR greater than 90/min
- WBC of greater than 12k or or immature neutrophils (bands) of >10%
- decreased UOP
atrireoviral therpy (RT)
med regiment consisting of multiple drugs and management preofession of HIV
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) impaires
viral replication at multiple points which leads to decreased viral loads and increased CD4 cells (helper t cells)
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) education
lifelong treatment and requires strict adherence
- even undetecbale viral loads remain infected with HIV
damages DNA which causes cell destruction
radiation and chemo affects
tissues that rapidly produce such as (oral , gi, bone marrow)
cyanide posioning
bitter almond smell
fever and riased skin pustules
small pox
small pox transmion
Sjögren’s syndrome
autoimmune where mositure producing exocrine glands are attacked by wbc
Sjögren’s syndrome most commonly affected glands
salivary and lacrimal glands, leading to dry eyes (xerophthalmia) and dry mouth (xerostomia).
other areas: Skin - dry skin and rashes
Throat and bronchi - chronic dry cough
Vagina - vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
dryness in sjogren syndrome leads to
corneal ulceration
oral thrush
treatment of Sjögren’s syndrome
symtoms since there is no cure
- otc and presribed drops are used to relive itching, burning and dyrness
- wearing goggles when windy can help with drying
- dry mouth treated with sugarless gym and candy or salvia
- regular dental appt to prevent dental caries
- KY jelly or other lub to ease vaginal dryness
- use lukewrm water and mild soap
- avoid low humdifity env such as heated houses and airplanes
- use humdifiers
- VOID decongested because thse can cause further druness
- avoid oral irrtants such as coffe etoh and acidic drinks
overproduction of collagen causing tightening and hardening of the skin
scleroderma complication
renal crisis(LIFE THERENING) which canuses malignant HTN due to narrowing of the cessels that provide blod to the kidneys
- pulomary fibrosis another complication and causes dry cough and dyspnea but ot as life threatening as renal crisis
- heart burn and dysphagia but not life treaning
raynaud coor changes locations
fingers, toes, ears and nose
raynaud treatment
imm hands in warm water
stop and disconnect tubing
IVVVV SALINE to prevent collapse
vancymycin level
trough level before 4th dose (15-20 mg.l is optimal)
-BUN and cretine mointored regulant (2-3X/wk) due to NEPHROTOXCITY)