Intro. xxi. Lenition of Names. Flashcards
Thie Vrian
Brian’s house.
Braar Anna
Anna’s brother
Conar’s sister
Shuyr Chonar
Ayr Ghonal
Donal’s father.
Inneen Finbar
Finbar’s daughter
moddey Ghary
Gary’s dog
mac Helen
Helen’s son
cabbyl Yuan
Juan’s horse
laa ruggyree Chate
Kate’s birthday
Croit Leonard
Leonard’s cottage
Garey Vike
Mike’s garden.
thie Warree
Granny’s house
kayt Nicola
Nicola’s cat
magher Pheddyr
Peddyr’s field
Thie Whentin
Quentin’s house
Shapp Rabbie
Rabbie’s shop
Thie Samuel
or; Thie Hamuel
Samuel’s House
laue Hom
Tom’s hand
ben Hom
Tom’s wife
Thie Vincent
Vincent’s house
Names beginning with
W change to?
No Change
example: kione Walter - Walter’s head
Should you lenite less familiar names?
- example:* mac Jiao-long - Jiao-long’s son
- Don’t lenite If you think it might cause confusuon.*
Should you lenite surnames?
example: Balley Cain - Cain’s Settlement
Traditional Manx names ending in ys, or se
change to?
As well as lenition of the first letter, in classical Manx the final ys, or se of traditional Manx names may change to:
- example a:* moir Yamish - Jamys’ mother
- example b:* ayr Varkish - Markys’ father
- example c:* thie Homaish - Thomase’s mother
When might you
lenite names?
1. To show something belongs to the person.
example: thie Yuan - Juan’s house
2. After words that cause lenition, such as;
un, daa, my, dty, e, shenn, drogh, etc.
example: daa Yulie - two Julies
3. When addressing a person directly by name.
example: Hom, tar dys shoh! - Tom, come here!