semester exam pt1 Flashcards
chinaβs strength
imperial bureaucracy
Song Dynasty
Demonstrate merit on civil service exams
Champa Rice
2 crops of rice per year
1 in the summer
1 in the winter
Song Dynasty had the greatestβ¦
Manufacturing company in the world
Cast iron goods
Who made the first guns with gunpowder?
Song Dynasty
other states pay money/provide goods to honor the Chinese emperor
Foot binding
Prevented womenβs feet from growing naturally
What did foot binding signify?
Social status,
Restricted participation in the public sphere
Wood block printing
People in China can make multiple copies of art/text without copying by hand
Popular in tang dynasty
Theravada Buddhism
Personal, spiritual growth through meditation and discipline
Mahayana Buddhism
Spiritual growth for all beings
Tibetan Buddhism
Strongest in Tibet
Zen/Chan Buddhism
Direct experience and meditation
All Buddhism types followed
The four noble truths (personal suffering is alleviated by eliminating cravings/desires)
eightfold path (speech, effort, etc, Nirvana)
Neo Confucianism
Rational thought + Daoism and Buddhism
House of wisdom
Abbasid empire
scholars in Baghdad study
Mamluk sultanate
Mamluks in Egypt, prospered by facilitating trade in cotton and sugar
How did the Mamluk sultanate decline?
Portuguese developed new sea routes for trade
Grasp truths that canβt be learned by introspection (examination of oneβs emotional processes)
Won many Muslim converts
Can be Muslim & still honor local deities
Bhakti movement
Hindu reform movement
doesnβt discriminate
one particular deity
Delhi sultanate
Brought Islam to India
Vijayanagara Empire
Born Hindu, converted to Islam
Victorious city
Hunter gatherers, aqueducts, pyramids
Used lake water to irrigate their fields
Aztec government
Theocracy (ruled by religious leaders)
Aztec religion
The gods sacrificed themselves to create the world
Aztec women
Wove cloth used to pay tribute
some were scribes to royal female family members
Aztec decline
Low technology,
resentment of conquered people
Incas system
Mitβa system -mandatory public service
Who is the most important god in the Incas?
The sun god
What was animism (Incas)?
The elements of the physical world can have supernatural powers
Education in the Incas
Record a numerical info
Terrace systems,
redirected rain,
good builders of bridges in roads
Inca decline
Conquistador, Francisco Pizarro
Mayan government
City β states (ruled by a king, city + its surrounding territory)
Carpa Nan (Incas)
Massive roadway system, mainly used by the government and military
Gold and Ivory to Muslim traders for salt, copper, clothes, tools
Centralized government
iron weapons
Mali see 2.4
Wealthy (Sundiata)
Powerful trading society
Most residents were farmers, who cultivated Sorghum and rice
Timbuktu- center of Islamic learning, books sold
Bantu + Arabic language
Made by East African traders
Indian Ocean Slave Trade
East Africa & Middle East
Slaves worked on sugar plantations in Mesopotamia
Zanj Rebellion
Exchanges of land for loyalty
Monarchs grant fiefs (tracts of land) to lords
Lords become vassals (service to the person of higher status), protect and provide land to peasants
Knights = vassals of lords
Peasants farm the land & provide with crops & livestock, obey the lord
Code of Chivalry-unwritten set of rules of loyalty
Women didnβt have many rights
3 Field System
1st field- wheat/rye (food crops)
2nd field- peas, lentils, beans (fertile soil bc of nitrogen)
3rd- allowed to remain unused each year
Manorial System (manors)
Manors produce everything ppl living on it required
Peasants were serfs and were tied to the land, need permission from lords to travel
Magna Carta
King must respect certain rights
Right to jury trial before a noble fan be sentenced to prison
Right to be consulted on an issue of scutage (tax paid on a knight who wanted to pay money instead of providing military service)
Magnetic Compass, Junk, Rudder
Designed by Chinese scientists in the Han Dynasty
Rudder was improved
Compass- calculated latitude
Rudder- helped aid navigation & ship control
Junk- a boat w/ divisions that made it stronger against rough voyages at sea
Flying Cash (Chinese Government)
Merchants can deposit paper $ under his name in 1 location, withdraw the same amount in another location