The amount of matter in an object is known as?
The amount of space occupied by matter is known as?
The matter that expands to fill any container it is put into is known as?
The matter that flows and takes the shape of a container is known as?
The matter that has a shape of its own is known as?
The nervous system is made up of ?
Spinal cord

The control centre of the nervous system is the?
In animals the air is inhaled and exhaled through the?
Another name for wind pipe is the?

The _______ directs the air into the lungs?
The large organs that expand like balloons as they are filled with air i
are the?
The digestion process begins in the ______ where food is chewed and mixed with saliva
The _______ connects the mouth with the stomach

The _______contains an acid that breaks down the food?

The ______ is a long tube where nutrients from the digested food pass into the blood?
Small intestine

The ________ mixes water with undigested food and makes it into waste
Large intestine

Name this great ape?

Name this wild animal

African wild dog
Name this great ape?

Name this animal?

Giant Panda
Name an instrument which can measure thinngs as small as 0.1 mm
Vernier Callipers
Name the perfect instrument to measure paper
Vernier Callipers
Is the earth itself a giant magnet
What is non contact force
Forces that do not require physical contact to act upon an object.
Give an example of a non contact force
Magnetic force
Are non metals usually non magnetic
Name a non metal that is magnetic
Liquid oxygen
Does silver jewellery get attracted to a magnet
Even though silver (Ag) is a metal
What are magnets usually made up of
Iron Nickel and cobalt
Does your breakfast cereal have a magnetic material
It contains Iron
Are all stainless steel magnetic
Name a stainless steel that is non magnetic
The naturally occuring magnet is called a
Name the farmer who accidentallay discovered the magnet
Every magnet has how many poles
The North pole and the south pole
Is the magnetic North pole and the geographical north pole the same
The magnetic north pole points to which geographical pole
South pole
How can a magnet loose its magnetic property
By hammering it or heating it in a flame
What are meglev trains
Magnetically levitated trains
Why do Meglev trains travel very fast
Because they float above the tract and are not slowed by friction
What guides the migrating birds in their travels
The earths magnetic field
Does the magnetic poles of the earth flip directions
The last time it flipped was 780000 years back
An object that emits light is called a
Luminous object
Why do plants appear green
Because they reflect green light and absorb all the other colours for photosynthesis
If you put a plant under green light, will it survive
Probably No
Red hot bodies give out light. Do cold bodies also give out light
Give examples of cold objects that give out light
Television screens
Laptop screens
Mobile screens
Lightning seen on earth is how hot as compared to the surface of the sun
5 times hotter
How do we see Non luminous objects
Non luminous objects reflect or bounce light into our eyes
Does light always travel in a straight line
Does light require a medium to travel
The largest source of light in the ocean is
90% of all creatures who live 1500 feet below sea level are luminous
When is a body said to be stationary
When the sum of all the forces acting on it is Zero
What can a Force do to a body
- It can move the body
- It can Stop the body
- It can change the direction of the body
Which force acts on all objects nera the surface
How can we stop a moving object.
By applying a force that is equal and opposite in direction
Heavier the object, greater is the force of Gravity acting on it.
What is Escape Velocity
The velocity needed for an object to escape the Earths Gravitational pull
What is our Planets Escape Velocity
11.2 Km/sec
Balanced Forces are applied to Stationary Objects.
When a force is applied to a body, does the body have to me
When you stand on a weighing machine are you measuring your mass or the force you exert on the Earth
Force you exert on the earth
The force that acts between two bodies because of the roughness of the surface is called
Frictional Force
Define WORK
In science work is said to be done when a force is exerted on an object and there is a change in position in the direction of the force
A machine is a device that modifies the force applied on a body in magnitide and or direction
What does a simple pulley do
It changes the direction of the force. It does not change the amount of work done
Every machine has a LOAD :EFFORT ratio.
True or False
The Load to Effort ratio of every machine always remains constant.
True or False
The formula for mechanical advantage of a machine is
The force applied on a machine is called
The force exerted by the machine is called
What is efficiency of a machine
The ability of a machine to convert work done on it to useful work
Is any machine 100% efficient
Why are machines not 100% efficient
Because some energy is always lost
The fixed poin on a lever is called
The three most important points on a lever are
- Fulcrum
- The point where force is applied
- The point where load is lifted
The three types of levers are
First class, second class and thrid class levers
What is a first class lever
The fulcrum lies between the load and effort
What is a second class lever
The load lies between the fulcrum and the effort
What is a third class lever
The effort lies between the fulcrum and the load
