Upper Body Palpations Flashcards
Cranial Sutures
Superiorly from occipital tuberance two or three inches
inferiorly where occiput curves and sinks into muscles of neck
laterally to mastoid process
External occipital protuberance
Inion, level of top of ears
superior and inferior nuchal lines
above and below inion
Parietal bone
palpate saggital suture between parietals
follow anteriorly to level of ear canal and posteriorly to occiput
Temporal bone
Zygomatic arch anterior to ear canal
mastoid and styloid process
mastoid process
Large superficial bump behind earlobe
Styloid process
Behind earlobe between mastoid process and posterior edge of the mandible
Frontal bone
superiorly to coronal sutures
inferiorly to brow
laterally to anterior edge of temporalis muscles
nasal bone
Bridge of nose, located between frontal and maxillary bones
Zygomatic bone
Cheek bone
anterior aspect of zygomatic arch and the lateral portion of orbit of eye
Center of the face
Inferior portion of orbit of the eye, surface around the nose and upper jaw where teeth are
Body: flat surface inferior to lower teeth
Base: jawline
Submandibular fossa: Underside
Angle:Posterior end of the base
Superficial condyle:anterior to ear canal, inferior to zygomatic arch
Corinoid process: an inch anterior to condyle of mandible : palpate with jaw open
thyroid Cartliage
Adams apple
Superior to cridoid below the level of the chin
Cricoid Cartliage
Superiorly along trachea below the thyroid , large ringed surface
Caroitd tubercle
6th cervical vertebrae
Hyoid bone
Superiorly from thyroid carilage
wider than trachea
side to side movements
O-Sternal head: Top of manubruim
Clavicular head: med 1/3 of clavicle
I- Mastoid process and lateral portion of superior
nuchal line
A- Bi-Flex neck
uni-ipsilateral flex contralateral rotation
Anterior Scalenes
O- TVP C3-C6
I- 1st rib
A-Bi-Flex head and neck
uni- Ipsi lat flex, Contra lat rotation
FB- inframedially
Middle Scalenes
O- TVP C2-C7
I- 1st Rib
A- Flex head and neck
uni- ipsilateral lateral flexion and contralateral rotation
Posterior Scalenes
O- TVP C5-C7
I- 2nd Rib
A- Laterally flex and elevate 2nd rib
FB- inferiorly
O- Zygomatic arch
I- Angle of the mandible and ramus
A- Elevates mandible
FB- inferiorly
O- Temporal fossa
I- Cornoid process and ramus of the mandible
A- elevates mandible