urban models Flashcards
each sector can grow outward for the following
The CBD expands, displacing people outward;
In-migration to the city necessitates new housing;
Urban residents change their socioeconomic status between low, middle, and high class
and move to other neighborhoods.
hoyt sector
the innermost central business district is occupied by the
poorest inhabitants of the city, and prosperity increases as one moves outwards, the inverse is
true in most other parts of the world.
concentric zone
predicts land prices as population decreases as distance from CBD increases
bid rent
the distribution of different social groups within urban areas
concentric zone
concentric zone
cities grow outward in rings
concentric zone
certain areas attract people for certain activities
as a city grows activities expand outwards
harris and ullman
multiple nuclei and galactic city/edge cities
a city is a complex structure that includes more than one center around which activities revolve
multiple nuclei
james vance
urban realms
influenced increase importance of automobiles
urban realms
explains edge cities and suburbs
urban realms
CBD lost importance to edge cities due to urban sprawl and deindustrialization
galactic/edge cities
SE asian city
no cbd
SE asian city
old colonial port
SE asian city
western commercial zone, hybrid zones and sectors, new industrial growth on outskirts
SE asian city
latin america
commercial zone surrounded by three concentric of housing that decrease in quality
latin america
disamenity zones (slums and squatter settlements)
latin america
latin america
de blij
african city
impacted by european colonialism
african city
three CBDs
african city
formal colonial CBD has vertical development
african city
traditional cbd has one story buildings
african city
open air market
african city
center dominated by a mosque
middle eastern
citadel and gates on the end
middle eastern
bazaars located on the roads
middle eastern
twisting streets with dead ends
middle eastern