Unit 6 Key Terms Flashcards
A Century of Dishonor
- written by Helen Hunt Jackson in 1881 to expose the atrocities the United States committed against Native Americans in the 19th century
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the telephone
American Federation of Labor
- 1886; founded by Samuel Gompers; sought better wages, hrs, working conditions; skilled laborers, arose out of dissatisfaction with the Knights of Labor, rejected socialist and communist ideas, non-violent.
Andrew Carnegie
A Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry.
Atlanta Compromise
Argument put forward by Booker T. Washington that African-Americans should not focus on civil rights or social equality but concentrate on economic self-improvement to proved their worth and they would gradually be accepted
- white people liked it
Benjamin Harrison
- 23rd president
- Bad economic choices such as the McKinley Tariff
- Sherman Antitrust Act signed by him
Billion Dollar Congress
- Republican Congress of 1890.
- Gave pensions to Civil War veterans, increased government silver purchases, and passed McKinley Tariff Act of 1890.
- First billion dollar budget.
- Sherman Antitrust Act
Booker T. Washington
- Prominent African-American Activist born into slavery
- Wanted African Americans to accept racial inequality and segregation in return for economic opportunities
- Wanted to prove african americans were useful to the nation
- more gradual
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
- A show made by William Frederick Cody that reenacted famous frontier events and life in the West
- justified American cause to take territory;
- shaped the perceptions of the West in favor of Americans removing Native Indians
Captains of Industry
- Owners and managers of large industrial enterprises who wielded extraordinary political and economic power
- Rockefeller, Carnegie, J.P Morgan
Carlisle Indian School
- A pennsylvania School for NAtive American children
- Goal was to assimilate them into euro/american life
- very controversial because it separated kids from their family and it was often pressured
Chester A. Arthur
- 21st president after Andrew Garfield’s Assassination
- Civil reforms such as the Pendelton Civil Service Reform that established a merit-based system (Done because many thought the spoils system caused Garfield’s death)
Chinese Exclusion Act
(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while
- Chinese could not become citizens as well
- Lots of anti-Chinese sentiments at the time because they thought they were taking their jobs
Congress of Industrial Organization
- A federation of labor union for all unskilled workers. It provided a national labor union for unskilled workers, unlike the AFL, which limited itself to skilled workers.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
- A railroad owner who built a railway connecting Chicago and New York. He popularized the use of steel rails in his railroad, which made railroads safer and more economical.
Curtis Act
- Dissolved the Indian Territory and abolished tribal governments
- Attempt to speed up the process of native American assimilation
Dawes Severalty Act
- The act passed with the intent to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream of American life
- Wanted to split up the land of tribes and give it to individual members to encourage private ownership and farming
Denis Kearney
- Founded the Workingman’s party that fought for workers rights
- He led strikes against imported Chinese Workers and supported anti-Chinese sentiment.
Eugene V. Debs
- Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.
Frederick Jackson Turner
- American historian most know for his “frontier thesis”
- Would later change his stance away from the frontier thesis but it was too popular
Frontier Thesis
- Created by Frederick Jackson Turner
- Argued that the western frontier was what shaped American identity
- Said America was its own unique country away from European influence
- Gave explanations for American excellency
Gentlemen’s Agreement
1907 agreement between the United States and Japan that restricted Japanese immigration
- Unofficial but informal understandings between the two countries
- School segregation
Gilded Age
- Late 1800s to Early 1900s
- Luxury for the top percent and extreme poverty for the poor
- Industrialization and economic growth
- Lots of political corruption like in the railroad
- Lots of discrmination
Grover Cleveland
- 22nd and 24th president (won, lost, won again) o
- First democratic president since the Civil War
- Civil reformers, tariff reforms, and economic policies
Gustavus Swift
- In the 1800s he enlarged fresh meat markets through branch slaughterhouses and refrigeration. He monopolized the meat industry.
