Upper Extremity Splinting Flashcards
Radial nerve injury splint
Dynamic extension splint, wrist cock-up
Ulnar nerve injury splint
MCP flexion block splint
Low lesion median nerve injury splint
Dorsal protection splint with wrist in 30 degrees flexion
High lesion median nerve injury splint
Dorsal protection splint with elbow at 90 degrees flexion
Median nerve injury splint considerations
1) “C- bar” to maintain webspace and prevent thumb adduction contracture
2) Thumb opponens splint (allows thumb to be in a functional position)
Flexor tendon injury
Dorsal block splint
- wrist in 20-30 degrees flexion
- MCPs in 50-70 degrees flexion
- IPs in extension
Zone 1 (DIP JOINT) extensor tendon injury
DIP extension splint
- for “mallet finger”, helps extend DIPs
Zone 3-4 (PIPs and prox. phalanx) extensor tendon injury
PIP extension splint
- for “boutonniere deformity”, helps extend PIP
Zone 5, 6, 7 (MCP, metatarsals, and writ joint) extensor tendon injury
Volar wrist splint
- wrist in 20-30 degrees extension
- MCPs in 0-10 flexion
Carpal tunnel splint
wrist in neutral position, soft/flexible splint, worn at night/ wrist cock-up splint
De Quervain’s splint
Forearm based thumb spica splint
Burn positioning
Intrinsic plus
- wrist 30 degrees extension
- MCP’s 70 degrees flexion
- IP’s full extension
Burn splint
anti-deformity splint/burn intrinsic plus