Upper Limb - Overview and Joints Flashcards
Main functions of shoulder and elbow regions
Position and stabilize the hand
Upper limb characterized by
mobility and ability to grasp and manipulate
Scapulothrocic joint is a
Fascial plane
Movements of scapulothoracic joint
Retraction Protraction Elevation Depression Rotation
Trapezius contributes to all motions but _____ of scapulothoracic joint
Protraction and inferior rotation
Superior rotation of scapula
Trapezius and serratus anterior
Inferior rotation of scapuula
Rhomboids and lattisimus
Only bony articulation of upper limb with trunk
Sternoclavicular joint
Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
Anterior reinforcement
Posterior sternoclavlicular ligament
Interclavicular ligament
Limits depression
Costoclavicular ligament
Limits elevation
Articular disc of sternoclavicular ligament
Divides joint cavity and increases mobility
Stability of sternoclavicular joint
Very stable
Clavicle fracture more common
Which part of clavicle elevated during fracture?
Medial portion because of sternocleidomastoid pulling up on it
Lateral end depressed by weight of shoulder
Acromioclavicular joint stabilizes
Movement during superior and inferior rotation of scapula
Acromioclavicular ligament
Part of the joint capsule
Ligaments of AC
Acromioclavicular ligament
Coracoclavicular ligament
Shoulder separation
Acromion pushed inforior and medial to clavicle
One or both of AC joint ligaments torn
Glenohumeral ligaments
Thickenings of the joint capsule located on superior and anterior sides
Biceps brachii tendon
Passes through GH joint and stabilizes
Prevents superior displacement
Rotator cuff muscles
Surround the GH joint all but inferior
Coracoacromial ligament
Prevents superior displacement of head of humerous
Glenoid labrum
Cartilaginous ring surrounding the glenoid fossa that deepns it
Synovial lined bags between tendon/bone and muscle that allow movement of structures against each other
Axillary recess
Allows joint capsule to open and strech during abduction
Located inferior to joint
GH dislocation
Normally inferior
Protruding acromion
Closed reduction and immobilization…surgery
Elbow joint allows
Flexion and extension at elbow
Thickenings of elbow joint
Radial and ulnar collateral ligaments
Proximoradioulnar joint
Allows for pronation and supination of the forearm
Annular ligament
Holds head of radius in place against the ulna
Which stays still during supination?
Middle radioulnar joint
Interosseus joint
Fibrous joint stabilizing movement of radius on ulna
Distal radioulnar joint
Synovial joint between head of ulna and ulnda notch of radius
Nursemaids elbow
Subluxation of head of raidus
Tears the annular ligament
Radius slips out of socket
Supinate forearm while elbow is flexed
Ligaments stregnthening radiocarpal joint
Ulnar and radial collateral ligaments
Palmar and dorsal radiocarpal ligaments
Which doesn’t articulate with bones of hand, ulna or radius?
MCP and IP joints also strengthened by
Collateral ligaments
Colles fracture
Fracture of distal radius with dorsal displacement
Dinner fork deformity
Fall from an outstretched hand
Women over 50