6.2 state expansion Flashcards
King Leopold II
Wanted the Belgian government to conquer colonies in the Congo Basin
Belgian parliament disagreed with him but he took it himself
Parliament took the region away from him after finding that his rule was abusive
Why did the French seize Algeria?
To prevent pirate attacks
Discovery of quinine
In Africa
Medicine that treats malaria
Another discovery that helped explorers
The steamship
Suez Canal
Managed by the French
Connected Red Sea with Mediterranean Sea
Could save a trip around the entire continent of Africa
CorvΓ©e laborers
Unpaid Egyptian workers
Forced to work on the Canal project as a form of taxation
Britain seized control of Egypt fromβ¦
The Ottomans
Sierra Leone
Home got freed people throughout the British empire who were enslaved
It and Gambia were used as bases to try to stop the export of enslaved people from the region
Crown colony
Base for annexation of Nigeria
Britain in Ghana
Acquired Gold Coast- a Crown Colony
Asante Empire
Treaty with Britain and Jaja of Opobo
Nigeria, rich in palm oil
Recognized Jaja as a ruler and agreed to trade terms favorable to both sides
What type of colony was Algeria?
A settler colony
Berlin Conference
Otto Van Bismarck
Meeting of European powers to provide for the orderly colonization in Africa
No Africans were invited
Descendants of Dutch settlers
Fought with the Zulus, an indigenous group
Boer Wars
British & Afrikaners fighting over land
British drove them out of their lands, forcing them into refugee/concentration camps
Independent and unclaimed countries in Africa
Ethiopia and Liberia
Seven years war
lost to Britain and the seven years war, Britain drove the French out of India
East India company
At first, they protected the firms employees
Then they began recruiting native Indian soldiers, called sepoys to join the British colonial army
Sepoy rebellion against the British was unsuccessful
spheres of influence
Europeans in China had exclusive, trading rights and access to natural resources
Taiping Rebellion
Made it easier for foreign countries to dominate economic affairs in China
Hong Xinquan, starving peasants, workers, and miners tried to overthrow the Qing dynasty
Chinaβs internal problems
Yellow river (Huang He) flooded farmland and left other areas open to drought
bubonic plague, also broke out
Boxer Rebellion
Cixi ordered all foreigners would be killed
Boxers rebelled, Qing suffered a humiliating defeat
Meiji Restoration
Japanese industrialization in hope to protect Japanese culture
Colonization society
Establish colonies in Mexico in Latin America,
Japan, established colonies in China Korea southeast Asia in the Pacific Islands
French Indochina
Desire for cash crops
Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
Rubber plantations
Worlds greatest producer of natural rubber
Why were the British in Australia?
Fine wool industry
Copper & gold discovery
Treaty of Waitangi
Rights of Maori habitants would be protected by the British crown
Maori became a separate colony, but then war broke out as European settlers encroached on Maori lands
Maori economy base
Sheep grazing
Dairy farminf
Trail of tears
Forced migration of the Native Americans in Oklahoma
Monroe doctrine
European nations should not intervene in the affairs of the countries in Western Europe
Manifest destiny
White Americans believe they had a natural and inevitable right to expand to the Pacific Ocean
U.S. Bureau of the Census
Declared the western frontier was closed
Spanish-American war
The US bought Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico in the Philippines
Roosevelt corollary
Stated if countries in Latin America demonstrated instability, the US would intervene
US occupied Dominican republic until it repaid its foreign debts
State-run colony
Western institution slowly replace the local culture
Russian American company
Similar to the British and Dutch East India, companies established permanent headquarters in Novo-Arkhangelsk (modern day Sitka)
What ended Russian plans to make the North Pacific a Russian sea?
The US buying Alaska
The great game
Rivalry between Russian and British empires as they fought for dominance in Afghanistan
Congo Free State
Leopold kept these profits made by them
Brutal conditions
Terror into submission
Family held captive so workers wouldnβt run
Belgium took over, conditions improved