What does the solar system consist of
It consits of the sun and all the objects that revolve around it
8 Plantes, many satellites, comets and asteroids
What accounts for 99% of the mass of the solar system
The Sun
Which force keeps everything bound within the solar system
Gravitational Force
What is an Orbit
The curved path around which a celestial object revolves around the star planet or moon
Name the rocky planets in the solar system
Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars
Another name for Rocky planets
Terrestrial Planets
Why are the planets called Rocky planets
Because they are primarily made of Rocks and Metals
Name the only planet that revolves in the Goldilocks Zone
The core of the Earth is primarily made of
Iron and Nickel
The soil of the planet Mars is made of which chemical
Iron oxide
Name another planet that has an atmosphere and liquid water
Most of the planets rotate in which direction
Anti clockwise
Name the only planet that rotates clockwise
Venus has a very thick atmosphere
True or False
Name Planets which are Gas Giants
Jupiter and Saturn
The largest planet in the solar system
Name the planet with 60 moons
The Gas Planets are chiefly made up of which two Gases
Name the Planets that are Ice Giants
Uranus and Neptune
The Planets Uranus and Neptune appear blue, WHY
Because of a gas called Methane.
They absorb red light from the sun and reflect blue light
Most planets have a vertical axis of rotation. Name a planet that has an almost Horizontal axis of rotation
Name two planets with an Icy core
Uranus and Neptune
Define a Satellite
An object that revolves around a larger object
Name the two types of satellites.
Man made & Natural
which is the satellite of the sun?
the earth
What powers the man-made satellite’s?
how do man-made satellites help us?
- give us imformation on earth ,clouds,oceans,land
- help us to observe wildfires volcanoes ,smoke
Name the first man -made satellite?
Which country launched the first man-made satellite?
What is a Solar eclipse?
When the moon comes between the earth and the sun
what is a lunar eclipse?
when the earth comes between sun and moon
Name the two kinds of shadows
How often does a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse occur
Twice a year
Because the moon orbits the earth at an angle of 5 degrees relative to the earth sun plane
Can a lunar eclipse be seen with the naked eye
Can a solar eclipse be seen with a naked eye
A total solar eclipse can last for how long
As long as 8 minutes
How many phases does the moon have
Name the 8 phases of the moon
New Moon
waxing crescent
First quater
Waxing Gibbous
Full moon
Waning Gibbous
Third quater
Waning Crescent
When a moon is waxing does the moons surface get illuminated or darkened
When the moon is in a waning phase does the surface get illuminated or darkened
How far is the moon from the earth
384000 Kms
All objects with mass exert a pulling force called
As we move away from the earth, the gravitational force ……..
The earth is made up of how many layers
Name the four layers of the Earth
Outer core
Inner core
The layer of the earth that we live on
The earths surface never changes
True or False
How thick is the crust layer of the Earth
The thickness varies. 5 kms the ocean floor to 70 kms on land
The thickest layer of the Earth is
3000Kms deep
What is the Earths Mantle made up of
Silicate Rock containg Magnesium and Iron
The outer core of the Earth is made of
Liquid Iron and Nickel
Which layer of the Earth creates a Magnetic field
Outer Core
It creates a magnetic field that goes out into space and forms a protective barrier around the Earth
What is the Earths Inner core made of
Liquid Iron and Nickel
Which is the hottest part of the Earth
The Earths inner core
At about 5000 degree Celcius its as hot as the surface of the sun
The deepest place on Earth ever reached by human technology is
Kola Superdeep Borehole in Murmansk in Russia
What is the Tectonic plate made of
Combination of the crust and the outer Mantle
A crack in the earths crust is called a
About 300 million years ago there was one super continent called
The super continent Pangaea was surrounded by a single ocean called
How was the Himalayas created
By the collison of two plates
The GONDWANA tectonic plate created which continents
South America
The LAURASIA tectonic plate created which land mass
North America
An opening ( usually in the mountain) in the earths surface through which Magma, ash and Gas can esccape is called
The hot liquid rock inside the volcano is called
The hot liquid rock once it leaves the volcano is called
Rocks are made of
Rocks are classified into three types
Igneous rocks are formed from
Molten Rock
When the Lava cools it forms what type of rock
When the Magma cools it forms what kind of rock
What does the word Igneous mean
Ignis, which means fire
A molecule of water is made up of
@ atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen
Water can dissolve almost anything
True or False
Thats why ist called the universal solvent
Water naturally occurs in three states
Water is a chemical
True or False
Why has water existed for millions of years on our Planet,
Because water is a very strong mlecule. The Bonds between hydrogen and oxygen are not easily broken
