Unit 9. The Natural World Flashcards
An imaginary line drawn around the middle of the Earth on equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole. (Ecuador)
An insect with wings that is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night, and is attracted to light. (Mariposa nocturna)
- A piece of curved or bent metal that can be pressed into a smaller space but then turns into its usual shape. (Muelle) - Something’s ability to return to its usual shape after it has been pressed. (Elasticidad)
- (Specialized) To melt fat in order to make it purer. (Derretir) - To prepare or treat the bodies of dead animals in order to take out the fat and other substances that can be used in other products.
A set of bars over a hole in the road that allows vehicles to cross, but not animals such as cows and sheep. (Verja para el ganado)
Cattle grid
- The foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog, or bear, (Pata, garra, zarpa) - A human hand. (Manaza)
- To touch something with a paw. (Dar zarpazos) - (Informal) To feel or touch someone roughly with the hands, especially in an unpleasant sexual way. (Sobar, manosear)
A hard, white, grey layer of material that forms on the inside of pipes or containers that heat water. (Capa costra)
Scale / Limescale
- To dig a hole in the ground, especially to live in. (Cavar, excavar) - To move yourself into a position where you can feel warm, comfortable or safe. (Meterse) -To search for something, as if by digging. (Hurgar)
- A short, stiff hair, usually one of many. (Pelo, pelo de barba) - The _ of a brush are the stiff hairs or pieces of plastic that are connected to it. (Cerda)
A strong wish, especially one that is difficult or impossible to control. (Deseo, ansia)
- A small, usually black or brown creature with a long, soft body and no arms or legs, like a snail but with no shell. (Babosa) - (US informal) A slow-moving, lazy person.
The members of a person’s family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her. (Ascendencia, linaje)
Lineage /ˈlɪn.i.ɪdʒ/
To send someone, especially soldiers, to live in a place.
- Any of the long sharp pointed hairs on the body of a porcupine. (Púa) - A pen made from a bird’s feather, used in the past.
Any of the various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats. (Roedor)
A large nose. (Napia)
- An animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals. (Depredador) - (Disapproving) Someone who follows people in order to harm them or commit a crime against them. (Atacador)
To go from place to place searching, especially for food. (Buscar comida)
A hole in the ground dug by an animal such as a rabbit, especially to live in. (Madriguera)
An area of a town where a particular group of people live or work or where a particular activity happens. (Distrito, barrio)
(of a liquid) With small white bubbles on the surface. (Espumoso)
- One of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds. (Garra, zarpa) - One of the two pointed parts, used for holding things, at the end of the legs of some insects and sea creatures. (Pinza)
Foetal / Fetal
A room or house that has been provided especially for servants or soldiers and their families to live in. (Cuartel)
A slight injury or an unpleasant noise produced by rubbing against a surface. (Rasguño)
One or more people who provide help, information, or a particular reaction to something but who are not usually named.
One of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc. (Escama)
- The thick main stem of a tree, from which its breaches grow. (Tronco) - The main part of a person’s body, not including tha head, legs, or arms. (Tronco)
Dried grass or plant stems used by animals as a bed. (Lecho, cama de paja)
The hard, pointed part of a bird’s mouth. (Pico)
(Formal) A guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have. (Deducción, conclusion)
To use claws to tear something or someone. (Desgarrar)
Food grown fro horse and farm animals. (Forraje)
- To not continue with a system or plan. (Desechar, descartar) - To get rid of something that is no longer useful or wanted, often using its parts in new ways. (Tirar, convertir en chatarra)
A place where water naturally flows out from the ground. (Manantial)
(Formal) To give something such a service, a personal opinion or expression, or a performance of a song or poem, etc. to people. (Dar, prestar)
To suddenly realize something. (Darse cuenta)
To (cause to) rub against a surface so that slight damage or an unpleasant noise is produced. (Rozar, arañar, chirriar)
Buildings for people to live in. (Vivienda, alojamiento)