Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) Flashcards
Define what post-partum haemorrhage is
This is blood loss ≥ 500ml after the birth of the baby
Define what Primary PPH is ?
This is PPH occurring within 24hrs after delivery of the baby
Define what secondary PPH is
This is PPH occurring > 24hrs and < 12/52 post delivery of the baby
How is the severity of PPH classified ?
- Minor = 500-1000ml, without clinical signs of shock
- Major = > 1500ml or signs of shock or on-going bleeding
What are the risk factors for PPH?
- Anaemia
- Previous/ or undergoing C-section
- Placenta praevia or accreta
- Previous PPH
- Previous retained placenta
- Multiple pregnancy
- Polyhydramnios
- Obesity - BMI > 35
- Fetal macrosomnia
- Prolonged labour
- Operative delivery
What is done to help prevent PPH ?
Active management of the 3rd stage of labour - 1st line = syntococin (oxytocin), 2nd line = syntometerine/ergometrine (think for those at higher risk of PPH)
What are the main causes of PPH?
The commonest cause of PPH is uterine atony. However, clinical examination must be undertaken to exclude other causes:
- Retained products (placenta, membranes, clots)
- Vaginal/cervical laceration
- Ruptured uterus
- Broad ligament haematoma
- Extra-genital bleeding
Describe the overall management of PPH
Call for help
Then immediate simultaneous management of the following 3 things:
- Assessing the patient
- Stopping the bleeding
- Fluid replacement
When assessing a patient with PPH what is done ?
- Vital Signs: Pulse, BP, CRT, Sats every 15min
- Give Oxygen
- Determine Cause of bleeding- 4Ts (tone, tissue, trauma, thrombin)
- Blood Samples: FBC, clotting, fibrinogen, U&E, LFT, Lactate
- Cross-match 6 units RBCs
- May need Major Haemorrhage protocol (if so tranexamic acid 1st line to give)
Describe the management of ‘stopping the bleeding’ in someone with a PPH
Uterine massage and bimanual compression and foley catheter to empty bladder
And Drugs:
- 1st line = either IV syntocinon or IM syntometrine (more effective but more side effects and cant be used if HTN, PET, or cardiac disease) (can have a second dose)
- 2nd line = IV infusion of syntocinon in 500ml hartmans
- 3rd line = IM carbaprost (up to 8 doses)
- 4th line = Misoprostol PR
If persistent beyond this point make sure to have called for a consultant and EUA done to determine the cause e.g. vaginal, cervical, perinanal trauma, retained products etc. Repair or surgical measures then used

What are the main causes of secondary PPH?
Due to retained placental tissue or endometritis
Describe the management of secondary PPH
Exclude retained products of conception (RPOC) with U/S - if so needs surgical evacuation
Infection likely cause so need to do high vaginal & endocervical swabs
After PPH has been managed (primary or secondary) what is needed to be done ?
Thromboprophylaxis and management of anaemia so may need to be given IV Fe/ oral