What fraction of the earths surface is covered by water
The tension of the surface film of a liquid caused by the attraction of the particles in the surface layer by the bulk of the liquid,
Surface tension
The insects that are famous for walking on the surface of still water because of surface tension are
Water Striders
Why is water called the UNIVERSAL SOLVENT
Because it can dissolve a lot of substances
What percentage of the adult human body is amde of water
2/3rds of the human body water is found inside the
the remaining is in body fluids like blood
The liquid part of blood is the
An object can float in water if its density is less than water
True or False
Formula for density
As the mass of an object increases the density
Mass and density have a direct relationship
As the voulme of an object increases its density
Volume and density have an inverse relationship
What happens to matter when it freezes
The voulume decreases
What happens to water when it freezes
Its volume increases
In its gaseous state water is present in two forms
Water Vapour
The most abundant chemical found in living organisms is
The top life supporting layer of the earth is the
What is Topsoil
The uppermost layer of the soil that is 6 to 6 inches thick
Which layer of the soil has the highest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms
Most of the earths biological activity takes place in the topsoil
When the topsoil is moved from one area to another
What are the main causes for soil erosion
Water and wind
What can prevent soil ersion to a large extent
Planting of trees
the trees hold the soil together with their roots
Most plants concentrate their roots in which layer of the soil
List 5 functions of the soil
- Medium for plant growth
- Habitat for organisms
- Foundation for buildings
- Watersupply and purification
- Recycling nutrients and organic waste
Soil erosion in the hIlls can be prevented by
Terrace Farming
Also known as Step farming
Prolonged soil erosion can make the land barren
True or False
a phenomenon that causes damage to life, property and environment
Name the two types of disasters
Natural Disasters
Man Made disasters
What are natural disasters
Events caused by natural Forces
What causes an Earthquake
Movement of TECTONIC Plates on land causes the earth to tremble
Movement of the Tectonic plates on the ocean bed causes a
Giant waves
Intense scarcity of rainfall where peple suffer from shortage of water is called a
Excess rainfall causing rivers to overflow on dry land is called a
Name two man made disasters
Nuclear explosions
Oil Spills
Name two important disaster management organizations in India
- NDMA National disaster Management Authority
- NDRF National Disaster Response Force
What is a Water cycle
The process of movement of water from the earth and the atmosphere is called a water cycle
Can ice on earth directly evaporate into the air without changing into liquid state
The Earth contains a changing amount of water
True or False
The Earth contains afixed amount of water
Thw water is realeased from the plants surface through the
The process of evaporation from the plants is called
When warm gas comes in contact with a cold surface it changes back to waht state
This process is known as condensation
Conversion of water from a gaseous state to a liquid stae is known as
Which phenimenon is responsible for cloud formation
As we go higher into the atmosphere the air gets hotter
True or False
Higher in the atmosphere the air gets cooler
How are clouds formed
Through the process of condensation when the water droplets stick to each other and to dust particles
The highest clouds hover at what height
60000 mts
The process of water droplets from the clouds falling as rain
Precipitation in warm regions results in
Precipitation in cold regions results in
Where does the rain water end up
- GROUND WATER: Rainwater seeps into the ground and forms ground Water
- The rest flows into rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea. This is called COLLECTION
What percent of the water on Earth is fresh water
only 3%
The rest is salty water 97%
Of the 3 % fresh water, most of this water is found where
Most of it is frozen in polar ice caps and glaciers
Its too costly to get this water
The Freshwater available to us is of two types
- Surface water
- Ground water
Give a few examples of surface water
Rivers, lakes and ponds
What is Ground water
The water stored in the soil and rocks
How is ground water extracted
Through wells and hand pumps
Rajasthan occupies what percentage of Indias Land mass
But has only 1.1% of Indias surface water
What is a renewable resource
A resource that can be recycled and reused
Is water a renewable resource
At what temperature can water exist at vapour, liquid and solid state
0.01 degree celcius
What percentage of the human population lives in the worlds driest parts
What is rainwater harvesting
The process of collecting and storing rain water
The roof top rain water harvesting has four parts . Name them
- Catchment
- Transportation
- Collection
- Distribution
What percentage of the earths water is salty in nature
How does the human body loose water
