Unit A Biological Diversity: 1.0 & 2.0 Flashcards
What is a species?
Living things of the same kind that are able to reproduce successfully
What is biological diversity?
The variety of species and ecosystems on earth and the way they interact with eachother
Define ecosystem
A particular environment where living things interact with other living things
Define population
A group of individuals of the same species living in a certain area
What is a community?
A populations of different species living in the same area
The relationship between two different species
This is the umbrella term for three different types of symbiosis:
- commensalism
- mutualism
- parisitism
A relationship where one species benefits and the other is not harmed
A relationship where both species benefit
A relationship where one species benefits and the other is harmed
Interspecies competition
Two or more species competing for the same limited resource
The role of an organism in an ecosystem
Resource partitioning
Division of resources by co-existing species
Variations (differences) within a species
Natural selection
Process in which the environment picks individuals that will survive and reproduce
What does ‘Bio’ and ‘Diversity’ mean in biodiversity?
bio = life
diversity = variety or being different or unlike
What are the certain characteristics that all living things have?
- Are made of cells
- Need energy
- Grow and develop
- Reproduce
- Have adaptations that suit the environment in which they live
Define biotic and abiotic.
biotic = living
abiotic = nonliving
What are some abiotic factors in an ecosystem?
Air, Water, Sunlight
(the non-living components of the ecosystem)
What are some biotic factors in an ecosystem?
People, trees, birds, worms
Anything living
What are the differences within a population called?
Where is the greatest number of diversity on the planet? Why?
Near the equator since the climate is favourable to many different organisms.
For example, it doesnˋt get as cold as the north and south so animals donˋt need to have fancy adaptations to deal with lack of food from everything being covered in snow.
Who came up with a system for naming and classifying chemicals?
Cardus Linnaeus
What language are all organisms classified in? What are the organisms classified by?
Latin and based on their physical structure
What is the first and second word when naming a species?
1: Genus
2: species
Closely related species have the same ‘blank’
What are the five kingdoms in biology?
Animalia (animals)
Plantae (plants)
Fungi (yeasts, molds, mushrooms)
Protista (single-celled organisms)
Monera (Bacteria)
What are the sub groups of a kingdom?
What is the Mnemonic device help remember the sub-kingdoms?
Kings Play Cards On Fine Green Silk
Why can’t a species survive by itself?
Each species is dependent on each other, for example, animals need plants to get their energy.
What are the two types of interdependence?
- symbiosis
- predator and prey
What are the 3 types of symbiosis?
Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism
Describe commensalism
Where one species benefit and the other is not harmed
Describe mutualism
A relationship where both species benefit
Describe parasitism
Where one species benefit and the other is harmed
What is a niche?
The role of an organism within an ecosystem.
- what it eats
- what eats it
- its habitat
- nesting sights
What is interspecies competition?
When two or more species need a resource, and neither species benefits from this fight for resources.
What is resource partitioning?
When two or more species share a resource
Why is variation within a species important?
Because it increases the chances for an individual to survive if there is environmental change
What is natural selection and how does it relate to a specific variation within a species?
Natural selection shows which variation is better suited for the environment and more likely to survive