Unplanned pregnancy Flashcards
What are the causes of unplanned pregnancy & wanting an abortion?
- Contraceptive problems - failure, non-use/incorrect/inconsistent use
- Other reasons = rape, lack of knowledge/planning, lack of motivation
What are the 3 options someone has when they have an unplanned pregnancy ?
- continue & keep the baby
- Abortion
- continue & have the baby adopted
Termination of pregnancy (TOP) is highest in which age groups ?
What is the abortion act 1967?
- An abortion can take place only if 2 registered medical practitioners are of the opinion, formed in good faith that an abortion is justified within the terms of the act
- Only registered medical practitioners can terminate a pregnancy
- ‘Any treatment for the termination of pregnancy’ must take place in an NHS hospital or approved premises
Note - NI now has the same abortion rules as the rest of the UK
What forms must be completed with regards to TOP?
- Certificate A (HSA1 in england): 2 doctors are required to sign this form before an abortion is performed
- Certificate B (HSA2 in england): this is to be completed by the doctor within 24hrs of an emergency abortion being performed
- HSA4: this must be completed by the doctor & sent to the chief medical officer (CMO) within 7 days of the abortion taking place
Certificate A or B done & then HSA4 always done
What are the legal limits for TOP and the limits for TOP done in scotland and tayside ?
Legal limit:
- For social termination of pregnancy – 23 weeks 6 days
- For fetal anomaly- any gestation
NHS Tayside -18 weeks and 6 days, In scotland no TOP is done past 20weeks after this you need to go down to london for TOP
List the different grounds (both emergency & non-emergency) under which a TOP can be carried out
- A - Continuance of pregnancy would involve risk to life of pregnant woman greater than if pregnancy were terminated
- B -Termination necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to physical/mental health of woman
- C - Pregnancy has NOT exceeded its 24th week and continuance of pregnancy would involve risk, greater than if pregnancy terminated, of injury to physical or mental health of pregnant woman
- D - Pregnancy has NOT exceeded its 24th week and continuance would involve risk, greater than if pregnancy terminated, of injury to physical or mental health of existing child(ren)
- E - There is substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped
- F - It was necessary to save the life of the woman
- G - It was necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman
Go over the important ethical aspects regarding TOP:
- If women is < 16 then you need to assess Gilick competence
- If you are worried about a young person (e.g. abuse) & feel like socail work should be informed then you should let the patient know that you dont have to have consent to speak to social work if you are worried
- Conscientious objection
What are the rules regarding conscientious objection and TOP?
GMC guidelines:
- If carrying out a particular procedure or giving advice about it conflicts with your religious or moral beliefs, and this conflict might affect the treatment or advice you provide, you must explain this to the patient and tell them they have the right to see another doctor.
- You must be satisfied that the patient has sufficient information to enable them to exercise that right. If it is not practical for a patient to arrange to see another doctor, you must ensure that arrangements are made for another suitably qualified colleague to take over your role
- Treatment in the event of an emergency may NOT be denied on the grounds of conscientious objection
Describe the timeline from initial consultation to TOP
Initial consultation:
- Certainty to proceed/alternatives discussed
- USS to confirm pregnancy & determine gestational age
- Complete medical history taken
- Discussion of suitable methods of TOP
Referral for TOP to the TOP clinic is then made
At the TOP clinic plenty of opportunities to discuss options/decisions are provided
Referral is then made for TOP treatment (2 weeks long)
They then come onto the ward for TOP
Alongside the treatment for TOP what else needs to be done ?
- Written consent for procedure and fetal remains
- Bloods obtained (FBC/G&S +/-BBV) – mainly for grouping and saving for future, also Rh status, Hb conc & haemoglobinopathy screening
- Optional screening for STI
- Prophylaxis – when undergoing STOP or MTOP and at an increased risk of STI give 7 days doxycyline or 2 days azithromycin
- Counselling re: ongoing contraception (discussed at every opportunity)
What are the 2 main methods used for TOP and what are the gestational limits for their use ?
- Surgical termination up to < 12 weeks
- Medical termination up to 18 weeks and 6 days (other parts of scotland its done upto 19+6 weeks)
What are the 3 subclassifications based on timing of TOP?
- Early = up to 9 weeks
- Late = 9-12 weeks
- Mid-trimester = 12-24 weeks
Describe the process of a medical TOP
- Given oral Mifepristone (an anti-progesterone) then 24-48hrs they come back to the ward
- 24-48hrs later they are given vaginal (or oral) prostaglandin e.g. misoprostol, gameprost. This can be given upto 5 doses 3hrs apart, abortions > 12 weeks (mid-term) often require > 1 dose
If < 10 weeks gestation then can self-adminster misoprostol at home (not recommended if < 16yrs old) if > 10 weeks then done on the ward
What may a failed medical TOP require ?
Surgical intervention
What are the 2 different methods of surgical TOP?
- Vacuum aspiration carried out between < 14 weeks
- Dilatation and evacuation carried out between > 14 weeks (not available in Scotland)