Early Embryology Flashcards
Original thing formed after fertilization
Blastomere at 16 cell stage that forms compact ball of cells
Inner cell mass
Forms embryo and contributes to fetal membranes (amniotic and part of chorionic)
Outer cell mass
Contributes to fetal members (placenta and umbilical cord)
Zona Pellucida
Surrounds blastmere and helps maintain the integrity of the cells
Days 1-5
Morula forms and zona pellucida is destroyed by enzymes from the outer cell mass
Cells of morula secrete fluid to push inner cell mass to one side
Results in formation of blastocyst cavity
Embryo plants in wall of uterus
Inner cell mass at one end of blastocyst
Lines blastocyst cavity and contributes to placenta
Cellular inner layer lining blastocyst cavity
Invasive multinucleated cells that invade uterine endometrium to allow blastocyst to implant in uterus
Important hormone
HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin secreted by syncytiotrophoblast
Tells corpus luterm to secrete progesterone
Embryoblast differentiates into
Epiblast and hypoblast
Adjacent to embryonic pole of blastocyst
Cells adjacent to cavity
When embryoblast differentiates, it forms a
Bilaminar disc
How is amniotic cavity formed?
Migration of epiblast cells
Cells lining amniotic cavity
How is yolk sac formed?
Migration of hypoblast cells
Exocoelomic membrane
Formed from hypoblast cells and surrounds the primitive yolk sac
Spaces appearing in the embryonic pole of the syncytiotrophoblast and begin to connect to intact uterine vessels to form circulation
Extraembryonic mesoderm and derived from
Derived from exocoelomic membrane
Found in between exocoeleomic membrane and cytotrophoblast layer
Totally separates embryo proper from amniotic cavity and yolk sac
Isolated spaces
Formed when extraembryonic mesoderm begins to die
Chorionic cavity
Isolated spaces in the extraembryonic mesoderm coalesce to form one large space surrounding the mebryo proper, amnion, and primitive yolk sac
Connecting stalk and what does it form?
Portion of the extraembryonic mesoderm that connects embryo to the chorion
Becomes umbilical cord
Chorion comprised of what and what does it become?
Extraembryonic mesoderm and cytotrophoblast
Becomes fetal component of placenta
Secondary/definitive yolk sac formed by
second wave of cells from hyopblast migrate inside exocoelomic membrane to form yolk sac
Buccopharyngeal membrane
Formed between hypo and epi layer near head
Forms mouth
Cloacal mebrane
Becomes anal opening
Primary villi formed from
Cytotrophoblast cells that begin to invade the syncytiotrophoblast
Formation of three germ layers
Primitive streak
At cadual end
Caused by migrating epiblast cells invaginating into the hypoblast layer