Unit III Lab Exam Flashcards
Lateral umbilical ligament
Body / shaft of the penis
Membranous urethra
Interlobar artery
(labelled one on both sides)
Uterine cavity
Ischiocavernosus muscle
Fimbriae of the uterine tube
What is this opening?
External os of the uterus
External urethral orifice
Suspensory ligament of the ovary
Prostate gland
Renal papilla
Glans of the penis
Name the layer labelled B
Renal cortex
Dartos muscle
External urethral sphincter
Body of the uterus
External urethral sphincter
Coccygeus muscle
Efferent arteriole
Iliococcygeus muscle
Trigone of the urinary bladder
Isthmus of the uterine tube
Seminal vesicle / gland
Ascending limb of the nephron loop
Uterosacral ligament
(This is the rounded mass of fatty tissue lying over the joint of the pubic bones)
Mons pubis
Bulbospongiosus muscle
Proximal convoluted tubule
What is another name for the foreskin
Prepuce of the penis
Comprised of the pyramid + cortex
Renal lobe
Bulbourethral gland
Renal vein
Name the structure
Renal pyramid
Ejactulatory duct
Segmental artery
Iliococcygeus muscle
Labium majus
Collecting duct
Spermatic cord
Macula densa
Rugae of the urinary bladder
Lobe of the mammary gland