peds Flashcards
atopic dermatitis aka
atopic dermatoisis characteristics
dry skin
goals of atpic dermatitis
alleviate pruitus
keep skin hydrated
education for atopic dermatitis
- dont scratch bc it will lead to new lesions and infections
- tepid baths using gentle soap
- avoid hot baths and bubb;e baths bc it dries skin
- nails should be trimmed short and kept filed
- clothing should be soft(cotton)
- long sleeves at night
- avoid trigger factors such as heat and low humdiity
- mosilize with emollients
nearsightness so the visual acutity is reduced when viewing objects at a distance
myopia clients need to
hold objects near their face or sit near objects to see clearly
clients with myopaia report
squniting eyes to see clealu
school performance affected from eye strrain
viewing objects far away or sit at distance to have clear vission
color definfict
inability to preceive and diff colors such as red and green
blue and yellow
have trouble wearing matching clothes
type 1 in peds inital goal
managing childs BG (checking and giving insulin)
assess for allergies to vaccine components
allergy to latex
latex balloons
who shouldnt get live vaccines
immunoscompormised (corticosteroids, chem, AIDS)
exmaples of life cavvines
yellow fever
misperceptions of contrindications to immunization
penicllin allergy mild ilnness (with or without temp) mild site reaction(swelling, erthyma, soreness) recent infection exposure current course of abx
caring for burn at home
-soak area brify in cool water to stop the burning process
-remove any clothing or jewlery around the burn
to avoid constriction as edema forms BUT DONT REMOVE ANY CLOTHING STUCK TO THE BURNED AREA ONLY HCP can do this
-cover with clean dry cloth
-dont apply ointments or abx bc it will intefere with assessment
-dont put ice bc it can increase tissue damage
cold injury signs
redness and swelling
blanched skin with hardness of the affected area
what to do when pt has cold injury
rewarm the area ASAP to restore blood flow and reduce risk of tissue damage
- rewarm at 104 F (40C) for 30 mins or until the area turns pink in case of frost bite
- the face and ears can be warmed by warm facevloths
what is contraindicated in cold injury
massging body part bc it causes tissue injury
kawasku disease treated with
kawaski complication
coronoary artery anyerysms
kawaski and vaccines
when given IVIG therpy, it will remain in the body for 11 months and may intefere with the response to live caccines (varicella and mmr) so these live maccines should be delayed for 11 months
signs of post op bleeding in sollsillectomy
clearing throat
vomitning blood
expencted findings of tonsillectomy
white, fluid filled exudate in the throat
- halitosis (bad breath)
- low grade fever
- ear pain
pulmonic stenosis
increased pressure in the right side of the heart
-in severe, the high pressure in right side causes uno2 blood to travel through the left side
treatment for pulmonic stenosis
interventional cath
contraindication of pulmonic stensosis
diaper rash bc the yeast or bacteria on the rash could be introduced into the blood stream with arterial sticks
spected finding
loud heart murmur
npo before catherization
4-6 hours
chest tubes in peds should be assessed
every hour for color and draingage
drainge in CT that should be reported
Drainage >3 mL/kg/hr for 3 consecutive hours or >5-10 mL/kg in 1 hour
infants normal HR
what is common after surgery
and warmers are used to correct the clients temp
ET displaement intervention
listen to lung sounds
atrial septal defect
abnormal opening between R and L atria allow the blood of the left atrium to go into the right
sound in atrial septal
the back and forth flow b/w the two chambers causes vibration that is heard as MURMER on asuculatation
atrial septal defect charastic
systloic murmer with fixed split second heart sound
coartation of aarota signs
weak lower and stronger upper ext pulses
visual acuity is assessed in
ages 6 or older using snellen letter chart
pistion for visual acuity
10 ft from the chart and asked to read the letters
- begining with the lines of large text to small text
- both eyes should be open while one eye at a time is covered to read
- must get 4/6 letters in each line before moving to next
testing visual activity and fixation in infants
following a target usually bright colored object or human face
when to refer to opthalmic in infants
if visual fixation and following not presented by 3-4 months
viewing set of cards
color vision deficits
corneal light reflex
shining light helf 16 in from childs eyes
high contangious
imptigo characterized by
red pustules that rupture to form honey colored crusts
contangous impetigo
when treated with anx ointment or oral abx lesions are no longer contagious after 24-48 hours and heal within a wek
without abx impetigo
resolves within 2-3 wk but remain contagious until all lesions heal
decreasing tramssion of impetigo
handwashing before and after touching the infected area
- islating infected persons cloting and linens and washing them in hot water
- keeping infected persons finernails short and clean to prevent bacteria
- avoid close contact with othrts for 24-48 hours after abx intiation
- keep the affected area covered with guaze in contact with others (while at school)
impetigo lesions
soaked with warm water, saline, or burow solution and gently cleansed with mild antibacterial soap before applying abx oitment
wilms tumor
kidney tumor in children < 5
wilms tumor characrtssitic
normally only in one kidney
- unusal contour in childs stomach
- unsual bulging /swelling on one side of the abdomen
- might have HTN bc of exceessive prod of renin but this will require mointoring
otitis media age group
infants and children under 2
OM occurs after
resp tract infection most of the time
the eschuian tubes in infinats and young hildren
short, straight, horizontal which results in ineffective drainage and protection from resp secretions
who is at risk for OM
exposure to tabcaoo smoke due to resp inflmmation
-using pacififer or drinking from bottle when lying down