When do we suffer from dehydration
When we loose more water than we can take in
Salt conatins a mineral called
The chemical formula for Sodium is
What is the chemical name of the common salt
Sodium Chloride
What can happen if we consume too much of salt
- Hypertension
- Heart Disease
What are the symptoms of Dehydration
- Headache
- Dry mouth
- Thirst
- Dry skin
- reduced urine
- Rapid heart rate
When our bodies are dehydrated what happens to the salt in our bodies
It increases
What are the four important uses of salt
- Improves the food tatse
- Preservative for food
- Oral care
- For cleaning
List the three factors that affect Evaporation
- Temperature
- Wind speed
- Surface area
More the surface area, will the evaporation be faster
How does wind speed affect Evaporation
Faster wind speeds will disperse the water vapour which in turn reduces the humidity and increases evaporation
How much of the Earths water evaporates every hour
50 Cubic Km
What is Temperature
It is the measure of Hotness or coldness of an object
What are the units of Temperature
- Fahrenheit
- Celsius
- Kelvin (K)
Human beings maintain a temperature at what level
37 degree Celsius
When it is cold outside how does the human body maintain its temperature
By Shivering
Shivering makes our muscles shake generating heat and keeping the body warm
In hot places how do we keep our bodies cool
By Sweating
What is the most comfortable temperature for human beings
20 to 25 degree celsius
Our body temperature is actually the temperature of our
Internal organs
Which part of the body does the elephant use to regulate its body temperature
The temperature of your breath is the same as the temperature of the human body
True or false
The direction of the air flow depends on ?
How many breaths does an Adult take in a minute
10 to 12
The Hot air in the atmosphere rises up
True or False
The cool air sinks down
Why is the airconditioner always placed at a high level
Because the cool air always sinks down
Why is the room heater always plaved on the floor
Because the hot air always rises up
Name the reproductive part of the plant
The brightest flowers often have no fragrance
True or False
Sunflower, Dahlia, Skyrocket, hibiscus
Name this Flower
Name this flower
Name this flower
Name this Flower
Name this flower
Rafflesia Arnoldii
Name the worlds largest flower
Rafflesia Arnoldii
Where is the Rafflesia Arnoldii found
Rainforests of Indonesia
Name three plants with dull flowers
- Mango
- Banana
- Castor
The Rafflesia Arnoldii can weigh upto
6.8 Kgs
During the process of reproduction all flowers change to
Name the worlds smallest flower
As big as a grain of rice
The flower buds are enclosed in green leaf like structure called
What is the role of a Sepal
It protects the bud that later develops into a Flower
The male and the female reproductive parts of the plant are found within the
The male reproductive part of the plant is collectively called the
The Stamen is made up of two parts
- The Thin stalk of the stamen is called FILAMENT
- The swollen head is called ANTHER
The Anther produces a grainy yellow powder called
The female reproductive part of the plant is collectively called
The pistil is made of three parts name them
- Stigma, the sticky tip
- STYLE, long and thin tube
- OVARY. swollen structure that lies at the base
Name the three arts of the seed
- Embryo
- Stored food
- Seed coat
The part of the seed that develops into a new plant is the
What is the role of the seed coat
It protects the embryo and the stored food from drying
What is Germination
When the embryo pushes out of the seed coat
Name the fruit that bears seeds on the outside
The embryo of the plant has one or two seed leaves called
The first leaves of the baby plant are formed from the
Plants with two cotyledons are known as
Plants with a single cotyledon is known as
Give examples of Monocots
Cereals like like wheat and maize
Give examples of Dicots
Pulses like chick peas, Kidney beans and piegon peas
Apple seed contains a deadly toxin called
Eating about 20 apple cores can kill an adult
The scientific name for the seed coat is
All flowers have stamens and Pistils
True or False
Some do not have stamens and some do not have pistils
What is Pollination
The transfer of Pollen from the anther to the Stigma
Name a few Pollinators
Bees and insects
Bats and animals
Name a few Pollinators
Bees and insects
Bats and animals
The most common cause for seasonal allergies
Parts of some plants can be used to grow new plants
True or False
What type of reproduction is VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION in plants
Its a type of asexual reproduction
The different methods of VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION is
- Cutting
- Layering
- Grafting
Plants that reproduce without the fusion of the male and the female sex cells
What is Vegetative Propagation
Growing of a new plant from part of a parent plant
Give examples of Vegetative reproduction through CUTTING
- Underground stems: Potato and Ginger
- Underground roots: Sweet potato and beetroot
The worlds most expensive potato is
La Bonnotte
Describe the Process of Layering
- The stem of the plant is buried under the ground next to the parent plant.
