Untitled Deck Flashcards
Who is Robert Jordan?
An American volunteer for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War and the protagonist of For Whom the Bell Tolls. He is pragmatic, skilled, and conflicted about his role in the war.
What are Robert Jordan’s physical pleasures?
He appreciates smelling pine trees, drinking absinthe, and having sex.
What significant aspect of Robert Jordan’s character is explored in the novel?
His interior dialogues where he argues with himself about his conflicts.
Who is Pablo?
The leader of the guerrilla camp, an individualist who feels responsible only to himself.
How is Pablo described?
He is compared to a bull and a boar, representing stubbornness and unpleasantness.
What is Pilar’s role in the guerrilla group?
She is the support center, keeps the hearth, fights in battle, and mothers Robert Jordan.
Who is Maria?
A young woman in Pablo’s band who falls in love with Robert Jordan and is a victim of rape.
How is Maria described?
Her movements are compared to a colt’s, and Robert Jordan affectionately calls her ‘Rabbit.’
Who is Anselmo?
An old, trustworthy guerrilla fighter who represents the good in Spaniards.
What does Anselmo dislike?
He hates killing people and has stopped praying since the Communists banned organized religion.
Who is Agustín?
A trustworthy and high-spirited guerrilla fighter who mans the machine gun.
Who is Fernando?
A mid-thirties guerrilla fighter who is dignified, literal-minded, and easily offended.
What is Primitivo’s character like?
An elderly guerrilla fighter who retains idealism despite the harsh realities of war.
Who is Rafael?
A gypsy member of the guerrilla band, described as well-meaning but ‘worthless.’
Who is Andrés?
A guerrilla fighter in his late twenties who conflicts with Republican leaders’ bureaucracy.