Unit III: Cardiovascular System Flashcards
When does the heart begin to beat?
22-23 days
3 principle layers
- endothelial heart tube
- primordial myocardium
- mesothelium of sinus venosus
What is dextrocardia?
- heart tube bends to the left
- all vessels are reversed
- sinus inversus
Blood enters the sinus venosus through the:
- common cardinal veins
- umbilical veins
- vitelline veins
What is the foramen primum
Gap between the septum primum and fused endocardial cushions
What is the foramen secudum?
Second opening in the septum primum
What is atrial septal defect?
- 25% of adults
- foramen ovale= small opening
- probe patent defect
- larger= clinical atrial septal defect
- blood LA-> RA
What is ventricular septal defect?
- most common
- in membranous inter ventricular septum
- incomplete closure of inter ventricular foramen
- blood LV-> RV
- results in death if untreated
The bulbus cords forms a part of each ventricle:
- RV: conus arteriosus
2. LV: aortic vestibule
What is tetralogy of fallot?
- pulmonary artery stenosis
- ventricular septal defect
- enlarged aorta
- RV hypertrophy
- uneven trunkus arteriosus
Fate of the horns of the sinus venosus
- right: sinus venarum, posterior to crista terminalis
2. left: coronary sinus
When the umbilical vein reaches the liver, half of the blood passes to the IVC through the ___
Ductus venosus
Other half of the blood enters from the umbilical vein through the ___
Liver sinusoids
Only ___% of the blood reaches the lungs
Neonatal circulation changes:
- ductus venosus constricts
- decreased BP in IVC
- increased blood flow to lungs
- increased venous return
- foramen ovale closure
- ductus arteriosus constricts
- LV becomes thicker
Adult derivative of cardinal veins
Superior and inferior vena cava and tributaries
Fetal structure of the portal vein and tributaries
Vitelline veins
Adult derivative of the umbilical vein
Ligamentum teres of the liver
Fetal structure of the ligamentum venosum
Ductus venosus
Adult derivative of the umbilical arteries
Medial umbilical ligaments
Fetal structure of the fossa ovalis
Foramen ovale
Adult derivative of the ductus arteriosus
Ligament arteriosum