Breast imaging Flashcards
What does the breast lie over ?
2nd to the 6th ribs in the midclavicular line, anterior to the deep pectoral fascia and the lower part overlying the serratus anterior
What is the layer of loose connective tissue between the breast & pectoral fascia called ?
The rectomammary space
What is the breast enclosed in ?
In superficial fascia
What are the 4 quadrants of the breast?
- Upper inner & upper outer
- Lowe inner & lower outer
Note - it also has an extension called the axillary tail of spence
List some of the indications for breast imaging to be done
- Lumps including axillary ones (due to the axillary tail of spence)
- Unilateral nipple discharge or blood stained discharge
- Skin tethering or dimpling
- Signs of inflammation
NOT for pain, tenderness or symmetrical nodularity, only required for pain if there is associated asymmetrical nodularity
What is the pathway for diagnosing breast lesions ?
Tripple assessment (clinical exam, imaging & pathology - histo & cytology)
What are the 3 main imaging methods which can be used for assessing breast problems ?
- Mammography (film/screen or digitial)
- Ultrasound
What determines which imaging modality is used for assessing a breast problem ?
There symptoms & age
- U/S is generally 1st line if they are < 40 (no radiation)
- Mammography +/- U/S is usually done otherwise
Why is mammography (XRM) the method of choice for breast sceening ?
Because it is the only technique which readily visualises microcalcifications (<0.5mm) - microcalcifications accound for approx 30% of invasive cancers
What is the main advantage of digitial XRM over film/screen XRM ?
It shows better contrast between dense & non-dense tissues ==> better in dense breasts & younger women
What is the appearance of tissues on XRM?
- Fat tissue = low density (darker)
- Glandular tissue = higher density (whiter)
- Calcifications = bright white
- Lymph nodes: oval/horseshoe, fatty hilum
Who are dense breasts more common in ?
Younger & thin women
Taking what can slow down the decrease in breast density as a women ages ?
Taking HRT
What are the features suggestive that calcifications seen are malignant ?
- Cluster or segmental distribution, if scattered or diffuse think benign
- Rhomboid shape of the cluster
- Spiculated shape (little branches coming off it) or linear jagged/irregular mass
- Pleomorphic nature (they vary in size, shape & density)
What are the indications for using ultrasound when assessing breast problems ?
- Used to help characterise mammographic findings e.g. differentiation of cystic & solid lesions
- Palpable lesions < 40yrs old
- Nipple discharge
- Breast implants/augmentation
- Other inflammatory conditions (abscesses)
- Evaluation of response to chemo