Roman Amusement Flashcards
What are folles in Roman amusement?
Balls filled with hair, feather, or air
Folles were used in various games and activities.
What is trigon?
A game played with three people and two balls
The game had two officials: one kept score and the other returned stray balls.
What does harpastum refer to?
Rugby or football
It was a popular ball game in ancient Rome.
What are latrunculi?
“Little bandits” - chess
This game was strategic and involved capturing opponent pieces.
What is duodecem scripta?
“Twelve tables” - backgammon
This game is one of the oldest board games still played today.
What does calculi refer to?
A board game involving strategy and capturing pieces.
What is micio?
A game similar to Italian mora
It involved guessing and was popular in Roman times.
What are tali?
Knucklebones of a sheep or goat
Five are thrown and caught on the back of the hand, similar to jacks.
What are tesserae (aleae)?
Four sided dice that lacked the numbers 2 and 5
These dice were used in various games of chance.
What is a fritillus?
Dice-box from which the dice were thrown
Essential for games involving dice.
What is the highest throw in dice games called?
This throw consists of all different numbers (6, 4, 3, 1).
What is the middle throw in dice games called?
This throw includes six and three others (6, x, x, x).
What is the lowest throw in dice games called?
This throw consists of all the same number.
What are munera?
Private games
These were organized for specific audiences or events.
What are ludi?
Public games
These included various forms of entertainment for the masses.
What are ludi scaenici?
Dramatic performances in a theater
These performances were a significant part of Roman culture.
What is a mimus?
Mime, farce, actor in mime
Mimes were an important part of Roman theatrical performances.
What is a pantomimus?
This form of entertainment involved storytelling through gestures.
What are comoediae?
These plays often included humorous themes and characters.
What are tragaediae?
These plays dealt with serious themes and often ended in disaster.
What is the dominus gregis?
Manager in producing a play
This individual was responsible for overseeing the production.
What is a grex?
Troupe of inferior actors
This group often performed in less prestigious roles.
What are ornamenta in the context of a play?
Props necessary for a play
What does proscaenium refer to?
Front line of the stage
What is the scaena?
The stage for actors
What was located before the scaena?
Cavea for spectators
Define praecinctio in terms of audience seating.
Semicircular passage in the middle of the audience
What are the two groups of rows in the audience called?
How were the meniana divided?
Into cunei by stairs
How many cunei were there between the audience?
6 cunei
What are vela?
Awnings that protected from rain or sun
What does ludi circenses refer to?
Chariot races
What are factiones?
Chariot companies/factions
What color does russata represent?
What color does albata represent?