exam study ABCLR Flashcards
What is an isoline map?
uses lines
What is a cartogram?
changes the shapes of states
What is a heat map?
warm colors: higher numbers
cool colors: lower numbers
What are the three characteristics of distribution?
density, concentration, pattern
What is a site?
Describes the physical characteristics of a place
What is a formal region?
regions with borders
What is distance decay and time-space compression?
distance decay: idea changes, or will not diffuse the further the way it is
time-space compression: takes longer to diffuse the further away it is
What is an S-curve and how does it relate to diffusion?
What is independent innovation?
many different cultures created the same ideas but separate from each other
What is GIS?
geographic information system
What is the zone of transition?
How are time-zones measured?
fifteen degrees
What are parallels and meridians?
parallels: horizontal
meridians: vertical
How many different time zones are there?
What is interregional migration (historically and presently)?
between two regions
What is Syllabic writing?
uses symbols that represent words
What is ideogrammatic writing?
uses symbols that represent objects
What is the most spoken official language?
What makes African languages unique?
What group/location/languages belong with the Germanic branch?
family: indo european
group: west-germanic, germanic
languages: german, english, swedish, norwegian, danish, swiss
What group/location/languages belong with the Indo-Iranic branch?
What group/location/languages belong with the Balto-Slavic branch?
What group/location/languages belong with the Romance branch?
family: indo-european
group: italo dalmation,
What is an isogloss
a line that separates two languages
What is BRP and how does it relate to standard languages?
What are the three branches of buddhism
Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana
What is balkanization
Division of a place or country into several small political units, often unfriendly to one another.
What are the five pillars of islam
the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj)
What are the four noble truths
the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.
What is spatial analysis
examines the characteristics, location, and relationship between places and features on the earth’s surface in order to explain the spatial expression of human behavior patterns.
slow, rapid, and negative stages
slow growth: stage 4
rapid growth: stage 2
negative growth: stage 5
What is a reason for there to be more males than females
guest workers