Give three examples of a third class lever
Cricket bat
Fishing rod
What is the role of batteries and generators in an electric circuit
They maintain the flow of electrons in a circuit
A spark of static electricity can be upto
3000 Volts
Any material that does not obstruct the flow of electrons is known as a
The flow of electrons in a conductor is known as a
Is salt a bad conductor of electricity
True or false
Salt is a good conductor of electricity
Air is a bad conductor of electricity
True or false
Can electricity be conducted through a vaccum
A lightning bolt can reach upto what temperature
30000 Degree Celcius
When you rub a comb on your hair what happens
Electrons from your hair are transferred to the comb and your negatively charged comb now attracts the positively charged pieces of paper.
What happens when a woolen cloth is rubbed on the balloon
The elctrons from the baloon are transferred to the wollen cloth making the balloon positively charged
Name the US president who first had electricity in the white house
Benjamin harrison the 23rd president
What is the speed of an electron
80 cm/hour
The elctricity in a copper wire travels as close to the speed of light in a vaccum
True or false
Does water actually conduct electricity
What in the water makes it sometimes conduct electricity
The impurities in the water
Organisms in the world are mainly classified as plants and animals. Give an exception to this rule
They are neither plants or animals
Give an unique property of the element Selenium
It conducts electricity when exposed to light and works as an insulator in the dark
The measure of the amount of light that passes through an object is known as
If an object allows all the light that falls on it to pass through then that object is
If an object allows some of the light that falls on it to pass through it, this object is
If an object allows no light that falls on it to pass through, this object is
Are our eyelids thrasparent, translucent or opaque
Can an object be completely Transparent
When is a shadow formed
When light rays are blocked by an object
Name a glass like plastic that is more transparent than glass
A liquid that dissolves other substances is called a
The ability of a given substance to dissolve in a solvent is called
In the absence of food ,the body starts using ________________ to satisfy its energy needs
stored glucose
The amount of energy we require depends upon ____
physical activites
Activities like cycling ,running require
(average energy/high energy/low energy)
high energy
When is National Food Day celebrated?
24th October
Give the full form of CSPI
Center for Science in the Public Interest
what is the name of stored glucose?
name the two important sources of food
plants and animals
A food chain starts with a ___________________
photosynthetic plant
what are ingredients?
the different food items that are used to prepare a dish
Name an ingredient that can be sourced from both plants as well as animals
oil example olive oil,cod liver oil
What are inflorescent vegetables?
the flowers or flower buds of plants that are eaten as vegetables
who are the producers in the food chain?
producers make their own food.
plants are producers
Why is it said that carnivores obtain energy indirectly?
Carnivores eat other animals which feed on plants thus obtaining energy indirectly
what is meant by staple food?
food that is consumed regularly by the people of a region is called the regions staple food
what food do the north -indians consume?
wheat based food
why do the south indians consume rice based food?
because of the ease of cultivating rice in the southern regions
what are the requirements for the cultivation of rice?
A)higher rainfall
B)plain lands
C)Warm temperature
Who invented popsicles?
Frank Epperson
From which country are 70 % of the worlds spices obtained?
name the nutrients we receive from food
proteins, carbohydrates, fats,,vitamins, minerals
the energy we receive from food is measured in _________________________
what are nutrients ?
substances in food that provide the required energy to the body
why do we need nutrients?
to carry out a variety of functions like
physical activities,
organ functions,,
even simple and complex brain activities
why should fruits and vegetables be consumed in large amounts?
fruits and vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates ,fibre, vitamins ,minerals and water
How can you evaluate the amount of calories in processed foods?
by checking its nutritional value present on the back of the box containing the food
what happens when a person consumes more calories than what can be burnt by the body
the excess calories are stored as fat
why do athletes who do lot of physical activities have to consume more calories
as their bodies burn calories a lot faster
why do old people tend to consume fewer calories?
aa their metabolism is slow and it taes longer for their bodies to burn calories
how are fats classified?
into unsaturated and saturated fats
which fats are good for us?
monosaturated fats
Name the fats that are bad for you
saturated fats and trans fats
what is the function of monosaturaated fats
to prevent heart disease
what are the disadvantages of saturated fats and transfats
likelihood of heart disease and obesity
——————————- contains good monosaturated fats
what does avocado contain?
vitamin C, E B6 and minerals such as iron,copper magnesium and twice as much potassium as banana
Which are the nutrients present in desi ghee?
Vitamin A,D E and K