- The tip of the stem is above the ground
- After some time roots grow on the buried stem
Name the plants that are grown through Layering
Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries
On what kind of plants is grafting done
What is grafting
The act of placing a portion of one plant (bud or scion) into or on a stem, root, or branch of another (stock)
The upper portion of the graft is called the
The lower portion of the graft is called the
The SCION is attached to the stock with the help of a
Grafting wax
What are parasitic plants
Plants that draw food from other plants
What is a Host Plant
Plant from which the food is drawn
Give four examples of a parasitic plant
- Indian Pipie
- Mistle toe
- Corpse Plant
- Cuscuta
Name this plant
Indian Pipe Plant
Name this plant
Name this Plant
Corpse Plant
Name this plant
Why are pollinating flies attracted to the Corpse plant
Due to its powerful smell of rotting flesh
An important part of an animals survival is
Defense strategy
Three important defense stratergy used by animal is
- Camouflage
- Mimicry
- Warning colouration
Give an example of a Camouflage
Leopard in the grass
The artic hare blending in the snow is an example of what defense stratergy
The ability to blend into the background is known as
Disguising yourself to look like something else is known as
Give three examples of mimicry
- Leaf tailed Gecko
- Stick insect
- Flower Mantis
Name this Mimicry
Leaf Tailed Gecko
Name this Mimicry
Stick Insect
Name this Mimicry
Flower Mantis
Name this frog who secreates posion through its skin
Poison Dart frog
Name this frog whose poison is enough to kill 10 adults
Golden poison frog
The skunks defense startergy
Foul smelling liquid
Defense stratergy of the bees and wasps
Defense strategy of the porcupines and hedgehogs
Defence stratergy of the lobsters and crabs
Defense strategy of the Texas Horned Lizard
Squirts blood from its eyes
On the basis of Habitat animals are classified as
- Terrestrial
- Aquatic
- Aerial
- Arboreal
- Amphibians
Special features on the animals that helps it survive in its habitat
What are the two adaptations in a FISH
- GILLS: Takes dissolved oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide
- FINS: Allows faster movement in water
What is the adaptation of Dolphins, Seals and Whales
They cany breathe underwater. They have lungs just like us. They come to the surface and breathe through blowhole
Name five Waterbirds
- Ducks
- Spoonbills
- Storks
- Kingfischer
- Pelicans
Name two amphibians
- Frogs
- Salamander
Give three adaptations of water birds
- Webbed feet
- Long Legs
- Long Beaks
When the frogs are young they live in……………. and they breathe through their………….
When the frogs grow older they loose their………. and develop…………..
- Gills
- Lungs
How do adult frogs survive in water
- They breathe through their moist skin
- Their webbed feet helps them underwater.
Animals that have an ability to fly are called
Aerial animals
Give Four adaptation of the birds
- Light body
- Light feathers
- Strong wings
- Hollow and empty bones
The only mammals that can fly
The bat wings are made of
Name two birds that cannot fly
What is the penguin adaptation
Penguins have flippers instead of wings that help them swim and survive in their habitat
What is the adaptation of the Ostrich
Strong legs that helps them run fast
Animals that live on land are called
Terrestrial animals
Adaptation of Horses
Have hooves that helps them move on wetlands
Adaptation of the Elephant
Have rounded feet for body balance
Adaptation of a camel
Have a hump to store fat
Adaptation of bears
Have thick furs to protect them from the cold
Adaptation of Monkeys
Have strong tails to climb trees
Adaptation of chameleons
Have unique toes to grip branches
How can some snakes swollow its prey much larger than its head
Because they have a flexible jaw
What is Deforestation
Cutting of trees in large numbers
Animals likely to become extinct
Endangered animals
Animals no longer found in the wild or in captivity
Name this animal who is noe extinct
Tasmanian Tiger
Name this animal who is extinct
Sabre toothed Cat
the unlawful and unethical treatment of animals for their body parts is called
Capturing and killing animals for sport is called
Why are Elephants poached
For their tusks
Why are tigers poached
For their skin
Why are Rhinos poached
For their horns
Why are turtles poached
For their meat
Why are Deers poached
For their antlers
Name the animals that were kept as pets and as companions during the Mughal Period
Planting of trees
Name three Biodiversity parks
- Zoological Park
- National Park
- Wildlife Sanctuary
What is a ZOO
Its a PARK or a GARDEN where a collection of WILD ANIMALS are kept for STUDY, PRESERVATIONor PUBLIC VIEWING
