Unit 17. Talking Business Flashcards
- A planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim. (Campaña)
- A group of connected actions or movements that are part of a war.
(UK) Having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you.
A market, usually taking place outside, where old or used goods are sold cheaply. (Rastro, mercadillo)
Flea market
- The act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors. (Hospitalidad)
- The food, drink, etc. than an organisation provides in order to keep its guests or business partners happy.
A person who does unskilled physical work, especially outside. (Obrero, peon)
Labourer (UK) / Laborer (US)
Not taking or not seeming to take much interest. (Despreocupado)
- To make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone. (Apoyar, aprobar)
- To appear in an advertisement, saying that you use and like a particular product. (Promocionar)
A period of time in a football game in which play continues if neither team has won in the usual time allowed for the game. (Prórroga)
Extra time (UK) / Overtime (US)
(Phrasal verb) (Informal) To give someone the money that you owe them, especially when you do not want to.
Pay up
- Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education.
- The people who do a type of work, considered as a group.
(UK) To officially record on a driving licence that the driver has been found guilty of driving in an illegal way.
(Expression) To buy something because you think it will be useful, even if you think it is expensive. (Invertir en)
Invest in something
A path through the countryside, often made or used for a particular purpose. (Senda)
(Salario seminal)
(Two words) (US) Someone who is employed to welcome hotel guests when they arrive. (Recepcionista de hotel)
Desk clerk
- The fact of a business, organization, etc. stopping operating. (Cierre, clausura)
- The feeling or act of bringing an unpleasant situation, time, or experience to an end, so that you are able to start new activities. (Fin, conclusion)
A building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally.
The act of taking control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this. (Adquisición, absorción)
The group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc. (Mano de obra)
A part of something that has been divided between several people, which belongs to, is owed to, or has to be done by a particular person. (Parte)
(Expression) (Informal) To divide the cost of something with someone.
Go halves/shares
(Expression) The amount of money, goods, etc. available.
The slice/share of the cake
(Formal) The quality of regularly working hard. (Laboriosidad, aplicación)
An arrangement in which two people share the work and pay of a single full-time job. (Empleo compartido)
Job-share (Noun and verb)
(Two words) A series of documents that show a record of your activities.
Paper trail
To put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage. (Invertir)
(Two words) An official whose duties are connected with church.
Parish clerk
A small area of trade within the company, often involving specialized products.
- If a liquid _, it moves slowly through a substance with very small holes in it. (Filtrarse)
- To make coffee using a machine in which hot water passes through crushed coffee beans into a container below. (Hacer café a filtro)
Not regular or fixed. (Temporal, esporádico)
Not serious or considered, or done by chance. (Casual, fortuito)
(Expression) To work for someone, especially secretly.
Be in the pay of somebody
(Expression) Interested in buying something.
In the market for something
(especially of a word, phrase, etc) unnecessary because it is more than is needed.
- (Informal) An advantage or extra thing, such as money or goods, which you are given because of your job.
- An advantage.
To sell goods to the public in shops, on the Internet, etc. (Vender al por menor)
- To (allow something to) move slowly along the ground or through the air or water, after someone or something. (Arrastrar)
- To move slowly and without energy or enthusiasm. (Arrastrarse)
(Expression) To give authority or power to someone.
Invest somebody with something
(Phrasal verb) (Informal) To improve or become more exciting.
Perk up
A system in which groups of employers work for different agreed periods during the day or night.
Shiftwork / Shift work
(Expression) (Literary) To make someone or something seem to have a particular characteristic. (Revestir com algo)
Invest somebody/something with something
(Expression) Used when describing someone’s character, job, etc.
By nature, profession, trade, etc.
- A person who works in an office, dealing with records or performing general office duties. (Oficial)
- (US) Someone who sells things in a shop.
Clerk /klɑːk/ (UK) /klɝːk/ (US)
(Expression) To try to get control of something.
Make a takeover bid for something
(Time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job. (Horas extra)
- The people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold. (Mercado)
- The business or trade in a particular product, including financial products. (Mercado)
The money you receive for doing a job. (Paga, sueldo)
A statement about what someone feels, believes, or intends to do, often made publicly. (Declaración, testimonio)
(Expression) To pay for yourself rather that allowing someone else to pay.
Pay your way
- An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc. (Título, diploma)
- An ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity. (Requisito)
- The amount of money that someone is paid for the work they do. (Salario, sueldo)
- A company’s profits in a particular period. (Ingresos)
A piece of information that you add which limits the effect of something.
The activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops. (Venta al por menor)
(Satisfacción professional)
Job satisfaction
A person who is in charge of a group of people or an area of work and who makes sure that the work is done correctly and according to the rules. (Supervisor)
(Two words) (UK) An official responsible for acting on the decisions made by a town council. (Secretario de ayuntamiento)
Town clerk
(Phrasal verb) (Informal) To become or cause someone to become happier, more energetic, or more active. (Espabilar)
Perk (somebody) up
(Expression) To be very close to catching or finding someone.
Be hot on somebody’s trail/track
(Informal) (To cause liquid, especially coffee) to percolate.
To follow the trail of someone or something. (Seguir la pista a)
(Expression) To do something that you do not enjoy in order to have something that you want, or because you feel it is your duty. (Cumplir con tu deber)
Pay your dues
The companies and activities involved in the process of producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area. (Industria)
Extra payment for working after the usual time. (Paga por horas extra)
To spread slowly. (Filtrarse)
(Expression) To be sold at a particular price.
Retail at/for something
- A job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like.
- An area or position that is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type.
To work as a clerk.
Clerk /klɑːk/ (UK)
(Expression) To be losing to your competitor in a competition. (Ir rezagado/perdiendo con respecto a)
Be trailing
Success in getting into a competition. (Clasificación)
(Phrasal verb) When a person’s voice or a similar sound _, it becomes quieter and less confident and then stops completely.
Trail away/off
(Expresion) To be searching for someone or something by examining information you find about where they went.
Be on the trail of somebody/something
(Expression) Available for sale.
On the market
To write something in order to give permission for something, especially your name on the back of a cheque, in order to make it able to be paid to someone else. (Endorsar)
To organize a series of activities to try to achieve something. (Hacer campaña)
(Expression) The largest part or most of something.
The lion’s share
(Phrasal verb) To put money into a bank account.
Pay something in (UK) / Deposit (US)
- The smell or series of marks left by a person animal, or thing as it moves. (Rastro)
- Various pieces of information that together show where someone you are searching for has gone. (Rastro, pista, huella)
Jobs that need special training or a particular and skill, such as being a doctor or lawyer, but not work in business or industry.
The professions
A hollow in a wall, especially one made to put a statue in so that it can be seen.
- The people and activities involved in one type of business. (Industria, sector)
- (Disapproving) Something that is produced or is available in large quantities and makes a lot of money.
One of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that can be bought by members of the public. (Acciones)
A job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service.
(UK) Someone whose job is to put good on the shelves in a supermarket.
Shelf stacker / Shelf filler