HIV Flashcards
What is HIV ?
It is a virus which when left untreated causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
What is the life-expectancy of someone with HIV?
Someone with treated HIV will have a near normal life expectancy because AIDS is prevented
What is the most common cause of HIV related morbidity & mortality ?
- Late diagnosis - 13% of those in the UK are undiagnosed
- This means there is time for HIV-related complications to develop
What are the 3 largest groups of people living with HIV in the UK?
- Heterosexual people from sub-sahran africa
What are the most common places in the world affected by HIV ?
- Sub-saharan africa
- Caribbean
- South-east asia
What type of virus is HIV and what are the main sub-types
- It is a retrovirus
- 2 types - HIV-1 (most common globally) & HIV-2 (largely confined to africa)
What is the target sites of HIV virus in the body and what is the relevence of this
CD4+ receptors are the target site
What is CD4+ and where is it found ?
It is a glycoprotein found on the surfaces mainly of the following cells:
- T-helper lymphocytes
- Dendritic cells
- Macrophages
- Microglial cells (immune cells in the CNS)
What is the function of CD4+ Th lymphocytes ?
CD4+ Th lymphocytes are essential for induction of the adaptive immune response, they recognise MHC2 antigen presenting cells & then activate B cells (these turn into antibodies), macrophaes, & killer T cells. They also release cytokines which tell macrophages & other lymphocytes etc to come over & help
Describe the stages of HIV infection and development into AIDS
- Initial exposure - infection of mucosal CD4+ cell (dendiritic cell), virus is then transported by these cells to regional lymph nodes, infection becomes established within 3 days of exposure (short window to cure patient)
- Primary infection phase - this is the first 6 months following exposure
- Asymptomatic phase - this can last ≥ 10years
- Constitutional symptoms develop just before AIDS
- Development of AIDS
- Death - takes 9-11 years without treatment
What effect does HIV infection have on the immune response ?
- Sequestration of cells in lymphoid tissues ==> resulting in reduced circulating CD4+ cells
- Reduced proliferation of CD4+ cells
- Reduction CD8+ (cytotoxic) T cell activation - due to dysregulated expression of cytokines (cytokines needed to activate them recall function of CD4+ Th lymphocyte)
- Reduction in B cells becoming antibodies
- Chronic Immune Activation
These all lead to incresed susceptibility to infection & infection-induced cancers
What is the normal parameters of CD4+ Th cells and what counts shoud you be worried about getting opportunistic infections ?
- Normal: 500-1600 cells/mm3
- Risk of opportunistic infections when: <200 cells/mm3
What are the different ways in which HIV infection can be transmitted ?
- Sexual intercourse (vaginal & anal)
- Mother to child (in utero, during delivery & during breastfeeding)
- Infected blood products
What are the clinical features of primary HIV infection and when do symptoms/signs usually occur after exposure ?
Symptoms usually occur 2-4 weeks after exposure and present with a combination of:
- Fever
- Rash (maculopapular)
- Myalgia
- Pharyngitis
- Headache/aseptic meningitis
What is the risk of onward transmission of HIV during the primary infection stage ?
Very high - during this period there is uncontrolled viral replication (high HIV levels circulating)
During the primary infection stage of HIV what is happening to the CD4+ count ?
It is decreasing whilst the HIV levels are increasing
What clinical features during the asymptomatic stage of HIV infection may someone have ?
Persistent lymphadenopathy
Alos multiple niggly things which are easily overlooked:
- Mucosal candidiasis
- Sebhorrhoeic dermatitis
- Diarrhoea
- Fatigue
- Worsening psoriasis
- Parititis
- STI’s
- Hep B or C
During the asymptomatic phase of HIV infection what is happening to the CD4+ counts and HIV viral load ?
- CD4+ counts still decreasing
- HIV viral load increasing
Following the asymptomatic phase patients develop aids related complex - symptomatic HIV infection, what are the symptoms which patients presnet with?
Constitutional symptoms:
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Diarrhoea decreased weight
- Minor opportunisitic infections e.g. oral candida, hairy leukoplakia, herpes zoster, recurrent HSV, regular infections
What is AIDS charactersied by ?
- Being HIV positive & having an indicator disease i.e. opportunistic infection
- CD4+ count is also usually < 200 cells/mm3
Define what an opportunisitic infection is
This is an infection caused by a pathogen that does not normally produce disease in a healthy individual
What is by far the most common opportunisitc infection seen in HIV?
Pneumocystis pneumonia
What is the causative organism of Pneumocystis pneumonia ?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Under what CD4+ count does a patient become susceptable to Pneumocystis pneumonia infection?
< 200
What are the signs/symptoms of Pneumocystis pneumonia infection?
- SOB & dry cough over a number of weeks
- Excercise desaturation - O2 sats <88% during exercise
How is Pneumocystis pneumonia diagnosed ?
BAL & Sputum immunofluorescence (gained via cough or broncoscopy) +/- PCR
What is the treatment of high Pneumocystis pneumonia infection ?
High dose co-trimoxazole +/- steroid (prednisolone) if severe hypoxia
What prophylatic treatment can be given to prevent further attacks of Pneumocystis pneumonia and when is this given ?
If CD4+ count < 200 then given low dose co-trimoxazole after 1st attack until CD4+ count is > 200
If a HIV +ve patient has cough, fever, night sweats or weight loss, what do they have until proven otherwise ?
How is active TB diagnosed ?
CXR + multiple sputum samples for TB microscopy & culture