Name three importants Zoos in the country
- Alipore Zoological Garden in Kolkata
- National Zoological Park in Delhi
- Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad
A forest where animals are conserved and protected in their natural habitat is a
- National Park
- Wildlife Sanctuary
Name three National Parks in India
- Gir Forest National Park (Lion)
- Kaziranga National Park (Rhino)
- Periyar National Park (Elephant)
What is wildlife conservation
It ensures the protection of plants animals and their habitat
Name four wild life Sanctuaries in India
1, Vedanthangal Bird sanctuary ( Spoonbill)
2. Madhumalai Wild life sanctuary (Elephant)
3. Anaimalai Wild life sanctuary (squirrel)
4. Kalakkad Wild life Sanctuary ( Sloth bear)
What are Nutrients
Substances present in our food that provide us with energy
Soft drinks and bread contain
The simplest form of carbohydrate is
Soft drinks have a high content of
Bread is rich in a carbohydrate called
True or False
What is the advantage of Starch rich foods
They provide us with energy over a long period of time
Foods containing starch also contain Fibre
True or false
What are complex carbohydrates made up of
many sugar molecules arranged in chains
Name some complex carbohydrates
How much of our energy needs are met by Carbohydrates
45 to 60%
What is the role of proteins for the body
Growth and repair of the body tissues
Name some protein products
- Meats
- Poultry
- Beans
- Legumes
- Nuts
- Grains
What percentage of our proteins are met through proteins
35 to 40%
Without this protein in the body the body will swell up
What is the important role of Fat in the body
Fat protects and cushions our vital organs like brain and heart
All fats are unhealthy
True or False
Sources of good fat
- Olive oil
- Avocado
- Nuts
- seeds
- Fish like salmon
Why are cookies unhealthy
Because they contain trans Fats
Give some sources of Trans Fats
- Cooking oil
- Ghee
- Butter
eat in moderate amounts
There are more than 100,000 proteins in our bodies
True or False
Why are Trans Fats unhealthy
Because they are not easily broken
Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of
Vitamins and Minerals
What is a balanced Diet
A diet that contains all the nutrients in the right propotion
Why is the food pyramid helpful
It helps plan a balanced diet
Food at the top of the food pyramid should be eaten in larger quantities
True or False
They should be eaten in smaller quantities
Food at the bottom of the Food Pyramid should be eaten in larger quantities
Name a vegetable known as the CROWN JEWEL OF NUTRITION
Why is Brocolli known as the crown jewel of nutrition
Because its a rich source of Vitamins minerals and fibre
The base of the food pyramid is made up of
Cereals and Grains
The middle rung ( Level 2) of the food pyramid is made up of
Fruits and vegetables
The level three of the food pyramid is made up of
The top rung ( level 4 ) of the food pyramid comprises of
Fats and sweets
1 serving is equal to
Half a cup or 125 ml
When a person does not have enough nutrients or the right balance of nutrients it leads to
Obesity is not a type of malnutrition
True or false
Obesity is a type of malnutrition
Causes of Obesity
- Junk food
- Lack of physical activity
- Lack of sleep
- Stress
A type of eating disorder
Name a food eaten by people all over the world
Food pyramid divides food into how many groups
1. Cereals and grains
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables
4. Meat, poultry, fish, Nuts eggs and beans
5. Milk, yoghurt and cheese
6. Fats and oils
What is food spoilage
When food items are no longer fit for consumption
How will you know a certain food item is spoilt
- Bad smell
- change in colour
- White and green spots
Food gets spoilt because of contamination with
What is the ideal condition for Germs to grow
Warm and humid conditions
What slows down the growth of Germs
What is the Shelf Life of a food item
The length of time where a food item is fit for human consumption
Three common techniques for removing the water content of the food thus preventing the growth of germs
- Sun drying
- Air drying
- Smoking
What is Manufacturing date of a food item
The date when the food was prepared
What is expiry date of a food item
The date by which the food item needs to be consummed
Substances that increase the shelf life of a food item
Name a meat Preservative
Name a pickle preservative
Vinegar and oil
Name a Jam preservative
Excess sugar
How are canned food preserved
They are heated and sealed thus preventing germs from entering
What percentage of our energy is obtained from fats
addition of substances that make the food unsafe to eat.
