Everything around us is made up of
Air that we breathe is matter
True or false
All the matter in the universe originated from the
Big bang
How did the Big Bang create all matter
- During the Big bang large amounts of energy was released
- These bundles of energy formed tiny particles from which all matter was created
Name some types of Energy
- Light energy
- heat energy
- Chemical energy
- Solar energy
- Electrical energy
- Magnetic energy
- Sound energy
The word material is derived from the word
Define matter
Anything that occupies space and has mass
Define Volume
The space occupied by matter
Do atoms usually have an independent existence
Two or more atoms combine to form a
The Symbol O represents
The Oxygen atom
This symbol represents
The Oxygen gas which is a molecule made of two atoms of oxygen
Can atoms and molecules be seen with the naked eye or through a simple microscope
name the Indian Philosopher who proposed that matter is made of Atoms almost 2600 years ago
In the modern times who proposed that matter is made of Atoms
John dalton
Particles of matter are held together by a force of attraction called INTERMOLECULAR FORCE
Particles of matter are always in a Random Motion
True or false
The particles of motion that are in Random motion posses a kind of energy called
How can we increase the Kinetic energy of the particles
by heating it
Particles of matter have spaces between them called
Intermolecular space
Solids are of two types
- Hard solids
- Soft solids
Solids have how many free surfaces
Liquids have how many free surfaces
Gases have how many free surfaces
List the properties of Solids
- They have a definite volume
- They are Rigid
- They have a definite shape and theyb retain their shape
- Incompressible
- Any number of free surfaces
Gases exert equal pressure on all sides.
True or false
Define AIR
Air is a mixture of gases
Define FLUID
All substances that can flow is called a fluid
Give examples of fluids
Liquids and Gases
Do atoms of a solid move
They only vibrate about their mean position
What are the two factors that create the different states of matter
- Intermolecular force of attraction
- Intermolecular space
The Random motion of particles are of two types
- Browinian Motion
- Diffusion
Define Brownian Motion
The Zig Zag motion of a particle in a suspended medium is called Brownian motion
What is diffusion
The phenomenon of intermixing of particles of one type with another is called Diffusion
Name the fluid that diffuses very easily
Liquids diffuse slower than Gases.
True or false
What are Miscible Liquids
Liquids that micx with each other
Give an example of Miscible liquids
Water and alcohol
Liquids that dont mix with each other are called
Immiscible liquids
Give an example of Immiscible Liquid
Oil and water
What is the effect of Temperature on Diffusion
When temperature increases the rate of diffusion increases
Why dont solids diffuse under Normal conditions
Solids are very rigid
Give three examples of diffusion
- Leakage of LPG gas
- Red ink in water
- Incense stick
Matter can change from one state to another under certain conditions of Temperature and pressure without any change in its chemical properties
Please Take care
Give three examples of Pressure causing a change in State of matter
- under normal conditions the LPG is a a gas but in the cylinder its liquid under high pressure.
- oxygen is a gas but in the oxygen cylinder its liquid under pressure
- The hardest rock under the earths crust melts under high temperature and pressure
What is Sublimation
The conversion of a solid substance to a gaseous state without undergoing a liquid stae on heating
Give examples of sublimation
- Camphor
- Naphthalene
- Iodine
- Dry ice
What is dry ice
Solid Carbon dioxide
The FIXED TEMPERATURE at which solid changes to a liquid at a given PRESSURE
The Melting point of ice is
Zero degree celsius
The Freezing point of water is
Zero degree celsius
Vaporisation is also known as
Define vaporisation
The process by which a substance changes from a liquid state to a vapour state
Can Evaporation occur at room temperature
Can Boiling occur at room temperature
What is boiling
The change of state from a liquid to a gaseous state by heating.
