Unit 20. The Arts Flashcards
- Relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty. (Estético) - Describes an object or a work of art that shows great beauty. (Bonito)
Aesthetic / US also Esthetic
Relating to the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a society. (Cultural)
To give someone a signal to do something. (Hacer una señal)
Cue / Cue in
(Expression) To not want to do something, often because you are angry.
Be in no mood for something / to do something
- Existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object. (Abstracto)
- Describes an argument or discussion that is general and not based on particular examples. (Abstracto, impreciso)
A short form of a speech, article, book, etc., giving only the most important facts or ideas. (Resumen)
Describes something with a special and exciting quality. (Mágico)
(Phrasal verb) (Informal) To agree to something that you were against before, after someone has persuaded you or threatened you. (Rendirse, ceder)
Cave in
To see something or someone for a very short time or only partly. (Entrever, vislumbrar)
To make someone or something richer.
To cause a reaction, especially a negative one.
(Expression) (Informal) If a person is _, they are being unfriendly and angry in a way that is typical for them.
Be in one of your moods
A shape or pattern cut into wood or stone or the skill of doing this. (Escultura, talla)
(Formal) Containing or consisting of fixed and repeated groups of words or ideas. (Formulado)
To be or go somewhere in very large numbers. (Abarrotar)
Very well known and important. (Destacado)
(Espectador, observador)
Describes a person or thing that is similar to someone or something that existed in the past. (De nuestros días)
(Expression) To be strongly influenced by something or someone.
Take your cue from something/somebody
An idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle. (Concepción, idea)
(Formal) Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. that are _ combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system. (Ecléctico)
- (Two words) (UK offensive) Someone who does not do things correctly.
- (Two words) (UK offensive) Someone who is often drunk.
Piss artist
Serious and careful thought. (Reflexión)
A person whose job is to escape from chains, boxes, etc.as part of entertainment.
Escapologist / Escape artist
To try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties. (Esforzarse, luchar)
An object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest. (Artefacto)
Artefact / US usually Artifact
(Expression) To take notice of someone’s words or behaviour so that you know what you should do. (Seguir el ejemplo de alguien)
Take your cue from somebody
(Expression) (Informal) To be extremely effective in improving a situation.
Perform/work miracles/a miracle
A word or group of words used in a particular situation or by particular people.
- A word or action in a play or film that is used as a signal by a performer to begin saying or doing something. (Señal, entrada)
- A signal for someone to do something. (Señal)
- An occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time. (Ojeada, vistazo)
- A quick idea or understanding of what something is like. (Destello)
- Forming the base, from which everything else develops.
- More important that anything else.
To give a title to a person or group. (Llamar, designar)
Very ordinary and therefore not interesting. (Mundano)
In mathematics, a symbol or group of symbols that represent an amount.
- Something that causes growth or activity. (Estímulo, incentivo)
- (Specialized) Something that causes part of the body to react. (Estímulo)
Stimulus (pl. Stimuli)
The process of a male and a female sex cell joining and causing a baby to start to form. (Conception)
Describes a type of painting, drawing, or sculpture that uses shapes, lines, and colour in a way that does not try to represent the appearance of people or things. (Abstracto)
Very exciting and producing strong feelings. (Electrizante)
General ideas.
The abstract
(Phrasal verb) (Informal) To understand, especially after a long time.
Catch on
(Formal) To go further, rise above, or be more important or better then something, especially a limit. (Trascender, ir más allá, exceder, superar)
To compose the sequence of steps and moves for a ballet or other performance of dance. (Coreografiar)
(Expression) Completely bald.
As bald as a coot (UK)
As bald a cue ball (US)
A large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground. (Cueva, caverna)
(Expression) To operate / not operate in a satisfactory way.
Perform well/badly
- Sticking out from a surface. (Prominente)
- Describes something that is in a position in which it is easily seen.
A sign or result of something. (Reflejo)
(Two words) A person who deceives other people by making them believe something false or making them give money away. (Estafador, timador)
Con artist/man
Skilled. (Experto)
(Two words) A very unhappy feeling.
Black mood
(Expression) Something that makes other people have a particular opinion about someone or something, especially a bad opinion.
