Roam Dependants Flashcards
What is a décuria?
A group of 10 house slaves
This term refers to the organization of slaves in smaller units.
How many slaves could an individual possess according to Athenaeus?
Up to 10 and 20 thousand slaves
Athenaeus was a Greek rhetorician and a notable figure in the study of ancient Roman life.
What was the purpose of selling captives into slavery quickly?
For the safety of the generals
This practice ensured that captured individuals were not a liability during military campaigns.
Who conducted the sales of captives into slavery?
The quaestor
The quaestors were public officials responsible for financial affairs in ancient Rome.
What does the term hasta symbolize in the context of slave sales?
A spear symbolizing a sale under a public official
This item represented the authority of the state in conducting the sale.
What does ‘sub hastà venire’ or ‘sub corona venire’ mean?
To be sold into slavery
These phrases indicate the formal process of being sold as a slave.
What did captives and victims of sacrifice wear on their heads?
This was a traditional practice to signify their status during ceremonies.
Who were the mangones?
Wholesale dealers - sellers of slaves
They played a crucial role in the slave trade during Roman times.
What is contubernium?
Slave marriage
This term describes the informal union between slaves.
What are vernae?
Slaves born in the house
These slaves were often considered more loyal or trusted by their masters.
What did imported slaves do to indicate their status?
Chalked their feet white and had a taxed
This was a method to signify their origin and possibly their value.
Under whose supervision were slave auctions held?
The aediles
Aediles were responsible for public buildings and the regulation of markets.
What is the purpose of the titulus?
A scroll around the slave’s neck identifying the slave’s character
It served as a record of the slave’s attributes for potential buyers.
What information did the titulus include?
- Age
- Nationality
- Diseases
- Tendency to thieve, run away, or attempt suicide
This information helped buyers assess the risk of purchasing a slave.
What happens if a slave had defects not listed in the titulus?
He could be returned within six weeks or the seller would have to pay back the purchaser
This rule protected buyers from undisclosed issues.
What did a slave wear if no warrant was given?
A pilleus (a cap)
This indicated that the buyer assumed all risks associated with the purchase.
What does the term leno refer to?
Pimp - sold slaves for immoral purposes
This term highlights the darker aspects of the slave trade.
Who were the servi publici?
Slaves who took care of public buildings and acted as servants of magistrates and priests
These slaves had specific duties related to public service.
What role did quaestors and aediles have regarding slaves?
They had slaves drilled as a corps of firemen to serve at night under the triumviri nocturni
This was part of maintaining public safety in ancient Rome.
What is a vilicus?
A slave in charge of latifundia
Latifundia were large estates that relied heavily on slave labor.
What is the role of a vilica?
A slave in charge of slave women who make wool clothes and such
This indicates the specialized roles within slave labor.
What does an atriensis do?
This role was crucial in managing household affairs.
What is the function of a procurator/dispensator?
Purchased goods and kept records of the purchases
This role involved financial management within the household.
What is the role of an ostiarius/ianitor?
Door keeper (usually chained to the door post)
This position indicates the importance of security in Roman households.
What does an ornator/ornätrix do?
Hair dresser
This role was important for maintaining the appearance of the household.
What is the role of a tonsor?
Barbers were essential for personal grooming in ancient Rome.
What does a calceator do?
Cared for feet or made shoes
This role was vital for ensuring proper footwear for the household.
Who are the ciniflones/cinerarii?
Hair dressers for the mistress
Their role was focused on the personal care of the lady of the house.
What are anteambulones?
Slaves who cleared the way for the master
This indicates the hierarchical structure in Roman society.
What is the function of a nomenclator?
Reminded master of names of people
This role was important for social interactions and networking.
What are adversitorēs?
Accompanied master back from parties
This indicates the social customs of the elite in ancient Rome.
What is the role of a vestiplicus?
Slave trained to keep the toga folded when not in use
This reflects the importance of attire in Roman society.
What is dominium?
Power of master over slaves
This term encapsulates the legal and social control masters had over their slaves.
True or False: Slaves could be killed without good reason by due process of law.
There were legal protections in place to prevent arbitrary killings of slaves.
What is peculium?
Property of a slave if so granted by master
This term highlights the limited autonomy some slaves could have.
What is a vicarius?
The slave of a slave
This term indicates the hierarchical nature of slave ownership.
What does bubulcus refer to?
A slave who takes care of a yoke of bullocks
This role was important for agricultural practices in ancient Rome.
What is a paedagogus?
A paedagogus accompanied children to school and tutored them.
What did pedisequi/capsarii do?
They carried a child’s books (satchel and tablets).
What could public slaves do upon death?
Public slaves were allowed to dispose of half of their property in their will.
What was the status of private slaves regarding property?
Private slaves either could not or had no heirs.
What materials were rods and sticks for punishment usually made of?
They were usually made of elm (ulmi).
What is a scutica/lörum?
A scutica/lörum is a lash or rawhide made of cords/thongs of leather.
What is a flagrum/flagellum?
A flagrum/flagellum is a whip with bits of bone or metal buttons.
What is a furcifer?
A furcifer is a culprit who carried a log of wood shaped like a V on his shoulders with arms stretched out and hands tied to the ends of the fork.
‘Furca’ means fork.
What does fugitivus refer to?
Fugitivus refers to a fugitive branded with an F on the forehead and sometimes had a metal collar around his neck.
What are cellae familiae?
Cellae familiae are slave quarters.
What is an ergastulum?
An ergastulum is a prison for slaves to work enchained.
What was the punishment for slaves who murdered or attempted to murder their master?
They were crucified.
What is a carnifex/lorärius?
A carnifex/lorärius is a slave who punishes another slave.
Who performed the execution of a slave?
The execution was performed by a servus püblicus.
How could a master pronounce a slave free?
A master could pronounce a slave free before a witness.
What is formal manumission?
Formal manumission is performed under a praetor.
What is a pilleus?
A pilleus is a liberty cap.
What was the relationship between a freedman and his former master?
The former master was no longer a freedman’s dominus, but remained as his patronus.
What is salutatio?
Salutatio is a client’s greeting to his patron in the atrium of the patron’s house.
What is a sportula?
A sportula is a basket given to the client by the patron.
What are tesserae hospitales?
Tesserae hospitales are tokens of hospitality exchanged between individuals.
They were kept from generation to generation so that descendants could recognize each other.