Universal Science Class 3 Flashcards
What is a ROOT
The part of the plant that grows under the soil
What is a shoot of the plant
The part of the plant that grows above the soil is the shoot
What makes up the shoot of the plant.
The shoot of the plant is made up of
Flower buds
What are three important functions of the root?
1, The root fixes the plant to the soil. without roots the plant would fall over.
2, Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil
- Some roots store food in them.
Name some roots that store food in them
The roots that store food in them are
- Carrot
2, Raddish
- Beetroot
- Turnip

There are two main types of roots, name them

The thick main root that grows from the bottom end of the stem is the

Tap root
Name tree plants that have TAP ROOTS
Several roots of different sizes that are bunched together and grow at the lower end of the stem are known as?
Fibrous roots
Give four examples of FIBROUS ROOTS

Give three main differences between TAP ROOTS and FIBROUS ROOTS
- Has one main stem
- Small thin roots grow out from the main root
- The main root is thick and the side roots are thin
- There is no main root
2, Bushy roots grow from the bae of the stem
- All the roots are of the same thickness
Give Five functions of the stem1.
1, The stem gives support to the plant
- The stem carries food and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
- The stem carries food made by the leaves to all parts of the plant
- The stem of some plants like sugarcane store food
- Branches, leaves flowers and fruits grown on the stem
Give three examples of underground stems?
The flat part of the leaf is known as a ?
Leaf blade aka lamina
Are the upper and lower side of the leaf the same
- The upper side of the leaf is smooth and dark
- the lower side of the leaf is rough and light
Running through the middle of the leaf is a thin tube called the
Main Vein

Many smaller tubes run from the main vein of a leaf. These smaller tubes are known as?
Side veins
Give three important function of the LEAF
- The leaf prepares food for the whole plant
- Leaves help the plant to breathe
- Certain leaves store food which we eat as vegetables. spinach and cabbage
The most attractive part of the plant is the?
Flowers grow from small buds on the stem known as?
Flower buds

Do some flowers grow into fruits
Give two examples of flowers that turn into fruits

Name two fruits with a single seed
Name a fruit with a few seeds
Name the fruit which has many seeds
the process of development of a seed into a plant is known as germination
Give four uses of plants
- The plants are our primary source of food
- The roots of plants hold the soil together and prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil
- Plants help to beautify the surroundings
- Plants remove carbon dioxide and give oxygen
Name five herbivores
Is a lizard a carnivore
Ye. It eats tiny insects
Nme three birds that eat the flesh of other animals?
Is the crow a carnivore or herbivore?
Crow is an omnivore
Is a bear a carnivore or a herbivore?
A bear is a omnivore
Herbivores have sharp teeth in the front. why?
Herbivores have sharp teeth in the front to bite into grass and leaves
Herbivores have flat teeth at the back. why?
Herbivores have flat teeth at the back to help them chew the food
What is Ruminating?
Cows and buffalos swollow food without chewing. Later they bring the food back to the mouth from the stomach to chew it. This is known as CHEWING CUD or RUMINATING
Why do carnivores have sharp and pointed teeth at the front
It helps them tear into the flesh
why do carnivores have flat back teeth
To help them chew the food
Name two animals that swollow thie food without tearing or chewing?
How do Lizards and frogs cathch their prey?
with their long sticky tongues

How does a mosquito feed itself?
Through its long pointed tube attached to its mouth

How does a butterfly feed itself
It sucks nectar from the flower through its long tube

Why do squirrels, rabbits and rats have very sharp front teeth?
It helps them break open seeds, nuts and fruits.
They bite the food repeatedly. this is known as gnawing
The method of drinking liquids by cats and dogs is known as?
An adult human has how many teeth?
________is always the first level of any food chain
Give one example of a food chain
What are domestic animals?
Animals that are useful to us and live with us are domestic animals
Name some Domestic animals?
- Cows, buffalos, goats….milk
- Hens…eggs and meat
- Dogs..guard our houses
- Sheep…give us wool
- Elephants, donkeys and horses,,,carry loads
A doctor who treats the sick and injured animals?
Veterinary doctor
What is a FOOD CHAIN
A chain of living things that shows their dependence on one another for food
The birds have very strong muscles to move their wings. These muscles are known as?
Flight muscle
The body of a bird is shaped like a ?
Why is the body of a bird STREMLINED body
The body of a bird is STREAMLINED because its pointed beak and head helps it cut through the air
Why is the body of a bird Light?
The body of a bird is light because its bones are hollow
What is the function of a Birds Tail?
It helps it to change direction
When a bird flies it lifts itself up in the air by flapping its wings. what are the two strokes
Upstroke ( upward and backward)
Downstroke ( downward and forward)
How does a bird land?
It spreads its wings and glides down smoothly without much flapping
Why do birds have feathers?
Helps the birds fly
Keeps the birds warm
Give it shape
Birds have three types of feathers, name them?
Flight feathers
Down feathers
Body feathers
What are the features of flight feathers?
1, They are large feathers
- They are found in the tail and wings
- they help the bird to lift themselves and provide balance
What are the features of Down Feathers
1, They are sort and fluffy
2,They are close to the skin and keeps the bird warm
Which feathers give the birds its shape
Body feathers
Do birds have teeth?
The shape of a birds beak depends on what
The shape of a birds beak depends on the kind of food it eats
Name six different types of beak
1, Short and hard beak…sparrow and peacock
- Broad and flat beak …duck
3, Spoon shaped beak…spoonbill
- Curved beak…parrot
- Strong Hard and hooked beak…eagles, vultures kites
- Chisel shaped beak….woodpecker
What is the role of feet and claws for the birds
1, to catch food
- To protect themselves
3, To sit on tree branches
The flesh eating birds have sharp and curved toes called?
What kind of feet do the perching birds have?
They have three front toes and one back toe
Give three examples of a perching birds
Name this perching bird

Name two scratching birds
Hens and roosters
What kind of legs do the scratching birds have
they have strong legs with sharp and hard claws for scratching the ground to dig out insects and worms
Swimming birds like ducks and geese have__________feet
Birds that walk through water in search of food are called
Wading birds
Give two examples of wading birds
Name a climbing bird
What kind of feet does the woodpecker have
they have two toes that point upwards and two toes that point downward
Name this bird who lays its eggs in the nests of other birds

Where does an Eagle makes its nest?
Eagles make their nests on branches of tall trees or on rocks

Name a bird that makes its nest out of large sized leaves caleed a stitched nest
tailor bird

The nest of of an eagle is known?
Name the bird that makes its nest on open ground
This nest is made by which bird

The nest is made of twigs, grass and leaves
Name the birds of prey?