Intro. xii. Did, Does, Will do. Flashcards
Learn how to say "I did", "I do" and "I will do". This is a short introduction to the present, past and future of 'jannoo' (to do).
Jean oo shooyl?
Will you walk?
Nagh ren oo briaght?
Didn’t you ask?
Cha nel ee briaght.
She isn’t asking.
Cha ren eh jarrood.
He didn’t forget.
Cha jean eh shooyl.
He won’t walk.
Vel oo jannoo eh nish?
Are you doing / making it now?
Ta mee jannoo eh nish.
I’m doing / making it now.
Ren oo geaishtagh?
Did you listen?
Ren oo eh jea?
Did you do it yesterday?
Ren eh gra shen?
Did he say that?
Ren mee shooyl.
I walked.
T’eh jannoo dy mie.
He’s doing well.
Nagh ren eh shooyl.
Didn’t he walk.
Ren mee eh jea.
I did / made it yesterday.
Jean oo shen mairagh?
Will you do that tomorrow?
Cha jeanym jarrood shen.
I won’t forget that.
Cha ren mee eh jea.
I didn’t do it yesterday.
Cha jean
Won’t do.
Cha jean ee briaght.
She won’t ask.
Ren mee smooinaghtyn.
I thought.
Nee’m briaght.
I’ll ask.
Will do
Cha jeanym ginsh breag.
I won’t tell a lie.
Cha nel mee jannoo eh nish.
I’m not doing / making it now.
Nee’m eh mairagh.
Neeym eh mairagh.
Nee’m ginsh skeeal da.
I’ll tell a story to him.
Vel oo baghey ayns Sulby?
Do you live in Sulby?
Ren mee shoh.
I did / made this.
Ren eh roie?
Did he run?
Ren eh gobbragh jea?
Did he work today?
Cha ren mee ginsh breag.
I didn’t tell a lie.
Nee’m shooyl mairagh.
I’ll walk tomorrow.
Cha ren ee roie.
She didn’t run.
Cha ren mee shooyl.
I didn’t walk.
Ta mee goll.
I’m going.
Cha jean eh ginsh skeeal da.
He won’t tell a story to him.
C’raad ren oo shooyl?
Where did you walk?
Nee’m my chooid share.
I’ll do my best.
Nagh vel ee baghey ayns Doolish nish?
Doesn’t she live in Douglas now?
cha ren
didn’t do
Cha nel mee gobbragh.
I’m not working.
Cha ren mee smooinaghtyn.
I didn’t think.
Cha ren eh shooyl.
He didn’t walk.
Cha ren eh roie.
He didn’t tell run.
Ren oo dy mie.
You did well.
C’raad nee oo shen?
Where will you do that?
Cha ren mee snaue.
I didn’t swim.
Cha jeanym eh mairagh.
I won’t do it tomorrow.
Cha nel eh snaue.
He isn’t trying.
Translate into Manx
Will you walk?
Jean oo shooyl?
Translate into Manx
Didn’t you ask?
Nagh ren oo briaght?
Translate into Manx
She isn’t asking.
Cha nel ee briaght.
Translate into Manx
He didn’t forget.
Cha ren eh jarrood.
Translate into Manx
He won’t walk.
Cha jean eh shooyl.
Translate into Manx
Are you doing / making it now?
Vel oo jannoo eh nish?
Translate into Manx
I’m doing / making it now.
Ta mee jannoo eh nish.
Translate into Manx
Did you listen?
Ren oo geaishtagh?
Translate into Manx
Did you do it yesterday?
Ren oo eh jea?
Translate into Manx
Did he say that?
Ren eh gra shen?
Translate into Manx
I walked.
Ren mee shooyl.
Translate into Manx
He’s doing well.
T’eh jannoo dy mie.
Translate into Manx
Didn’t he walk.
Nagh ren eh shooyl.
Translate into Manx
I did / made it yesterday.
Ren mee eh jea.
Translate into Manx
Will you do that tomorrow?
Jean oo shen mairagh?
Translate into Manx
I won’t forget that.
Cha jeanym jarrood shen.
Translate into Manx
I didn’t do it yesterday.
Cha ren mee eh jea.
Translate into Manx
Won’t do.
Cha jean
Translate into Manx
She won’t ask.
Cha jean ee briaght.
Translate into Manx
I thought.
Ren mee smooinaghtyn.
Translate into Manx
I’ll ask.
Nee’m briaght.
Translate into Manx
Will do
Translate into Manx
I won’t tell a lie.
Cha jeanym ginsh breag.
Translate into Manx
I’m not doing / making it now.
Cha nel mee jannoo eh nish.
Translate into Manx
Neeym eh mairagh.
Nee’m eh mairagh.
Translate into Manx
I’ll tell a story to him.
Nee’m ginsh skeeal da.
Translate into Manx
Do you live in Sulby?
Vel oo baghey ayns Sulby?
Translate into Manx
I did / made this.
Ren mee shoh.
Translate into Manx
Translate into Manx
Did he run?
Ren eh roie?
Translate into Manx
Did he work today?
Ren eh gobbragh jea?
Translate into Manx
I didn’t tell a lie.
Cha ren mee ginsh breag.
Translate into Manx
I’ll walk tomorrow.
Nee’m shooyl mairagh.
Translate into Manx
She didn’t run.
Cha ren ee roie.
Translate into Manx
I didn’t walk.
Cha ren mee shooyl.
Translate into Manx
I’m going.
Ta mee goll.
Translate into Manx
He won’t tell a story to him.
Cha jean eh ginsh skeeal da.
Translate into Manx
Where did you walk?
C’raad ren oo shooyl?
Translate into Manx
I’ll do my best.
Nee’m my chooid share.
Translate into Manx
Doesn’t she live in Douglas now?
Nagh vel ee baghey ayns Doolish nish?
Translate into Manx
didn’t do
cha ren
Translate into Manx
I’m not working.
Cha nel mee gobbragh.
Translate into Manx
I didn’t think.
Cha ren mee smooinaghtyn.
Translate into Manx
He didn’t walk.
Cha ren eh shooyl.
Translate into Manx
He didn’t tell run.
Cha ren eh roie.
Translate into Manx
You did well.
Ren oo dy mie.
Translate into Manx
Where will you do that?
C’raad nee oo shen?
Translate into Manx
I didn’t swim.
Cha ren mee snaue.
Translate into Manx
I won’t do it tomorrow.
Cha jeanym eh mairagh.
Translate into Manx
He isn’t trying.
Cha nel eh snaue.