unit II exam Flashcards
What was the greatest impact of the Silk Roads?
The Mongolian Empire
Transportation Technologies in the Silk Roads:
•magnetic compass
•junk- walls w/ thin hulls
Causes of the growth of exchange networks
Rise of New Empires- Mongolians conquered Abbasid Caliphate
Technology- rudder, compass, junk
Demand for SILK
Culture- Mahayana Buddhism- Buddha is a deity, emphasis on the compassionate works & earning of merit
Causes of Exchange in The Indian Ocean
Spread of Islam- Muslims Persians & Arabs, seafares, transporting goods
Calicut & Cambay- Centers of trade in E Africa & SW Asia
Increased demand for specialized products
Environmental knowledge- MONSOON WINDS- merchants plan around it, stay in port cities temporarily
Tech advances- lateen sails, stern rudder, astrolabe
Growth of states- Malacca- wealthy by navy + imposing fees, Sultanate ended when Portuguese invaded, caused traders to diversify routes & ports that they used.
Effects of exchange in the Indian Ocean
Zheng He- stopped pirate activity in Coast of China, wanted to display the might of the Ming Dynasty, brought back the first giraffe
Diasporic communities
Swahili- developed the African merchant class
Abundance in food & water
Leather goods & pottery
Stopping point on Silk Roads
Centers of Islamic learning
Centers of cultural exchange
Another C one
True or false: The Silk Roads normally weren’t dangerous and was united in 1 state which made trade less expensive
Freedom of religion
Were people accepting of everyone when it came to trade in the Indian Ocean Basin?
What did the Mongols fail to do?
Take over Japan
What led to the downfall of the Mongolian Empire?
The death of their Khan led to political fragmentation
Marco Polo
•Traveled among Chinese
•Kublai Khan wanted him to become the ambassador
•Influenced the European population with his stories
Flying Cash
Paper Money
1 location to deposit
1 location to withdraw
Banking Houses
Present a “bill of exchange”
Genghis Khan
Tribal alliances by defeating neighboring groups 1 by 1.
Obsessed with power
Personal loyalty- best way to run kingdom
“Ruler of all”
Mongolian Tech
exploited expertise of captured engineers to produce siege weapons (portable towers used to attack walled-fortifications & catapults)
poney express- oral message delivery
Mongolian Tech
exploited expertise of captured engineers to produce siege weapons (portable towers used to attack walled-fortifications & catapults)
pony express- oral message delivery
Pax Mongolia (Mongolian Peace)
Chinese & Islamic traditions
Genghis Khan- policy of religious tolerance
India’s demand for products in the Indian Ocean
Spice Islands
Malaysia & Indonesia
Mombasa, Mogadishu, Sofala demand for products
enslaved people
ivory & gold
Monsoon winds
winter- wind comes from NE
summer & spring- wind comes from SW
Advances in maritime tech
Lateen sails- easily catch wind
Stern rudder- stabilize ships
Astrolabe- determines latitude,how far from equator
Sultan of Malacca ***
Zheng He****
Mali in Trans Saharan Trade Routes
monopoly on trade of horses & medals
Taxes on salt & copper