Unnid 4. My Lught-Thie 3. Comparative Adjectives. Flashcards
Learn more comparative adjectives and practice making sentences.
ny saa
younger / junior
ny smoo
bigger / larger
ny share
ny smelley
ny smelley
ny s’girrey
ny stroshey
ny strimmey
ny shinney
older / senior
ny sloo
smaller / less
ny sassey
ny s’duiney
ny smenkey
more difficult
ny s’duiney
ny sodjey
further / longer (in time & distance)
ny s’liurey
longer (in length)
ny saaley
more beautiful
ny sanmey
ny s’eddrymmey
lighter (in weight)
ny s’girroo
the slowest car
yn gleashtan smelley
the most beautiful day
yn laa saaley
the best story
yn skeeal share
the oldest church
yn keeill shinney
the largest amount
yn chooid smoo
the most frequent event
yn taghyrt smenkey
the deepest lake
yn logh s’duiney
the longest day
yn laa sodjey
the roughest road
yn raad s’girroo
its later than that
t’eh ny sanmey na shen
she’s younger than that
t’ee ny saa na shen
its later than that
t’eh ny sanmey na shen
Is this bigger than that?
Vel shoh ny smoo na shen?
Which is the lightest one?
Cre’n fer s’eddrymmey?
Which number is the most frequent bus?
Cre’n earroo ta’n barroose smenkey?
Is this stronger?
Vel shoh ny stroshey?
The red one is better than the blue one.
Ta’n fer jiarg ny share na’n fer gorrym.
That’s the biggest one I have.
Shen yn fer smoo t’aym.
The worst idea.
Yn eie smessey.
What’s the easiest way to do this?
C’red ta’n aght sassey shoh y yannoo?
Is this stronger than soap?
Vel shoh ny stroshey na sheeabin?
What time does the latest bus leave?
Cre’n traa ta’n barroose sanmey faagail?
Cre’n traa vees yn barroose sanmey faagail?
Who’s the oldest child?
Quoi yn paitçhey shinney?
Is this the smallest one you have?
Vel shoh yn fer sloo t’ayd?
Its getting heavier.
T’eh gaase ny strimmey.
I’m getting worse.
Ta mee gaase ny smelley.
We are all growing older.
Ta shin ooilley gaase ny shinney.
Its getting better these days.
T’eh gaase ny share ny laghyn t’ayn jiu.
The days are getting longer now.
Ta ny laghyn gaase ny shinney nish.
Is your hair getting longer?
Vel dty folt gaase ny s’liurey?
It’s getting colder, isn’t it?
T’eh gaase ny s’feayrey, nagh vel?
It was hotter this morning.
V’eh ny s’çhoe moghrey jiu.
This is the highest floor.
Shoh yn laare syrjey.