Unit 9 Key Terms Flashcards
Students for a Democratic Society vs Young Americans for Freedom, SDS was left-wing and advocated for progressive movements, YAF was right-ring and advocated for conservative policies, SDS tactics involved more civil disobedient while the YAF promoted education and stuff like that
1968 Democratic National Convention protests
highlighted the divide of the democratic party and U.S, protests/riots against the Vietnam war
1968 Gore Vidal vs William F. Buckley
A televised debate during the Democratic National Convention, Gore Vidal was a liberal who criticized conservative policies while William Buckley supported them, debates became tense and personal and gained a lot of media attention
John Birch Society
Conservative “right wing” group named after an American Baptist killed by Chinese communists, primarily focused on opposing communism and were kind of radical
Rock n’ Roll music
A new genre of music that emerged during the 1950 composed of African American rhythm, country music, and other styles, broke down racial barriers
A culture emerging in the 1960s with lifestyles and values opposed to established culture, hippies and self expression
Part of the Counterculture movement rejecting societal norms, materialism, and consumerism
policy of “openness” in USSR by Mikhail Gorbachev to increase transparency in the media and give freedom of speech
a policy of “restructuring” in the USSR led by Mikhail Gorbachev, wanted to modernize and stimulate the soviet economy
Mikhail Gorbachev
Final leader of the USSR untill it collapse, was more of a reformer with his policies of Perestroika and Glasnost
Vladimir Putin
President of Russia, authoritarian ruler where he tries to consolidate power while strengthening Russia at a global stage
Sun Belt
South and Southwestern region of the United States with constant warm climate, saw a massive boom in urban development and industries such as manufacturing and automobiles
Rust Belt
Northeastern and midwestern region, manufacturing was very prominent and it became the heart of Americas industrial power
planned suburban communities of cheap, mass-produced houses, provided cheap housing for returning veterans
GI Bill
gave returning ww2 veterans benefits including healthcare, housing, education, etc
Post 9/11 GI BIll
provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001
George H.W. Bush
41st president, leaded at the end of the Cold War and involvement in the Gulf War, economic recession late in his first term which hurt him and he didn’t get reelected
Bill Clinton
42nd President, wanted economic revitalization, healthcare reform, and social progress, impeached because of the Lewinsky Scandal
George W. Bush
43rd president, known for response to 9/11: “war on terrorism”, Afghanistan invasion and Iraq war, created of Homeland Security
Barack Obama
44th president, first African American, better access to healthcare through obama care, began withdraw of troops of Afghanistan
Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm
A conflict between Iraq and a coalition involving the U.S, started when Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait, Iraq lost and marked a change in U.S policy in region
2nd Iraq War
Invasion of Iraq lead by the United states in fear that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction, caused instability
Afghanistan War
Happened because of 9/11 with the primary goal being to find Osama Bin Laden and break up al Qaeda, withdrew and now Taliban controls Afghanistan
September 11, 2001, attack by Al Queda, 4 planes hijacked with 2 crashing into the Twin Towers, one in the pentagon, and one where ppl fought back
group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan’s government in 1996, harbored Al Qaida
Al Qaeda
terrorist group established by Osama bin Laden to get rid of Western Influence in Muslim countries
Department of Homeland Security
created in response to 9/11 in order to protected American from threats, primarily terrorism
Patriot Act
passed after 9/11, expanded fighting terrorism, improved communication between law enforcement and intelligence agencies
Bush Doctrine
A policy Bush that asserts America’s right to attack any nation that has weapons of mass destruction that might be used against U.S. interests at home or abroad.
Axis of Evil
Countries that Bush said sponsored terrorism and pursued weapons of mass destruction, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.
Saddam Hussein
President of Iraq for over 20 years, overthrown in 2003, accused of creating WMD and refused to let the UN check leading to 2nd Iraq war
Osama Bin Laden
founder of the terrorist group al Qaeda who did 9/11
Slobodan Milosevic
Former president of Serbia and Yugoslavia, known for ethnic cleansing against Bosnian Muslims
Lewinsky Scandal/Clinton Impeachment
scandal where Clinton lied under oath about having an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, led to impeachment
Dayton Accords
1995 peace agreement, ended Bosnian War, the war after the breakup of Yugoslavia
Oslo Accords
Secret peace talks between Israel and Palestine, marked first negotiations between them to resolve conflict
North American Free Trade Agreement, reduced barriers and tariffs with US, Mexico, and Canada in order to promote economic growth
Welfare Reform Act
Moved away from traditional welfare system and gave states more flexibility designing and implanting their welfare programs
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela, established petroleum policies to ensure stable market
European Union, created to promote peace, stability, and economic cooperation among European countries
LA Riots
Caused by the cop assault of Rodney King, cops were acquitted leading to massive riots where whites and Koreans were targeted
Hurricane Katrina
2005, one of largest hurricanes in U.S. Bush Administration had slow responses made them look bad
Federal Emergency Management Agency, created to coordinate the government’s response to disasters and emergencies
Black Hawk Down
Military operation in Somalia that aimed to capture rebel leaders, part of a broader effort to restore stability to Somalia
Kyoto Protocol
international treaty to address global climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, set reduction targets for developed countries
Bush v. Gore (2000)
2000 election, closest in U.S history, numerous issues with vote count in Florida, but the court ruled recounting of votes in Florida violated the 14th amendment leading to Bush’s victory
John McCain
served in the House, senate, tried to run for president in 2008, considered a war hero and endured torture as prisoner of war in vietnam
Newt Gingrich
Republican speaker in the House of representation, pushed for more conservative legislation during Clinton’s presidency.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Associate justice of the supreme count appointed by Bill Clinton, advocated for gender equality, civil rights, and reproductive rights
dot-com bubble
people began heavily investing in internet based companies that occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s, crashed in the early 2000s as ppl reevaluated their investments
Great Recession
severe economic downturn that lasted from late 2007 through mid-2009 resulting from the housing market crash
Dodd-Frank Act
strengthened government oversight of financial markets after Great Recession, placed limitations on risky financial strategies
Affordable Care act
Also ObamaCare, expanded Medicare and created individual mandates for health insurance, increase affordability and access to health care/insurance
Lily Ledbetter Act
wanted to fix gender pay discrimination, gave more time to file claims in pay discrimination
Sandy Hook Shooting
20 children and 6 adults were killed by Adam Lanza at elementary school in Connecticut, led to debates about gun violence, gun control legislation, and school safety
Columbine Shooting
1999 school shooting in Columbine, Colorado, bullied students killed 12 students and 1 teacher, brought attention to bullying in school and of course safety precautions
Park Land School shooting
Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people at his former school in Park Land Florida, sparked movement by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for legislative action to address gun violence.
Oklahoma City Bombing
A domestic terrorist attack that killed 168 people including 19 children at a nearby daycare center
promoting of democracy and intervening in international affairs, grounded in the philosophy of “peace through strength”
religous right
Christian political and social movement during the late 20th century, advocated for their conservative Christian beliefs, opposed abortion rights and LGBTQ rights
Moral Majority
wanted conservative Christians to be political force to influence elections and public policy, opposed abortion and homosexuality
Billy graham
A Christian Evangelist fundamentalism preacher, appeared across the country and overseas during and after the war.
Pat Robertson
an American “televangelist” known for his conservative Christian views and his influential role in American evangelicalism, opposed abortion rights and LGBTQ rights
Jerry Falwell
Prominent evangelical minister, leader of the Moral Majority, against gay people