- Meat packing industry
Haymarket Sqaure Riot
- A riot in Chicago for workers rights
- Became a symbol of the international struggle for workers rights
- very violent police vs protests and a bomb was even thrown in the crowd killing 7
Helen Hunt Jackson
- United States writer of romantic novels about the unjust treatment of Native Americans (1830-1885)
- advocate for the rights of Native Americans
- wrote “A century of Dishonor”
Henry Ford
- American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company,
- father of modern assembly lines
Homestead Strike
- 1892 strike against Carnegie’s steelworks in Homestead, Pennsylvania
- a violent labour dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its workers that occurred in 1892 in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The striking workers were all fired on July 2, and on July 6 private security guards hired by the company arrived.
Ida B. Wells
- African American journalist and activist
- Known for her advocacy against lynching and effects to advance civil rights and woman’s rights
International Workers of the World
1905 - Also known as IWW or Wobblies - created in opposition to American Federation of Labor
- wanted a more inclusive system where everyone was joined together instead of individually split
J.P. Morgan
A highly successful banker who bought out Carnegie. With Carnegie’s holdings and some others, he launched U.S Steel and made it the first billion dollar corporation.
John D. Rockefeller
- Established the Standard Oil Company, the greatest, wisest, and meanest monopoly known in history
- Oil monopoly
John L. Lewis
- Created the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
- Advocated for workers’ rights specifically miners promoting better conditions and wages
- Organized strikes
Johnstown Flood
May 31, 1889; dam on Lake Conemaugh breaks causing damage and loss of 2,209 people. Ch7
putting a person to death by mob action without due process of law
- hanging
Mark Twain
- United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1835-1910)
- Very observant of the social, cultural, and economics during this time, made the name “gilded age”
Mary Harris Jones
Labor organizer, known as Mother Jones. She fought for coal workers’ rights by speaking in Appalachian mining towns, encouraging them to join unions. She also faught for child labor laws.
McKinley Tariff
- 1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history
- A group of renegade Republicans who supported 1884 Democratic presidential nominee Grover Cleveland instead of their party’s nominee, James G. Blaine. (they opposed political corruption)
A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones
- didn’t like immigrants taking jobs
Niagra Movement/NAACP
- Called for a vigorous activism including legal challenges to achieve political equality for blacks and full integration into American life
- Founded by W.E.B Dubois.
Oklahoma Land Rush
1889; former Indian lands; opened up for settlement, resulting in a race to lay claim for a homestead (Boomers and Sooners)
Pendleton Act
- reform measure that established the principle of federal employment on the basis of open, competitive exams and created the Civil Service Commission (merit)
Plessy v. Ferguson
- a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal
- Separate but equal
Populist Party
U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies
Pullman Strike
- Pullman Company(made cars for trains) led by George Pullman cut wages for employees leading to a strike
- Led by Eugene. V Debs and the American Railroad Union
Rise of Labor Unions
- The purpose of a labor union was strength in numbers attempted to gain better working conditions and pay
•The knights of labor
•The American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Robber Barons
- Refers to the industrialists or big business owners who gained huge profits by paying their employees extremely low wages. - - They also drove their competitors out of business
Samuel Gompers
- He was the creator of the American Federation of Labor(AFL). He provided a stable and unified union for skilled workers.
- Rejected radical/social views
Sand Creek
An attack on a village of sleeping Cheyenne Indians by a regiment of Colorado militiamen on 29 November 1864 that resulted in the death of more than 200 tribal members
- They had an american flag and white flag up but still were attacked
Sherman Antitrust Act
- 1890 law that banned the formation of trusts and monopolies in the United States
-prohibits activities that restrict interstate commerce and competition in the marketplace
Socialist Party
Political Party in the United States which supports socialism - working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically- controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups.
Talented Tenth
- According to W. E. B. DuBois, the ten percent of the black population that had the talent to bring respect and equality to all blacks
- Wanted to show black excellency
Thomas Edison
American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures.
Tuskegee Institute
- Booker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper
W.E.B. DuBois
-Opposed Booker T. Washington. Wanted social and political integration as well as higher education for 10% of African Americans-what he called a “Talented Tenth”.
- Wanted more immediate action
- Founder of the Niagara Movement which led to the creation of the NAACP.
Wounded Knee
In 1890, after killing Sitting Bull, the 7th Cavalry rounded up Sioux at this place in South Dakota and 300 Natives were murdered and only a baby survived.
- Considered one of the last major confrontations of Indian wars on the western frontier