Eating contaminated food can result in
Food borne illness
What are some symptoms of food borne illness
Nausea, vomiting and loose motions with stomach pains
In just 7 hours a single bacterium in the hand can divide and produce
2 million bacteria
A Chef in the kitchen should wear the following
- Cap
disposable gloves
proper shoes
A substance that makes the food impure is called an
Common adulterant of Salt or Sugar
Powdered Chalk
How can the powdered chalk adulterant in salt or sugar be detected
If the substance dissolves completely in water then its pure. If a solution turns white and a residue settles at the bottom then its adulterated
A common adulterant of turmeric
Harmful colour
How can the turmeric adulterant be detected
Mix a teaspoon in a glass of warm water.DO NOT STIR. If it settles at the bottom , it is pure. If it dissolves it indicated an adulterant
Common adulterant of milk
water or detergent
how can the milk adulterated with water be detected
Put a drop of milk on a slope. If it leaves a white trail behind it is pure. If it flows without leaving a white trail it indicates the presence of water
How can milk adulteration with a detergent be detected
Add milk to water. Shake it thoroughly. If a thin layer of foam forms at the top it is pure. if a thick lather forms at the top it is adulterated
Common adulterant of Honey
Sugar syrup
How can the adulterant sugar syrup in honey be detected
Add a spoonful of honey to a glass of water. If the honey disperses instantly it indicated the presence of a sugar syrup. Pure honey is heavy and it will sink to the bottom
How are meats adulterated
By injecting water into them that causes them to bloat and increase in weight
Diseases are broadly classified as
- Communicable
- Non communicable
Germs are also known as
How do germs make you sick
By damaging the cells and releasing toxins that weakens the body
What is a communicable disease
Diseases that are caused by Germs
Name some communicable diseases
1, Malaria
2, Dengue
3. Typhoid
5. Mumps
6. Chicken pox
7. Common cold
What are deficiency diseases
Deiseases caused by the lack of important nutrients
The six important vitamins present in the human body are
Vitamin A,B,C,D,E and K
Deficiency of Vit A causes
Night Blindness
Deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes a disease called
Beri Beri
What are the symptoms of Beri Beri
Weak muscles and very little energy to work
Name the different ways how germs can spread
- Direct contact
- Indirect contact
- Food, water and soil
- tactile objects
- Infected animals
How can germs spread through direct contact
Shaking hands, hugging
How can germs spread through indirect contact
Coughing and sneezing
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes the disease
What are the symptoms of scurvy
- Bleeding gums
- Wounds take a long time to heal
Deficiency of Vitamin D causes which disease
What are the symptoms in Rickets
Bones become soft and bent
Deficiency of calcium causes
Bone and tooth decay
Deficiency of Iodine cause the disease
What are the symptoms of Goitre
The thyroid gland in front of the neck enlarges
What disease does deficiency of Iron in the body cause
What are non communicable diseases
Disease that cannot be transmitted from one person to another
Give examples of non communicable diseases
- Diabetes
- cancer
3, Deficiency Disease - Heart disease
Humans breathe in which gas
Humans breathe out which gas
carbon dioxide
The process by which air is taken into the lungs
The process by which air is breathed out of the lungs
The overall process of Inhalation and Exhalation is called breathing
Breathing is controlled by muscles
True or false
The large Dome shaped muscles used in breathing is called
What are the Dynamics of the diaphragm
When we breathe in the diaphragm moves down and when we breathe out the diaphragm goes back to its original dome shape
An average individual breathes how many litres of air a day
11000 liters/day
How does the Respiratory System modify or change the air that we breathe in
It cleans the air, warms the air and moistens the air
Name the parts that constitute the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
- Nose
- Pharynx
- larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchus
- Lungs
These grape shaped air sacs present in the lung are called
The exchange of Gases between the air and the blood takes place in which part of the lung
Alveoli are surrounded by tiny blood vessels
True or false
The process by which oxygen is used to break down glucose in the cell is called Respiration
Is Respiration a chemical process
What kind of a process is BREATHING
Mechanical process
What are the by products of Respiration
Water and carbon dioxide
What is breathing
Movement of air in and out of the lungs
What is respiration
Its a chemical reaction occurring inside the cell where oxygen combines with glucose to produce energy for the cell
What is Digestion
The process of breaking down food into simpler nutrients that the body can use
Three important functions of the Digestive system
- Breaks down food
- Absorbs Nutrients
- Removes waste
Name the organs that make up the Digestive System
