Unit 8 Key Terms Flashcards
Harry S. Truman
33rd Democrat President, started CIA, fought Korean War in 1950, created Truman Doctrine to end Communism
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th Republican President, signed Interstate Highway Act, fixed Suez Canal Crisis, and contained communism in Mid-East through covert operations
John F. Kennedy
35th Democrat President, “New Frontier” in space exploration, removing poverty, succesfully stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis, assassinated
Lyndon Baines Johnson
36th Democrat President, Great Society programs like Medicare, Medicaid, signed 1964 Civil Rights Act, sent troops to Viet and made draft
Richard Nixon
37th Republican President, promised to remove troops but instead expanded war into Cambodia and Laos, involvment in Watergate Scandal led to his resignment
Gerald Ford
38th Republican President, pardoned Nixon, cut inflation in half
Jimmy Carter
39th Democratic President, pardoned all Vietnam War draft dodgers
Ronald Reagan
40th Republican President, arguably led to fall of Soviet Union and end of Cold War, reduced nuclear stockpiles, conservative “Reagonomic” policies
George Kennan
major advocate for containment of Communism and Soviet Union from spreading during Cold War
The Dulles Brothers
Eisenhower’s Sec of State John Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles, believed in agressive anti-Communism, toppled governments
Robert McNamara
Johnson’s Sec of Defense, helped escalate American involvement in Vietnam War
Barry Goldwater
Conservative Arizona senator, lost to LBJ in 1964
Hubert Humphrey
Vice President to LBJ, supported civil rights legislation
Eugene McCarthy
Minnesota senator, heavily opposed Vietnam War
Henry Kissinger
National Security Advisor under Nixon, known for his “shuttle diplomacy”
Military Industrial Complex
relationship between military and defense industry and its effect on government policy
Cold War
Political and military tensions primarily between US and USSR, started after WWII, ended after USSR fell
US foreign policy to contain Communism from spreading
domino theory
theory that if one country falls to Communism, countries nearby can also follow
Truman Doctrine
provided military and economic support to countries threatened by Communism
Marshall Plan
provided economic assistance to stabilize democratic Western European countries
North American Treaty Organization, formed by Western European countries and US to counter threat of Soviet Union
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance between USSR and Eastern European satellite states against NATO
Second Red Scare
anti-communist sentiments during the mid-1900s due to communist infiltrations of American institutions
Joseph McCarthy
Wisconsin senator, made accusaations of Communist infiltritation in US govt and entertainment industry
Husband and wife who allegedly gave Russia atomic bomb secrets, executed by electric chair
Hollywood Ten
group of filmmakers and directors who were in contempt of Congress for not testifying about communist influence in film industry
Bracero Program
US labor program allowing millions of Mexicans to temporarily work in US
GI Bill
provided educational scholarships and housing assistance to veterans
Interstate Highway System
Network of highways built under Eisenhower for interstate travel, commerce, and military transport
first satellite in space, launched by USSR in 1957, started Space Race
Neil Armstrong
first man to walk on the moon during Apollo 11 mission in 1969
Pentagon Papers
leaked papers that revealed that war expanded into Cambodia and Laos and more that US public didn’t know
Nixon Adminstration’s attempted cover-up of breaking into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters
Berlin Blockade/Airlift
Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948, countered by the Western Allies’ airlift of supplies to the city
Suez Canal Crisis
Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, leading to military intervention from Britain, France, Isreal, Eisenhower helped calm things down