Unit two Flashcards
equality and diversity
organisations for health
-mental health
-old age pensioners care home
organisations for social
-youth clubs
-community groups
organisations of childcare
-playcare groups
-refuge centres
equality definitions
a person is respected as an individual, treated fairly, given the same/similar opportunities
diversity definition
recognising and valuing that every individual is unique
rights definition
what everyone legally has access to
what rights are everyone entitled to
-protection from abuse and harm
-equal and fair treatment
-right to life
what does the right ‘choice’ mean for individuals
having options, control over their lives, independence, empowerment
what does the right ‘confidentiality’ mean for individuals
private information should be secured, discussion in private room, info kept locked away
what does the right ‘protection from abuse and harm’ mean for individuals
H&SC setting safeguarding procedures and safety measures in place. Follow in health and safety legislation
what does right ‘equal and fair treatment’ mean for individuals
treating people according to their needs regardless of gender, race or sexuality
what does the right ‘consultation’ mean for individuals
people who use H&SC should be asked their views about treatment/care, informing the care/treatment they recieve.
what does the right ‘right to life’ mean for individuals
life is protected by the human rights law. Everyone’s right to life should be valued and respected and not taken away
What are the values of care definition?
- core principles that underpin the work of those providing HSC services
- set are guidelines on the ways of working (good practise) in care settings or all staff
What are the values of care examples?
- they will receive equal opportunities
- free from discrimination
- diversity will be valued
- have their rights supported
- help to maintain or improve their quality of life
how does the values of care help staff?
- give clear guidelines on how to fulfil role
- improved practise - best care
- staff meet legal requirement e.g. duty of care
Values of care in Health and social care settings
- promoting equality and diversity
- promote individual rights and beliefs
- maintain confidentiality
Values of care in childcare settings
- make welfare of the child paramount - DBS
- keeping children safe and maintain healthy environments
- working in partnership with family - Children Act 1989
- encourage children’s learning and development
- valuing diversity
- ensuring equality of opportunity
- anti-discriminatory practise
- maintaining confidentiality
- working with other professionals
What is an advocate
someone who speaks on behalf of an individual who is unable to speak up for themself
- act in individuals best wishes
- ensure individuals wishes and views are heard
What will an advocate do
- be completely independent
- ensure rights and needs are met
- speak on behalf during meetings
- act in their best wishes
- go to meetings with or on behalf of individuals
what wont an advocate do
- give their own opinions
- judge individuals
- make decisions for them
advocacy organisitons
- SEAP - support, empower, advocate, promote
- Mencap
- Empower Me
- British Institution of learning difficulties
- Macmillan
- Mind
- Age UK
- Headway
- charity who provide advocacy for those in health and social care settings
- support those with learning difficulties
empower me
- voice for people with learning difficulties and mental health e.g. austitic
British institute of learning disabilities
- campaign for people to have a voice through advocacy
- support through friend and family
- raise awarness of mental health
- charity
Age UK
- charity
- raise awareness of whats out there for older generation
- anyone with brain damage
- pre-judging people based on what other people say
- making unfair judgements about an individuals or groups based on prejudice
- e.g. girls are smarter than boys
- identify people negatively as part of group
- assuming theyre all the same
- range of negative behaviours that can cause physical or mental harm to others
physical abuse
causing physical harm and pain to hurt an individual
e.g. causing bruises, cuts, burns, broken bones
verbal abuse
name calling, insults, swearing, humiliation, tone of voice
psychological (emotional) abuse
threats and constant criticism
Undermine and control
sexual abuse
unwanted sexual touching or penetration, showing pornography to children, inappropriate photos of children or those who can’t consent
when a carer fails to care for someone properly, failing to meet basic needs
what is direct discrimination
- intentionally putting someone at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly
- e.g. you didn’t get a job because you are a female
what is indirect discrimination
- unintentionally putting someone at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly
- e.g. job description having height/weight restrictions
what is legislation
- a group of laws passed by Parliament
- they state and protect the rights of an individual
- legislation is upheld through the courts, which may prosecute individuals