Salsa Flashcards
Collection time and time of forecast data
Wx Charts updated 4times a day with 30hours validity
00; 06; 12; 18 utc
At night Instrument approach shall be preferred to visual approach
Category c circling minimsa- visual
Mdh 600ft
Minimum vs 2400m
Takeoff alternate
In flight
ETA plus minus 1 Hour
Precisuon : RVR only ( min CAT1)
Non precision: vis and ceiling
Gleiche , wenn darunter muss man 2nd alternate nehmen
Bis 1000 ft Continue, nur RVR entscheidend, bei DA muss man Referenz haben. Wenn nur vis gegebenen, umrechnen in rvr
If a main landing gear tire is damaged during takeoff, it is possible that braking of the main gear wheels during retraction may be affected. A spinning tire with a loose tread must be stopped prior to entering the wheel well or it can cause damage to wheel well components. When a spinning tire with loose tread impacts a fitting in the wheel well ring opening, that gear stops retracting and free falls back to the down position. The affected gear cannot be retracted until the fitting is replaced.
Speed von 250 direkt auf 180
Flap Extension Schedule requires reducing the command speed to ‘Up’ speed before selecting faps. During fap extension, selection of the faps to the next fap position should be made when approaching, and before decelerating below, the manoeuvre speed for the existing fap position. This event is a useful reminder of the importance of awareness by PF when PM’s monitoring is degraded e.g. a verbal update on the command speed reduction may have helped PM spot the oversight.
In accordance with OPS 009-17 Autopilot engagement during a go-around is not recommended until the faps have been retracted (to the planned fap setting) and LVL CHG/VNAV has been selected, or the missed approach altitude is captured. Engaging the autopilot prior to this will result in non-standard AFDS modes which are not in accordance with the NP
On selection of TOGA, the FD’s did not appear, causing PF some confusion and distraction. Nevertheless, the required task of pointing the aircraft safely away from the ground with adequate power and along the prescribed track was accomplished. It was not until circa 1,500ft that PM realised that during the approach, they’d indeed turned the FD’s off (rather than recycle them).
Canarias UIR—South of 25N and west of 20W
contact Canarias radio on HF and or do a SECAL Check
One Hf is enough since we have Alternative VHF freq. otherwise 2 HF needed
Required communication equipment
2 independent systems required —2 HF
MEL says:If not crossing the Atlantic and alternatives are given (VHF) one HF is enough
in Canarias UIR south of 25N and west of 20W—one HF is required
No HF requirement in SAL Oceanic and routes via
GUNET since they are east of it
Manual takeoff
A/T bleibt an. Nur FD sind Off…
Bei über 80 Knoten unter 2000ft dgl. kann man beim drücken von TOGA die FD Commands anzeigen lassen
Dual AP approach, AT
AT disconnects automatically after 2s..but this time with no indication
Normal Takeoff…normal thrust reduction is at can you immediately start the thrust reduction to climb thrust
by pressing N1
dual AP landing
always with Vref plus 5..even with no HWC
How and when is the AT G/A Mode being armed?
below 2000ft with A/T engaged…until 2s after landing
During normal landing with AP and AT disengaged
Pressing TOGA you have to advance thrust lever manually….green bug
When flying manually with no FD it is important to have the FD recycled to have the
FD off flight
dont forget to recycle FD
Non precision Flight
we turn FDs off at the minimas..then recycle FD!
an alternate source of power for autoslat operation is..
system A hydraulics through PTU in case of system B pressure loss
standby hydraulic is for
LE slats..not autoslats!
Speedbrake Armed…deploy automatically if..
Thrust IDLE; Right landing gear/any landing gear, Radio Alt less than 10ft and main landing gear spin up (more than 60knots)…if spin up does not occur it right/any landing gear is enoug
speedbrake not armed during landing!
speedbrake automatically operate when main landing gear wheel spin up (more than 60); IDLE and REVERSE THRUST!