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small Intestine
- Large Intestine
- Rectum
- Anus
- Liver with gall Bladder
- Pancreas
When we see or smell food the body produces
The process of digestion first begins in the
What is the role of the mouth in Digestion
- Teeth help to breakdown food into smaller particles
- saliva helps to moisten the food and makes it easier to swollow
- Tongue helps to swollow the food
Name the four different types of teeth
- Incisors
- canines
- Premolars
- Molars
Excessive production of saliva is known as
Ptyalism aka Hypersalivation
Saliva contains a chemical that breaks down which food component
Starch and sugar aka Carbohydrate
Name the chemical present in the Saliva that breaks down carbohydrate
Salivary Amylase
An adult stomach can hold how much of food
1.5 Litres
What kind of soaps are recommended for washing of Hands
Antibacterial soaps
The esophagus carries food from where to where
Mouth to the stomach
The muscle flap at the top of the wind pipe is called
The esophagus is lined by a thick slippery substance called
The stomach is a ——–shaped organ
What is the role of the stomach muscles
It churns the food and mixes it with the digestive juices
What is the role of the stomach muscles
It churns the food and mixes it with the digestive juices
Name the acid that is produced by the stomach
HCl aka Hydrochloric Acid
What is the role of HCl in digestion
- Helps in protein digestion
- Kills germs
The partially digested food from the stomach finally enters into the
Small Intestine
Where in the digestive system does the most digestion and absorption take place
Small intesteine
Where in the digestive system does the most digestion and absorption take place
Small intesteine
The inner wall of the small intestine is lined with millions of tiny finger like projections called
Water and the undigested food finally enters the
Large Intestine
The final sold waste in the rectum is called
The Excretory system is made of
- Kidneys
- Ureters
- Urinary Bladder
- Urethra
Our bodies produce two kinds of chemical waste
- water
- Urea
How is the chemical urea obtained in the body
By breakdown of protein
Name the organ in the body that is Bean Shaped
As the blood flow through the Kidneys what substance are absorbed back into the system
Glucose and water
What are the final products excreted by the Kidneys
Urea and water
The organ that stores the urine after it is formed is the
Urinary bladder
Urine produced in the kidney is carried to the Urinary bladder via the
Name the two ways our bodies removes waste
- Excretion
- Egestion
What is Egestion
Removal of undigested food through the anus
This band of muscle found at the end of the Urinary Bladder and which controls the flow of urine is called
Sphincter Muscle
Eating Beetroot can temporarily change the colour of urine to Pink
True or False
What makes up the Muscular system
All the muscles of the body make up the muscular system
Name the three types of muscles present in the human body
- Skeletal muscles
- Smooth Muscles
- Cardiac Muscles
Name this muscle
The important muscle at the back of the upper arm is
The muscle at the front of the thigh is called
Quadriceps Muscle
The group of muscles at the back of the thigh are called
Hamstring Muscles
Give four important role of muscles
- Moves the skeleton
- Helps in breathing
- keeps the heart beating
- Helps in digestion and excretion
Muscles that can be controlled by us are called as
Voluntary Muscles
Muscles not under our control are known as
Involuntary Muscles
Give two examples of Involuntary Muscles
- Smooth Muscles
- Cardiac Muscles
Give an example of Voluntary Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
How many muscles are there in the human body
over 600 muscles
The process by which a muscle becomes shorter and tighter
Skeletal muscles always works in pairs
True or false
Give an example of Skeletal Muscle working in Pairs
When the Biceps muscle contracts the Triceps Muscle relaxes
How many muscles does it take to smile
How many muscles does it take to frown
43 muscles
Name the strongest muscle in the body
The jaw muscle called the MASSETER
Are smooth muscles present in the blood vessel
What makes up the Skeletal system
- Bones of the body
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Cartilege
This strong connective tissue that holds the bone together in a movable joint is called
The tissue that connects the muscle to the bone is called
This tissue that covers the end of the bones and acts as a cushion preventing the bones from rubbing against each other is called
The set of bones that protects the Brain is called
The rib cage which protects the lungs and the heart is made up of
Ribs and Sternum
The breastbone is also known as
Another word for the SPINE or Backbone is
The place where two bones meet is called a
Joints are Broadly classified as
- Movable joints
- Immovable joints
The human skeleton is made up of how many bones and how many joints
206 bones and more than 200 joints
Name the four type of movable joints
- Ball and socket joint
- Hinge joint
- Pivot joint
- Ellipsoid Joint
Give two examples of the Ball and Socket joint
- Shoulder joint
- Hip Joint
