Unnid 3. My Lught-Thie 2. Older, Younger, Bigger, Smaller, Better, Worse. Flashcards
older / elder / oldest / eldest / senior
yn thie shinney
the oldest house
yn ven shinney
the oldest woman / the elder woman
yn dooinney shinney
the oldest man / the elder man
T’eh ny shinney.
He is older.
T’ou ny shinney.
You are older.
Bee oo ny shinney.
You’ll be older.
younger / youngest / junior
T’eh ny saa.
He is younger.
yn cabbyl saa
the youngest horse
yn cabbyl saa
the youngest horse
Vel Tom ny saa na Jim?
Is Tom younger than Jim?
Cha nel Tom ny saa na Jim; t’eh ny shinney.
Tom isn’t younger than Jim; he’s older.
bigger / biggest
yn logh smoo sy teihll
the biggest lake in the world
Vel Rhumsaa ny smoo na Doolish?
Is Ramsey bigger than Douglas?
Row eh ny smoo na shoh?
Was it bigger than this?
smaller / smallest / least
Vel yn gleashtan shoh ny sloo na’n gleashtan shen?
Is this car smaller than that car?
Shoh yn gleashtan sloo ayns Mannin.
This is the smallest car in the Isle of Man.
better / best
yn lioar share
the best book
T’ad gobbragh ny share nish.
They are working better now.
worse / worst
worse / worst
yn bee smessey
the worst food
C’red ta’n fer smessey?
Which is the worst one?
Vel shoh ny smessey na shen?
Is this worse than that?
This is the best one.
(She) shoh yn fer share.
Is this better?
Vel shoh ny share?
This is the biggest house.
(She) shoh yn thie smoo.
That is the smallest car.
(She) shen yn gleashtan sloo.
He is the oldest boy here.
She eshyn yn guilley shinney aynshoh.
She yn guilley shinney aynshoh eh.
Is she younger than him?
Vel ee ny saa na eh?
Is that the worst food?
Nee shen yn bee smessey?