Unnid 6. Ceau Traa. Fronting. Flashcards
S’mie shen!
Ta shen mie.
S’mie shen.
Both S’mie shen! and Ta shen mie mean ‘That is good.’
S’mie shen! is stronger, and could also mean
‘How good is that!’ or ‘Wow, that’s good!’
S’trieh yn skeeal shen!
(Wow) That’s a sad story!
How sad is that story!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’feayr yn laa t’ayn jiu!
How cold is it today!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’goan shen! Dy jarroo.
How rare is that! Indeed.
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’doillee yn obbyr shoh!
How difficult is this job!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’millish yn jalloo shoh!
How sweet is this picture!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’bastagh shen!
How pitiful is that!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’cummey shen!
That doesn’t matter!
S’cummey lhiam shen!
That doesn’t matter to me.
S’lhiam shen!
I own that!
(Conjugations of ‘Lesh’ are the only prepositions that can be ‘fronted’)
S’olk shen!
How bad is that!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’beg yn moddey shen!
How small is that dog!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’doghanagh yn thie ayds.
How untidy is your house!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’daaney yn
meoir-shee shen!
How brave is that
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’debejagh shinyn!
How desperate are we!
S’dree yn lessoon echeysyn!
How boring is his lesson!
S’lhiats yn varriaght!
You have (own) the victory!
(Conjugations of ‘Lesh’ are the only prepositions that can be ‘fronted’)
S’eddrym yn roar ayd!
How light is your bicycle!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’mooar ny seaghyn aym!
How great are my troubles!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’anchasley eh
rish yn vraar echey!
How different he is
to his brother!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
(Wow) That’s a sad story!
How sad is that story!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’trieh yn skeeal shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How cold is it today!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’feayr yn laa t’ayn jiu!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How rare is that! Indeed.
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’goan shen! Dy jarroo.
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How difficult is this job!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’doillee yn obbyr shoh!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How sweet is this picture!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’millish yn jalloo shoh!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How pitiful is that!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’bastagh shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
That doesn’t matter!
S’cummey shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
That doesn’t matter to me.
S’cummey lhiam shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
I own that!
(Conjugations of ‘Lesh’ are the only prepositions that can be ‘fronted’)
S’lhiam shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How bad is that!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’olk shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How small is that dog!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’beg yn moddey shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How untidy is your house!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’doghanagh yn thie ayds.
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How brave is that
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’daaney yn
meoir-shee shen!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How desperate are we!
S’debejagh shinyn!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How boring is his lesson!
S’dree yn lessoon echeysyn!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
You have (own) the victory!
(Conjugations of ‘Lesh’ are the only prepositions that can be ‘fronted’)
S’lhiats yn varriaght!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How light is your bicycle!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’eddrym yn roar ayd!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How great are my troubles!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’mooar ny seaghyn aym!
Translate into Manx (start the phrase with S’.)
How different he is
to his brother!
(An emphatic statement; not a question.)
S’anchasley eh
rish yn vraar echey!