Boiling is the extreme form of vaporisation
Define Boiling Point
The fixed temperature at which a liquid starts changing to a gaseous state
Define Condensation
The process by which a gaseous state changes to a liquid state is called Condensation
Condensation is also known as
Define Condensation Point
The definite temperature at which a gaseous state changes to a liquid state
the condensation point of Steam is
100 degree celsius
Freezing is aka
Define Freezing
The process by which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid state
Define Freezing Point
The definite temperature at which liquid changes to a solid state
All the states of matter expand on heating. This is called Thermal Expansion
This thin glass tube with a small internal diameter is called
Capillary Tube
The Thermometer is constructed based on which scientific principle
Liquids expand on heating and contract on cooling
List the three most important effects of heat on Matter
- Interconversion of states of matter
- Thermal expansion
- Chemical change
The permanent change in which a new substance is created from the substances takes is known as
Chemical change
Give an example of a Physical and chemical change
- The candle wax burns..Physical change
- The vapour produced when the wax burns reacts with air and produces Carbon dioxide and water..Chemical change
Chemically matter can be divide into
- Elements
- Compounds
- Mixtures
List 6 properties of a pure substance
- It has definite physical and chemical properties
- It has a fixed melting and boiling point
- It cannot be broken into simpler substances
- Has a uniform composition throughout. HOMOGENOUS
- Are of two types. Elements and compounts
Define an Element
An element is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom
Define a Compound
a Compound is a pure substance made up of only one type of molecule
is water a pure substance
Is water mixed with salt a pure substance
So far how many elements are there on the Periodic Table
How many elements of the Periodic table are found in Nature in the soil, rocks, air and water
How many elements of the periodic table are artificially made
On the basis of properties elements are classified into
- Metas
- Non Metals
- Metalloids
- Inert Gases/Noble Gases
Most of the elements on the periodic table belong to which category
Is calcium a Metal
List the seven properties of Metals
- Metals are solids
- Metals have a shine. Lustre
- Metals have a high BP and MP
- Good conductors of heat and electricity
- Malleable
6.Ductile - Produce a specific sound when struck ( Sonorous)
Name a metal in the liquid stae
name a metal that is not malleable but very brittle
Name a soft metal
Sodium Na
Name a metal that is a bad conductor of heat and electricity
Why are metals good conductors of electricity
Because metals have free electrons
Most of the non metals are in which state
Soft solids and gases
Name a Non metal in the liquid state
Give three examples of Soft Solids
Phosphorous P
Iodine I
Sulphur S
Give examples of non metals in the Gas state
- oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
- Chlorine
Non metals are bad conductors of heat and electricity. What are the exceptions
Non metals have a low boiling and Melting point. Name the exceptions
Non metals have a dull surface. Give the exceptions
carbon ( Graphite and diamond)
Give example of carbon as a hard solid
Give examples of Carbon as soft solid
- Coal
- Charcoal
- graphite
What is the difference between Coal and Charcoal
- Coal is a natural Mineral
- Charcoal is burnt wood
Elements that are neither metals nor non metals are called
Give examples of METALLOIDS
- Arsenic
- Polonium
- Antimony
- Tellurium
- Boron
- Silicon
- Germanium
Give examples of Inert gases aka Noble gases
- Xenon
- Helium
- Krypton
- Neon
- Argon
- radon
Why are the Noble gases called Inert gases
Because they do not react with other elements
The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called
The vertical columns on the periodic table are called
The simplest element formed after the Big bang was
This was followed by helium
The universal element is
The elements that make up the earths crust is
- Oxygen
- Silicon
- iron
- Aluminium
The element abundant in the atmosphere is
The element abundant in the human body
- carbon
- oxygen
- Hydrogen
Define a compound on the basis of Element
A compound is a pure substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in a definite proportion by mass
can the components of a compound be separated by simple physical means
When a compound is created is ENERGY absorbed or evolved
When a MIXTURE is created is ENERGY absorbed or evolved
Can water be separated by Simple Physical Means
Why cant water be separated by simple physical means
Because water is a compound
How can water be separated
By a chemical process called ELECTROLYSIS
It is a chemical process where electric current is passed through a compound in liquid state to separate its CONSTITUENT ELEMENTS
Describe Chlorine
Chlorine is a Greenish yellow poisonous Gas and highly reactive
Does Sodium Na readily react with air and water
How can we separate the substances in a mixture by simple physical means
- Filtration
- Evaporation
3.Decantation - Sedimentation
The number of Atoms in the molecule of an element
Name Diatomic molecules
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen.