The ball and socket joint allows movement in which direction
All directions
Give examples of Hinge Joints
- Elbow joint
- Knee Joint
Give two examples of a PIVOT Joint
Neck joint
Elbow Joint
Give two examples of Ellipsoid Joints
- Wrist Joint
- Ankle Joint
Give an example of Immovable joint
Give three important functions of the SKELETON
- Framework of the body
- Protects various internal organs
- Helps in movement
Name the three connective tissue of the skeletal system
- Cartilage
- tendons
- Ligaments
How is the word Skeleton derived
From the Greek word skeletos which means dried up
The tissue that connects Bone to bone is called
The Nervous system is broadly classified into two
- Central nervous system
- peripheral nervous System
What is the Central Nervous system made up of
Brain and Spinal cord
What is the Peripheral Nervous system made up of
The nerves coming out of the Brain, the spinal cord
Which organ of the body contains the maximum amount of fat
Brain. It contains 60% of fat
The three parts of the Human Brain are
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Brainstem
The largest part of the human brain is the
The second largest part of the human brain is the
The four lobes of the CEREBRUM are
- Frontal Lobe
- Parietal Lobe
- Occipital Lobe
- Temporal Lobe
The part of the cerebrum that is responsible for Vision is the
Occipital lobe
Give two important functions of the TEMPORAL LOBE
1. hearing
2. Short term Memory
Give Important functions of the FRONTAL LOBE
Frontal LOBE
1. Intelligence
2. Speech
3. Movement
List two important function of the PARIETAL LOBE
- Body Orientation. It tells us if we are standing, sitting, lying etc
- Processes all sensory information like touch, temperature, pain etc
The part of the brain that controls our breathing and our heart rate is the
There are more cells in our Brain than the stars in the Milky way.
True or false
When awake our brains have enough energy to
Light a small bulb
In Biology what is a TRAIT
The characteristic features of an Individual is called a TRAIT
Traits are of two types
- Inherited traits
- Acquired traits
What are inherited Traits
Traits passed from one generation to the next
What are acquired traits
Traits that we pick up during the course of our lifetime
Can Traits skip generation
Siblings that look the same are called
Identical twins
Do identical Twins have the same aquired Traits
List a few Physical Traits
- Colour of the yes, hair, skin
- Shape of the nose
List a few Behavioural traits
- walking style
- Talking style
- Voice
What is ACHOO Syndrome
To sneeze on seeing bright lights
Diseases caused by Micro organisms are passed from one generation to the next
True or False
Polio is a disease caused by a
name three diseases that can be passed from one generation to the next
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- hair colour
- Eye colour
- Skin Colour
- Ear Lobes
- Height
- Right/Left handedness
What kind of a Trait is playing a musical instrument
Acquired Trait
Father of genetics
Gregor Mendel
Mendel did his experiments on which plant
Pea Plant
Mendel Classified Traits in two categories, name them
- Dominant trait
- Recessive Trait
Why did Mendel choose the PEA PLANT
- It was easy to grow
- Had traits that could be observed and studies
A trait that was expressed more is called a
Dominant Trait
What is a Recessive Trait
A trait that is expressed less is called a recessive trait
Give one personal detail of Gregor Mendel
He was an Austrian monk who was terrified of exams
TRAITS always occurs in pairs and have a dominant and recessive forms
True or false
name the seven dominant Trait of the Mendel Pea Plant
- Purple flower
- Round seed
3.yellow seed - green pod
- The pod is full
- Axial flower
- tall plant
Name the recessive traits of the Mendel Pea Plant
- White flower
- Wrinkled seed
- Green seed
- Flat Pod
- yellow pod
- Terminal flower
- Short plant
A broken bone is also called a
Fractures are of two types, Name them
- Simple fracture
- Compound fracture
Which investigation will you do to check on a fracture
X ray
What is a simple fracture
When the bone is broken into two or more pieces but the broken end of the bone does not come out through the skin
What is a compound fracture
When the broken end of the bone comes out through the skin
How are fractures treated
By putting a cast
What kind of a radiation is X ray
Electromagnetic radiation
This cast can be made up of what type of material
- Plaster of paris
- Fibreglass
Name this canadian stuntman who holds the record for the most number of broken bones. 433 fractures
Evel Knieval
X rays can pass through skin and muscle but cannot pass through bone
True or false
Define FEVER
An abnormal increase in body temperature
Which part of the brain controls and maintains body temperature
The two types of thermometer used to measure body temperature are
- Digital Thermometer
- Mercury Thermometer
Is Fever a disease
it is the bodys response to an infection
What is the mechanism of Fever
- When the germs enter the body our bodies release certain chemicals in the blood.
- These chemicals send a signal to the HYPOTHALAMUS which in turn automatically raises the body temperature