Final APUSH Review Flashcards
Period 1 (dates, main ideas, etc.)
Christopher Colombus pulled up in 1492
Colombian Exchange: exchange of food, ideas, diseases between Old World and New World
Spanish Colonization:
God, Gold, & Glory
Encomienda System: made natives into slaves and catholics
1590s: Asiento System: african americans slaves (encomienda ended cus of Valladolid Debates)
Period 2 (dates, main ideas, etc.)
French Colonization:
Quebec and New Orleans
Friendly with Natives
traded stuff like fur
English Colonization:
Jamestown made in 1607; first english colony
Southern Colonies:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland
most slaves, Stono Rebellion, tobacco, rice, sugar
New England Colonies (Religion Based):
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire
economy based on trade
Middle Colonies (agriculture)
Pennsylvania, Delaware, NY, NJ
founded by John Winthrop, “City on a Hill”, Puritans
Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams made it for religious freedom
Made by William Penn, freedom & equality, opposed slavery
Native American Conflicts
1622 Powhatan Uprising in Virginia
1675 King Philip’s War in New England
Self Government
Salutary Neglect
Mayflower Compact
laws set for Pigrims in Plymouth
Virgina House of Burgesses
legislative body in Virginia with elections
First Great Awakening
Jonathon Edwards used fear to bring people back to church
George Whitefield did emotional conversions
French & Indian War
French & Indian War vs. British & Colonies
British won with lot of debt
Proclamation of 1763: Colonists can’t go past Appalachian to avoid Native American conflict
Path to Revolution
Salutary Neglect ended
Stamp Act: first tax after F&I war to get money
“No taxation without representation{
Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts such as Quartering Act
Revolutionary War
First Continental Congress tried to create peace
First shots at Lexington & Concord started war (shot heard around the world)
Second Continental Congress & Common Sense by Thomas Paine inspired Declaration of Independence
War (1775-1783)
Lexington & Concord (Start)
Saratoga (Turning Point)
Yorktown (British Surrender)
Treat of Paris
Won because of Washington, Guerilla Warfare, and French Support
Articles of Confederation and Constitution
Couldn’t tax or make national currency
Hard to pass laws or amend the Articles
Shays Rebellion led to Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention in 1787:
Great Compromise (bi-cameral legislature and 3/5 rule)
3 branches, checks & balances, separation of power
Federalists (Hamilton + Madison) published Federalist Papers for strong central govt.
Anti-Federalists wanted more power for states and BIll of Rights
Constitution ratified in 1789, GW becomes first president
George Washington
Made president cabinet, showed executive power during Whiskey Rebellion, two-term tradition
Farewell Address: don’t interfere with Europe, avoid political parties
Thomas Jefferson
Bought lousiana and doubled US, Embargo Act hurt economy
James Madison
War of 1812 due to British Impressment of American Sailors, White House burnt, star-spangled banner, ended with Treaty of Ghent
James Monroe
Era of Good Feelings (only DR party)
Monroe Doctrine: Europe stay out of Western Hemisphere
Henry Clay Missouri Compromise: drew line to balance slave & free states
JQ Adams
Corrupt bargain election
Andrew Jackson
Common people President
Agriculutre economy, states right, no National Bank
Destroyed National Bank, Indian Removal Act → Trail of Tears
Nullification Crisis (South Carolina didn’t agree to Tariffs)
Whig Party
anti-Jackson party by Henry Clay
Henry Clay American System:
protective tariffs
2nd National Bank
internal improvementsM
Market Revolution
textile mill, Eli Whitney cotton gin, hiring of women & children & immigrants
Transportation Revolution
steam engine and Erie Canal connected regional economies
Second Great Awakening
increased church attendance, denominations such as Mormoms created
first Women movement stuff
First Women’s Movement
WCTU (Women Christian Temperance Union) to ban alcohol
Seneca Fall Convention & Declaration of Sentiments
main leader was Elizabeth Stanton
Period 5
Manifest Destiny: god-given duty to expand coast-to-coast
James K Polk annexed Texad leading to Mexican-American War
Mexican-American War (1846-1848)
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo gave us Cali, Arizona, New Mexico, and more
1848 Gold Rush
Compromise of 1850: cali is free state, strengthened slave fugitive laws
Harriet Tubman’s Underground Railroad
Kansas-Nebraska Act: popular soverignthy in Kansas & Nebraska leading to Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott 1857 Decision: African Americans arent citizens so they dont hv rights
Civil War
- slavery, sectionalism, tariffs, abraham lincoln elected
- Fort Sumter (start)
- Antietam (bloodiest battle)
- Gettysburg (turning point)
- Apottomax (end)