- Chlorine
Name triatomic molecules
Ozone. made of three atoms of oxygen
What are polyatomic molecules
molecules made of more than three atoms
Give examples of Polyatomic molecules
Phosphorous is P4
Sulphur is S8
Name monoatomic molecules
- Sodium
- Potassium
Plural of Formula
Pure Diamond is used as a
Impure diamond is used to
Cut glass
Name the metal used in heavy tools and machines
Gas filled in electric bulbs
Define a MIXTURE
When two or more pure substances are mixed together in any propotion that they do not undergo any chemical change and retain their individual property
Mixtures are pure substances
True or false
False. Mixtures are impure substances
Mixtures are of two types
2. Heterogenous
Most of the mixtures occurring in nature are of what type
When the constituents of the mixture are not evenly distributed throughout its volume and can be easily seen seperately
When the constituents of the mixture are evenly distributed throughout its volume and cannot be seen seperately
Give Examples of Solid in Solid Heterogenous Mixture
- Sand and iron fillings
- sand and sugar
- Sand and salt
- Soil
5.Sulphur and Iron Fillings
Give four examples of Solid in Liquid Heterogenous Mixture
- Chalk in water
- Charcoal in water
3.Sand in Water - Pond water
What are the constituents of Soil
- Sand
- Clay
- Minerals
Give two examples of Liquid in Liquid Heterogenous Mixture
- Oil in water
- Petrol in water
Give two examples of Heterogenous Mixtures Solid in Gas
- Smoke
- Dust
Give an example of a Heterogenous mixture liquid in Gas
MIST ( water in air )
Give an example of Solid in solid Homogenous Mixture
Five examples of Solid in Liquid Homogenous mixtures
- Salt in water
- Sugar in water
- Nitrite in water
- Iodine in alcohol
- Sulphur in carbon disulphide
Give examples of Liquid in Liquid Homogenous Mixture
- Water in alcohol
- Water and vinegar
- Water and acetone
- Oil and carbon tetrachloride
Give examples of gas in liquid Homogenous Mixture
- Carbon dioxide in water
- Ammonia in water
Name this chemical and in what state does it occur
Carbon Tetrachloride in liquid state
Water is lighter than oil
True or false
False. Oil is lighter than water
Name four alloys
- Brass
- Bronze
- Steel
- Duralumin
Brass is composed of
copper Cu and Zinc Zn
The chemical symbol for tin is
Bronze is made of
1.Copper Cu
2. Tin. Sn
3. Zinc. Zn
Steel is an alloy made of
- Iron. Fe
- Carbon. C
Duralumin is an alloy made of
- Aluminium Al
- Copper Cu
with a little of manganese ( Mn ) and Magnesium (Mg)
Where is the alloy Duralumin used
In Spacecraft
Spacecraft material should be light and strong. Aluminium is light but not very strong and this is strenghtened with manganese and magnesium
The substance in which a solute is dissolved is
The substance which is added and dissolved in a solvent is
What is a solution
The homogenous mixture of solute and solvent
What is pure water
water with no impurities
Where is pure water used
- Batteries
- Laboratories to make medicines
Crude peteroleum oil can give us
- LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
- CNG Compressed Natural Gas
- Petrol
- Diesel
- Kerosens
Carbon in its natural form is a
Black solid
The process by which constituents of a mixture are are seperated from one another to get a pure substance
Name the six processes used to separate Solid -Solid Mixtures
- Magnetic Separation
- Hand picking
- Sieving
- Sublimation
- Solvent extraction
- Winnowing
Magnetic Hand sieves Sub Soil, Wins