A reflection on somebody/something
Skilful, clever, or quick. (Hábil, diestro)
Someone whose job is putting tattoos on people. (Tatuador)
Tattooist / Tattoo artist
Describes a woman who has a body with attractive curves. (Con curvas, escultural)
(Expression) To feel like doing or having something.
Be in the mood
Forms of entertainment such as acting, dancing and playing music. (Artes escénicas)
The performing arts
To make or try to make a person or an animal angry.
The fact of something becoming known or starting to exist. (Surgimiento)
(Literary) To develop or grow quickly. (Florecer, crecer)
(Two words) A phrase in which the words are always used in the same order.
Set expression/phrase
- Fixed into the surface of something. (Incrustado, elevado)
- If an emotion, opinion, etc. is _ in someone or something, it is very strong or important part of them. (Clavado)
- An _ journalist or reporter travels with and is protected by a unit of soldiers during a war.
Embedded / US also Imbedded
- The second of two people, things, or groups previously mentioned. (El último, éste)
- (Not standard) The last of more than two things, people, or groups previously mentioned.
The latter
The image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface. (Reflejo)
- New, original, and clever. (Imaginativo)
- Good at thinking of new, original, and clever ideas. (Imaginativo)
A crowd of large group of people. (Multitud)
- A situation in which you have a close friendship or sexual relationship with someone. (Relación íntima)
- Things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other. (Intimidad)
(Expression) (Usually disapproving) To learn something in order to be able to repeat it from memory, rather than in order to understand it.
Learn something by rote
To improve the quality of something by adding something else. (Enriquecer)
The formal study of art, especially in relation to the idea of beauty. (Estética)
Aesthetics / US also Esthetics
(Expression) If something happens _, it happens just after someone has said or thought it would happen. (En el momento justo, hablando del rey de Roma)
On cue
(Expression) (Informal) To not be friendly to other people because you are feeling angry.
Be in a mood
A painting that uses shapes, lines, and colour in a way that does not try to represent the appearance of people or things.
Someone who creates sculptures. (Escultor)
Expression of your personality, emotions, or ideas, especially through art, music, or acting. (Autoexpresión)
(Two words) The amount of time that a person or system takes to react or to deal with something.
Response time
- (Formal) The fact of someone appearing by coming out from behind something. (Aparición)
- The fact of someone or something coming to the end of a difficult period or experience.
Describes someone who has had a good education and knows a lot about art, music, literature, etc. (Culto)
Near or towards the end of something. (Último)
- (Specialized) A computer or electronic device that is _ is built to work in a particular way and you cannot change the way it performs with new software, etc.
- (Informal) If someone or something is _ to do a particular thing, they automatically do it and cannot change that behaviour. (Estructurado)
- An answer or reaction.
- Any of the parts sung or said, in some religious ceremonies, by the people in answer to the parts said or sung by the priest.
A difference or sepatarion. (Diferencia, division)
(Two words) (Usually disapproving) Learning something in order to be able to repeat it from memory, rather that in other to understanding. (Aprender de memoria)
Rote learning
- Good at doing something, especially because you have practised doing it. (Habilisoso, diestro)
- Done or made very well.
Skilful (UK)
Skillful (US)
(Phrasal verb) To become popular or fashionable.
Catch on
- The act of saying what you think or showing how you feel using words or actions. (Expresión)
- The look on someone’s face, showing what they think or feel.
The use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations.
Relating to music, art, theatre, literature, etc. (Cultural)
(Approving) High quality in appearance, design, or behaviour. (Estilo)
The act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as describes. (Agradecimiento, valoración, apreciación)
(Expression) (UK) To be a perfect or typical example of something.
Be an artist, professional, etc. to your fingertips
(Two words) The reaction within the body that is caused by antigens and results in the production of antibodies that can fight disease by killing the bacteria or viruses that cause it.
Immune response
An increase in price, value, etc. (Aumento de valor)
(Suffix) In the style mentioned.
(Expression) Said before or after using language that other people might consider shocking.
If you’ll pardon the expression
Something created as a result or effort, especially a painting, book, or piece of music. (Creación, trabajo)
A long, thin wooden pole with a small piece of leather at one end, used for hitting the ball in games such as billiards or snooker. (Taco)
Developing quickly. (En aumento, en vías de expansion)
Aesthetically / Esthetically
(Phrasal verb) If a ceiling, roof, or other structure _, it breaks and falls into the space below. (Desplomarse, derrumbarse)
Cave in