strong generals and commitment
more money, infrastrastructure, people, and had lincoln leadership
Freedman’s Bureau
- food shelter education for free slaves
Reconstruction Amendments
13th removed slavery
14th gave equal rights & protection
15th gave all men right to vote
- sharecropping
- Black codes, Jim Crow, KKK
Compromise of 1877:
- Ruthford chosen as president in return for removing troops from South, ended Reconstruction
The Gilded Age
US Steel (Andrew Carnegie, vertical integration)
Standard Oil (John D. Rockefeller, horizontal integration)
laissez-faire: limited govt. regulation of businesses
Unions like AFL formed due to bad conditions and low wages
Pullman Strike of 1894 failed since govt. sides with business
Sherman Anti-Trust got rid of monopolies
Gilded Age Philosophies
- Social Darwinism: economic survival of the fittest
- Carnegie Gospel of Wealth: rich should do charity
Transcontinental Railroad Connected East and West
Plain Wars:
America took over Native lands even though they won small battles
The New South:
- steel plants, textile factories, lumber, tobacco
Populist Party
farmers, coinage of silver
Age of Imperialism
William McKinley
- Annexed Hawaii
- Used Sinking of USS Maine in 1898 to join Span-Am war and get Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillipines
Teddy Roosevelt:
- Roosevelt Corollary: US has right to intervene in Latin America for peace & stability
- built Panama Canal
Teddy Roosevelt
Square Deal
- control corporation, consumer protections, conservation of natural resources
- broke up trusts, made nationals parks, made FDA
Ida Tarbell, Standard Oil
Upton Sinclair, “The Jungle”, meat packing industry
Jacob Riis, “How the Other Side Lives”, poor living conditions
initially neutral but supported allies
Zimmerman Telegram and Sinking of Submarines led us to join 1917
Espionage & Sedition ActsR
Roaring 20s
Increased buying of cars & appliances
Great Migration
Harlem Renaissance
First Red Scare
Tulsa Race RiotG
Great Depression
stock market crash
FDR New Deal
relief, reform, and reform
WPA, FDIC, Social Security
Lend-Lease Act to help allies
first peacetime draft
Attack on Pearl Harbor (1941) led us to join war and Japanese Internment
Women working in industry
Navajo Codetalkers
UN was created
GI Bill
Baby Boom
Eisenhower Interstate Highway System
Second Red Scare
McCarthyism and House of Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC)
Espionage by Rosenbergs
Cold War Policies
Contain Communism
Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Eisenhower Doctrine
Kennedy was more flexible
Nixon’s detente to ease tensionsCol
Cold War Conflicts
Berline Blockade & Airlift (1948)
Korean War (1950-53) — first proxy war
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Scared of domino effect so we sent advisors but not troops under Eisenhower & Kennedy
Gulf of Tonkin Incident led Johnson to deploy 500K troops over 4 years
Met backlash: protests across the country against draft and Pentagon Papers caused distrust in govt.
Civil Rights Movement
1954 Brown v. Board of Education
Montgomery Bus Boycott by Rosa Parks
Southern Christian Leadership Conference by MLK
March on Washington
Led to Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights Act of 1965
Malcolm X and Black Panthers were more aggressive
Johnson’s Great Society
War on Poverty
Medicare and Medicaid
2nd Women Movement
Betty Gridan Published Feminine Mystique and confounded NOW, pushed for ERA
Phyllis Schafly opposed ERA, wanted traditional gender roles
Jimmy Carter
Good: Camp David Accords
Bad: Stagflation (high inflation & high unemployment) and Iranian Hostage Crisis
Ronald Reagan
Supply Side economics
reduced spending by cutting Great Society Programs
increased defense spending
Strategic Defense Initiaitive to bankrupt USSR
“break down this wall”
HW Bush
End of Cold War in 1991 with fall of berlin wall and USSR fall
OPeration Desert Storm to prevent aggression from Saddam Hussein in Kuwait
W Bush
War on Terror after 9/11
Migration & Immigration
Steel Belt to Rust BElt
Growth in immigration from Asia and Latin America
similar to colombian exchange of connected economies and ideas worldwide
1st Amendment
Freedom of speech, press, & religion
2nd Amendment
right to bear arms
3rd Amendment
Citizens don’t have to house soldiers.
4th Amendment
No unreasonable search or arrest.
5th Amendment
Protection from self-incrimination
6th Amendment
The right to a speedy and public trial
13th Amendment
Abolish slavery.
14th Amendment
Equal rights and protections for all citizens
15th Amendment
Voting rights
16th Amendment
Income tax.
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators
18th Amendment
19th Amendment
Women can vote
20th Amendment
Change in when president takes office
21st Amendment
Repeal prohibition
22nd Amendment
President can only serve two terms.
Stono Rebellion
Shays Rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
Pontiac’s Rebellion