MSK Flashcards
ruptured cerebral aneurysm signs
astomaptic unless they rupture
“known as silent killers”
- no warning signs sometimes
“ worst headache”
what pt say if they have cerebral aneurysm rupture
clients with casted extremtities afer acture injury are at risk for
decreased peripheral perfusion due to increased edema and a cast that restricts the skins ability to expand CAUSING COMPAREMENT SYNDROME
expected symtoms of casted extremity
- milf to moderate edema
- warmth or thorrbing
- pain on movement
- pain that improves with anagesics
- itching
- dry skin under the cast
severe pain unresposnie to angesics
comparement syndome
compartment syndrome signs
severe pain unresp to anaglesics
- immoblilty of digits
- changes in sensation (numbess or tingling)
- lack of pulse in distal extremity’
- cool and pale dsital extremity
rheumatoid arithis
autoimmune where the body attacks the joints leading to bone erosion and joint deformity
charasteritic of RA
symmetrical pain and swelling that affects the small joints of the hands and feet
- mornings tiffness that last 60 min-sevreal hours
- -elevated ESR and rhuematoid factor levels
- cervical spine and doesnt invole any other spine
osteoarthyritis characterisic
assymetric pain
creiptus esp over knee joints
ankylosing spondylitis.
low back pain and stifness
worse in the morning and improves as day goes on
redness in one or more extremitiy joints
RA intital affects the
small joints of the wrists, hands and feet
halo external fixation
stablizes cervical and throacic fracture when there is damage to the liaments or spinal cord
halo traction nursing intervention
cleaning pin sites with sterile solution such as chorhexideine or water to prevent infection
- keeping the vest liner clean and dry (changing weekly or when soiled, using cool dryer to dry)
- placing foam inserts under pressure joints
- placing small pullow under clients head when suprine to reduce pressure on the device
- keeping correct sized wrench avialble at all times
who adjust the pins
the nurse should avoid doing what with halo
grabbing the device frame when moving or position the client because it can cause the screws to loosena and alter the alignment
what is a contrindication to doing total joint replacement surgery
recent/current infection as wound infection is more liekly to occur in a client with preexting infection (so report burning urination to HCP)
what is expected in clients undergoing total knee replacement
severe knee pain
education before doing total knee placement
stop taking nsaids such as cox2 and celebrex 7 days before to decrease bleeding
prevnting hip flexion contractures
the limb should not be elevated esp after 24 hours of amputations (INSTEAD MANAGE THE EDEMA BY FIGURE EIGHT COMPRESSION)
- bandage should be worn at all times
- place pt prone with hup in extension for 30 mins 3-4 times a day
- AVOID sitting in chair for more than one hour
hip dislocation following total hip replacement is prevented using
abductor pillow to maintain hip in straight and neutral poistion
- also do not bend at the hip more than 990 degree
- dont cross ankles or legs
buck traction
immbolizes hip and fremur fractures
- a boot or traction tape is applied to the ext and a weight pulls the limb in traction
- client is supine witht he foot of the bed raised to maintain countertraction
after new cast is placed
elevate the limb above the heart for the first 48 hours to decrease edema and increase venous return however dont elevate if compartment syndrome dev
dont do what to the leg if compartment sydrome happens
DONT elevate it
residual limb care after above knee ampution (AKA) or (BKA)
- clean the limb by washing it daily with soap and warm water and dry throughly
- inspect signs of infection
- keep limb socks, weaps, and appliances /prostheses clean and dry
- dont apply irrtants such as etoh or lotion or power
- perform daily ROM to improve muscle stength
complication of residual limb
hip flexion contratures
stretch or tear of a liagment
treatment for sprain
REST- acivity should be stopped and mov limited for 24-8 jours to promote healing
- ice (cold, cyrotherpy) apply ice pack or cold thepy for 10-15 mins every hour for the first 24-48 hours. DONT apply ice directly to the skin
- compression (ace wrap or splint) to prevent edema and promote fluid return
- elevation- ext should be elvated above heart on pullows for 24-48 hours to help reduce swelling
- Analgesia – Mild analgesia with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (eg, ibuprofen) can be taken every 6 hours as needed to relieve pain and reduce swelling
- Exercise rehabilitation program – This should be initiated as soon as possible after the injury (ie, when pain subsides) to restore range of motion, flexibility, and strength and prevent reinjury
tingling and hand hand weakness when using crutches
using incorrecntly and not ftted correctly
pain and swelling after injury
RA stiffness intervnetion
take warm shower or bath when awking up
- then do ROM
- apply heat packs to stiff joints and ice packs to painful joints
- plan freq rest periods
nsaids should not be taken
empty stomach
overtime with RA
reduced ability to perform actv of faily living (toileting, abthing, drssing) and engage in routine tasks (walking, opening doors)
fat emobli happens with
bone or pelvic fractures
symtoms of fat emobli
resp prob (dyspnea, tacypnea, hypoxemia)
- neuro changes
- petichae rash (neck, chest, axilla)
- fever (>101.4 F)
paresthia includes
numbess, tingling and burning and these are sogns of compartment sydnrome
osteroarthrities (OA)
synovial joints (kneem fingers, hip)
maesnifications of OA
- pain excerbated by weight bearing actv
- crepitus
- morning stiffness that subsides within 30 mins of arising
- decreased joint mobility and ROM
- atrophy of muscles due to dicuse-
- typically noninflammtory
biomarker or lab tests for OA
biopartker for rhymatoic arthertis
rhumetoid factor
average length of stay after total knee arthoplasty
3-5 days
total knee arthroplasty after surgery
should be fullyy weight bearing by discharge
-use asstive decies to help them sit, rise safely
-knee immbolizer to maintain extension during abulation and at rest for 4 week