What are the 5 category of Respiratory System
- Physiology
- Phases of respiration
- Anatomy
- Amount of AIr Exchange in Breathing
- Types of Breathing
Warms air to match you body temperature and moisturizes it to the humidity level you body needs
Two Phases of Respiration
Internal Respiration and External Respiration
Exchange of gases between blood and cells
Internal Respiration
Exchnage of gases between blood and air
External Respiration
It is composed primarily of the nose, oropharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs
The lungs divide intor individual lobes, which subdivide into?
300 million alveoli
Are the primary location for gas exchange
Internal part inthe skull above the rood of the oral cavity; external part protruding from the face
The floor formed in the nose are by the?
Palatine bones and Maxillae
Nose lined with?
Ciliated muscosa
Parts of Nasal Cavity
- Frontal sinus
- Superior nasal concha
- MIddle nasal concha
- Nasal cavity
- Inferior nasal concha
- Vestibule
- Hard Palate
- Oral Cavity
- Olfactory Bulb
- Olfactory Region
- Sphenoid sinus
- Nasopharynx
- Eustachian Tube Opening
- Respiratory Region
- Soft Palate
Pharynx are divided into?
- Nasopharynx - nasal cavity
- Oropharynx - oral cavity
- Laryngopharynx - larynx
Behind the nose with four opening, two auditory or Eustachian and two posterior nares
Behind the mouth with one opening, filtering from the oral cavity
Behind the pharynx with two openingsk, into the larnyx and into the esophagus
Anatomy ofhte Pharynx
- Entrance oto the Eustachian Tube
- Nasal Cavity Soft Palate
- Hard Palate
- ORal Cavity
- Tongue
- Epiglotties
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Esophagus
Box-like cartilagionus structure located just below the pharynx
Larynx consists of the?
- Thyroid cartilage or “Adam’s apple”
- Epiglottis or “lig cartilage”
- Cricoid or “signet ring” cartilage
- Arytenoid or “pyramid shapep” cartilage