Ovarian cancer diagnosis and management (radio and chemo lecture) Flashcards
What are the risk factors for the development of ovarian cancer ?
- >50yrs
- nulliparity (or low parity)
- family history of breast or ovarian cancer - BRCA1 (40%) and BRCA2 (18%), lynch syndrome
- Obesity/diabetes
- Smoking
- Endometriosis
What are some of the protective factors against ovarian cancer ?
- Combined pill
- Hysterectomy or tubes tied
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
What the symptoms of ovarian cancer ?
- Ascites/ bloating - that doesnt come and go
- Persistent pelvic and abdominal pain
- Eating less and feeling fuller
- Pelvic mass/ bladder dysfunction
- Pleural effusion/shortness of breath
- Change in bowel habit
- Bladder symptoms - freq or urge urination
- Weight loss/anaorexia
Roughly what stage do most ovarian cancers present at ?
Late stage
Screening for ovarian cancer is not recommended but when should a women be referred for a genetics risk assessment +/- testing ?
Women with ovarian cancer who have a family history of breast ovarian or colon cancer should have a genetic risk assessment.
Who should be offered BRAC1 and BRCA2 testing ?
All women with non-mucinous ovarian or fallopian tube cancer should
be offered BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation testing.
Who should be offered Prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy?
Women with genetic mutations of BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes should be
offered prophylactic oophorectomy and removal of fallopian tubes
at a relevant time of their life.
When should you carry out investigations for ovarian cancer ?
In women presenting with one or more of the following symptoms on a persistent or frequent basis – particularly more than 12 times per month:
- Abdominal distension or bloating with or without abdominal pain
- Feeling full quickly
- Difficulty eating
- Increased urinary urgency or frequency
What are the 2 first investigations you should carry out for someone with histroy suggestive of ovarian cancer (previously mentioned guidelines for when to investigate)
1st line = blood test to check CA125 levels along with an abdominal or transvaginal US
What should you do if a womens symptoms persist or worsen despite normal CA 125 and a negative ultrasound scan?
Refer to secondary care.
What should you measure in women <40 with suspected ovarian cancer and why?
AFP and beta HCG
To identify women who may not have epithelial ovarian cancer.
What are some of the other reasons for raised CA125?
Raised in ≈80% ovarian cancers but Normal level does not exclude cancer
Moderate elevation seen in numerous situations e.g.
- Endometriosis
- Peritonitis/infection
- pregnancy
- Pancreatitis
- Ascites from any cause.e.g. liver disease
- Other malignancies gynae/non gynae.
After results of CA125 and US suggesting ovarian cancer what should be calculated ?
Risk of malignancy index 1(RMI 1) score
Appreicate this (refer to pic 19 of ovarian cancer lecture if needed) but these are the take home points:
- Bascially if postmenopausal they have a higher number for calculation
- If they have more suspicious features on US then a higher number is put in for that bit of the calculation
- The higher the CA125 the higher the RMI 1
How is someones RMI 1 calculated and what is the level which would be raised indicating malignancy ?
RMI 1 >200

What are the US features which as suggestive of ovarian cancer ?
- Complex mass with solid & cystic area.
- Multi-loculated
- Thick septations
- Associated ascites
- Bilateral disease.
What should be done next after calculating someones RMI 1 score in someone suspected of having ovarian cancer and finding it is >200?
Send for CT of abdo and pelvis
After doing CT what is the last investigation which needs to be done to obtain the definite diagnosis of ovarian cancer and the type of it?
CT guided biopsy for histological study
What is the FIGO staging for ovarian cancer ?
FIGO stage:-
- I- confined to 1 or both ovaries
- II-spread to other pelvic organs eg uterus, fallopian tubes
- III- spread beyond the pelvis within the abdomen
- IV- spread into other organs eg liver, lungs
What are the 2 main ways in which ovarian cancer spreads?
- 1.transcoelomic spread/ peritoneal seeding within pelvis → abdominal cavity
- 2.haematogenous spread → liver, lungs, brain- late and rare
Define early ovarian cancer and late/advanced ovarian cancer ?
Early = stage Ia to Ib (confined to the ovaries)
Late = stage Ic to IV
What should be done for optimal surgical staging of early stage ovarian cancer (done during the main surgical treatment procdure) ?
Optimal surgical staging should be done and should include:
- Biopsies of suspicious looking peritoneal nodules
- Infracolic omentectomy
- Iliac and peri-aortic lymph node sampling (retro-peritoneal lymph node sampling)”
Note retro-peritoneal lymph node sampling rather than systematic lymphadectomy (block dissection of lymph nodes from the pelvic side walls to the level of the renal veins) is recommended
What is the surgical management of early ovarian cancer ?
Women with stage Ia, grade 1 or grade 2 disease, fertility conserving surgery is an option as long as the contralateral ovary appears normal and there is no evidence of omental or peritoneal disease - this procedure is a unilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
Women with stage Ib or grade 3 will undergo a total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO). (removal of both ovaries uterine tubes and uterus + cervix)
When is adjuvant chemotherapy adviced for early stage (I) ovarian cancer ?
Do not offer adjuvant chemotherapy to women who have had optimal surgical staging and have low-risk stage I disease which is - (grade 1 or 2, stage Ia or Ib).
Offer women with high-risk stage I disease (grade 3 Ia or Ib or stage Ic) adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of six cycles of carboplatin.