Unit 13. The Modern World Flashcards
- To give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people. (Contribuir) - To write articles for a newspaper, magazine or book. (Colaborar, contribuir)
The size, shape, or level of something. (Proporciones)
To calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known. (Pronosticar, predecir)
(Expression) To treat a particular event or problem far too seriously.
Blow something out of proportion
(Expression) With the knowledge that experience gives you. (En retrospectiva, con la sabiduría de la experiencia)
With (the benefit/wisdom of) hindsight
(Aislamiento, retraimiento)
A calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have. (Predicción, pronóstico)
To become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number. (Reducirse, menguar)
Information based on a study of the number of times something happens or is present, or other numerical facts.
Statistics (Informal: Stats)
To breed and keep particular living things in order to get substances they produce. (Cultivar)
The correct or most attractive relationship between the size of different parts of the same thing or between one thing and another. (Proporción)
To throw or direct something forwards, with force. (Lanzar, proyectar)
(Specialized) Cells, tissues, organs, or organisms grown for scientific purposes, or the activity of breeding and keeping particular living things in order to get the substances they produce. (Cultivo)
(Literary) A piece of burning wood used to give light. (Tizón)
(Disapproving) To try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way. (Entrometerse)
To make a problem or difficult situation worse. (Agravar)
Charged at a lower rate than usual. (Con precio reducido)
- A chemical that combines two or more elements. (Compuesto) - (Formal) Something consisting of two or more different parts. - In grammar, a word that combines two or more different words. (Palabra compuesta)
(Phrasal verb) To help to cause an event or situation.
Contribute to something
- If a situation or story _, it develops or becomes clear to other people. (Revelarse, exponerse) - (Formal) To tell someone about something, especially a plan, and explain it in detail.
To say that you think someone is as stated. (Calificar a alguien como)
(Expression) To judge correctly its seriousness.
Keep it in proportion
To open or spread out something that has been folded. (Desdoblar, desplegar)
To mix two things together. (Combinar)
A person belonging to an ethnic group. (Miembro de una minoría étnica)
Something that projects from a surface or above the edge of something.
A movement of water, air, or electricity in a particular direction. (Corriente)
UK: Sceptical US: Skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/
To mark an animal such as a cow by burning or freezing its skin to show you own it.
A mark that is burned or frozen into the skin of an animal such as a cow to show who owns. (Marca)
A short holiday in the middle of each of the three periods into which the school year is divided.
UK: Midterm US: Half-term
(Expression) To sing or speak loudly and clearly.
Project your voice
A reporter for radio or television who provides a spoken description of and remarks on an event, especially a sports competition, as it happens. (Comentarista)
In the middle of a period when a government is in office. (A la mitad del mandato)
- To cause a film, image, or light to appear on a screen on other surface. (Proyectar) - (Specialized) To wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels that way. (Proyectar) - If you _ a particular quality, that quality is what most people notice about you.
To surprise or shock someone very much. (Somprender, asombrar)
The act of projecting a film or an image onto a screen or wall. (Proyección)
(Expression) To include something when you are doing a calculation, or when you are trying to understand something. (Tener en cuenta)
Factor something in / Factor something into something
- To stop increasing or stop something from increasing. (Allanar, aplanar, alisar) - (Human resources) To reduce the number of different levels of managers and other employees in an organisation.
To stick out over an edge or from a surface. (Sobresalir)
(an organisation or group that has) complete control of something, especially an area of business, so that others have no share. (Monopolio)
- Consisting of two or more parts. (Compuesto) - Used to refer to a system of paying interest in which interest is paid both in the original amount of money invested (=given to companies hoping to get more back) or borrowed on the interest that has collected over a period of time.
- An occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly. (Insinuación) - The effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future. (Consecuencia, implicación) - An occasion when you suggest or show that someone is involved in a crime. (Implicación)
A business activity that two or more people or companies that work together. (Empresa conjunta)
Joint venture
(Phrasal verb) To stop rising or falling, and stay at the same level. (Nivelar)
Flatten off/out
(Expression) (Monopolizar)
Have a monopoly (over)
A particular opinion or feeling that a group of people have. (Corriente)
Very surprising or shoking. (Sorprendente, asombroso)
Of the present time. (Actual)
(Expression) The ability to understand what is important and what is not.
Sense of proportion
The ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened. (A posteriori, en retrospectiva)
- Relating to getting older. (Envejecido) - Describes a person or thing that is getting old. (Anticuado, viejo)
- Relating to a particular race of people. (Étnico) - From a different race, or interesting because characteristic of an ethnic group that is very different from those that are common in western culture. (Étnico, exótico)
An area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings. (Recinto)
Used with words such as first, second, etc. to show how good you think something is.
-rate First-rate: Very good Second, third-rate: Not very good
- The number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole. (Proporción, parte) - The number, amount or level of one thing when compared to another.