Upset Recovery Flashcards
AOA is
AoA is the difference between
“where the wing is pointing and the wing is going”
Pitch vs FPV
In 2012, VSR has been introduced. It replaced VS1g as today‘s instrumentation and data processing enable a more exact measurement and data analysis for better and reproducible results. In fact, during flight test, a “real 1g-condition” is never really achievable.
As VSR is slightly higher than VS1g, some well-known definitions have changed, too, e.g.:
•V2 = 1.13 VSR (formerly: 1.2 VS1g)
•VREF = 1.23 VSR (formerly: 1.3 VS1g)
Promoting inboard Stall to have nose down instead of nose up during stall
Wing twist
Stall strips inboard wing
Spin recovery
Whilst applying full rudder opposite to the spin direction it is important to
unload the aircraft by neutralizing elevator (let yoke go fwd)
Then unload rudder when rotation stops
This will increase the stall margin and the critical AoA for a better (and faster) regain of flight control effectiveness
Wave drag
At high speeds
Is variable depending on weight
Aircraft is dynamically and statically stable
Look at Pitch/FPV to See high AOA and upset conditions — take care FPV indication could be wrong with IAS and ALT disagree
Which remain most effective during Stall
Rudder and horizontal stabilizer
…still don’t use them during Stall!
Low energy state
—high AOA
—reduces roll stability
—reduced elevator authority
—buffet with high amplitude but low frequency
High energy state
—high mach
—aft moving shockwave
— use Spd brake
—buffets with low amplitude but high frequency
High energy state during turns
With increasing load factor the AOA increases
Check whether AOA is reasonable
U R S nose high
Use thrust and drag as required
Unload —neutralize all Flight controls and counteract movement which lead into upset (g limits are hard limits, u may increase bank)
Roll—induce roll to decrease pitch if required (bank lower than 45 degrees increase up to 60 until nose passes horizon,then wings level)
Stabilize —aileron neutral after wings level regain straight and level flight
URS— nose low
Use thrust and drag as required
Unload—neutralize all Flight controls
Roll— to nearest horizon (don’t pull while in a roll)
Stabilize —gradually pull to regain pitch above horizon, regain straight and level flight ( observe eyebrows and speed tape for g limits)
Speed brake can be used
Wichtig bei upset recoveries
Speed extensions are ok
G loads are hard limitations (flaps up….., flaps down……)
Nose up recovery
Reduced elevator effectiveness
Nose up recovery /Stall
Reduced elevator effectiveness
Daher wichtig thrust erst dann reinzuschieben wenn full elevator CONTROL wieder da ist und deceleration aufgehört hat. Also länger warten nach nose down auch bei GPWS Warning
Altitude loss bei nose up situations close to ground still makes sense