Unit 8: Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Mental Disorder
Any condition characterized by cognitive and emotional disturbances, abnormal behavior, impaired functioning or any combination of these.
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
+ Diagnoses disorders
+ provides descriptions
+ provides a standard consistency
Historical vs Contemporary of mental illness
+ Peopel used to view certrain disorders as supernatural forces
+ poor treatement
+ WHO makes sure that hospitals and organizations are humane
+ DSM better diagnoses
+ More understanding and Knowledageble
Insanity Defense
A defense plea that states the person is not liable for their conduct because of their mental state
M’Naughten Rule - can the person tell right from wrong?
American Law institute test - Is the individual able to understand the consequences of their actions? are they able to control their actions ?
Rosenhan study
** Seven individuals went undercover and pretended to be insane in attempts to be institutionalized. Once in the hospital they stopped pretending and the doctors did not believe them. **
!! Moral of the story !!
See the person for who they are, not the label they were given.
Behavioral Perspective
Strengths: The behavioral perspective has been effective in treating specific behavioral problems such as phobias and addictions. It also emphasizes the importance of empirical research and data collection.
Weaknesses: This perspective ignores the role of internal mental processes and individual differences in behavior. It also oversimplifies complex human behavior and may not fully explain how certain behaviors are learned or maintained.
Cognitive Perspective
Strengths: The cognitive perspective provides insights into how people think, learn, and process information. It has been helpful in understanding cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Weaknesses: This perspective may neglect the role of emotional and social factors in cognition. It also tends to overlook individual differences in cognitive processes and may not explain certain phenomena such as creativity.
Psychodynamic Perspective
Strengths: The psychodynamic perspective has been useful in treating certain mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. It also emphasizes the importance of individual differences and personal experiences in shaping behavior.
Weaknesses: This perspective is criticized for lacking empirical evidence and being difficult to test. It also tends to ignore environmental and social factors in behavior.
Humanistic Perspective
Strengths: The humanistic perspective has been influential in developing therapeutic techniques that focus on personal growth and self-improvement. It also emphasizes the importance of individual differences and subjective experiences in behavior.
Weaknesses: This perspective may overlook the role of environmental and social factors in shaping behavior. It also lacks empirical evidence to support its claims.
Biological Perspective
Strengths: The biological perspective has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of certain mental health conditions and developing new treatments. It also emphasizes the importance of empirical evidence and objective data.
Weaknesses: This perspective may oversimplify complex human behavior and ignore the role of environmental and social factors in shaping behavior. It also tends to overlook the role of individual differences and personal experiences in behavior.
Evolutionary Perspective
Strengths: The evolutionary perspective provides a framework for understanding how certain behaviors and cognitive processes may have developed over time and how they may have contributed to our survival and reproduction as a species. It has been particularly useful in explaining certain social behaviors such as altruism and aggression.
Weaknesses: This perspective can be criticized for oversimplifying complex behaviors and overlooking the role of individual and cultural differences in behavior. It also relies heavily on hypothetical scenarios and may not be easily testable through empirical research.
Sociocultural Perspective
Strengths: The sociocultural perspective emphasizes the importance of cultural and social influences on behavior, such as norms, values, and beliefs. It also recognizes the role of contextual factors such as family, peers, and institutions in shaping behavior.
Weaknesses: This perspective may neglect the role of biological and individual factors in behavior. It can also be difficult to separate the effects of social and cultural factors from other factors that may be influencing behavior. Additionally, this perspective can be limited by its cultural biases and may not be easily generalizable across cultures.
Biopsychosocial Perspective
Strengths: The biopsychosocial perspective provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to understanding human behavior and mental processes. It recognizes the importance of multiple factors and their interactions, rather than focusing on a single factor. This perspective has been particularly useful in understanding complex mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and substance use disorders.
Weaknesses: This perspective can be complex and difficult to apply in practice. It can also be criticized for not providing clear guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, it may not fully account for individual differences and may not be easily generalizable across populations.
Intereferes with daily life routines and prevents positive adjustments
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
+ No specific Trigger
+ Autonomic nervous system continually aroused
+ tends to decrease with age
Panic Disorder
+ Reoccuring panic attacks
+ Can lead to agoraphbia
+ Persistent irrational fear and avoidance of
+ Becomes maladaptive
+ Compelled to do so
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
+ Unwanted repetitive thoughts(obsessions), actions (compulsions) or both
+ understand its irrational
+ Hyper vigilance
+ Jump anxiety
+ Nightmares
+ Insomnia
+ Numbness of feeling
+ Social Withdrawal
+ Limbic system sensitivity
Adjustment Disorder
Excessive reaction to a stressful or traumatic event
+ More often in kids/pre adolescent
- depressed mood
- anxiety
- conduct disorder
Freud explanation for anxiety
Repressed energy/thoughts escaping (psychoanalytic)
+ uses free association and dream interpretation
Postpartum Depression VS Baby Blues
+ Difficulty bonding with newborn
+ Severe long lasting depression
+ Irritabiliy
+ few days to two weeks after delivery
+ common
Seasonal Affective disorder (SAD)
+ Reoccurent depression in late fall/winter
+ More prevelant:
- younger plp
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
+ Duration > intensity of symptoms
+ Same Symptoms
+ Sometimes self defining character
Bipolar Disorder
+ Highs n lows lasting weeks
+ Surplus of dopamine
+ can be genetic
+ Hallucinations
+ Impulsive without considering consequences
+ Disorganized racing thought
+ Depressive like symptoms in lows
+ Meds: Lithium and antipsychotics
Depressed brain neurotransmitters affected
+ Norepinephrine
+ Serotonin
Explanatory styles
+ Pessimism
+ individualism - depression is self blamed
Schizophrenia Syndrome
+ delusions
+ hallucinations
+ disorganized speech
+ Catatonia - physical stupor, compulsive movements, dangerous agination
+ flat affect
+ lack of concentration
+ Irritability
+ MARIJUANA BAD, high risk
Acute Vs Chronic
+ Symptoms usually appear by late adolescence pr early adulthood
+ as people age, symptoms last longer
+ Any age, response to an emotional traumatic event and has extended recovery periods
Schizo Biology
+ excess in dopamine
+ abnormal brain activity
+ lower connection issues
+ low activity frontal lobe
+ ventricles are fluid filled cavities
+ enlarged ventricles
Types of delusions
+ Jealous
+ Persecutory
+ Somatic
+ Megalomania
+ Erotomania
fragile self concept
+ struggles in relationships
+ cannot handle criticism very well
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Excessive Distrust
Antisocial PD
Ignores right/wrong and others feelings
+ Dishonesty
+ Tend to be successful
+ Pretending to feel emotions
+ Constanly Lying
+ aggressive and restless behavior
+ Reckless Behavior
Somatic Symptoms (somatoform)
Focused on physical symptoms that result in major distress
Illness anxiety disorder
excessive and intense worrying despite no physical symptoms
Conversion Disorder
physical problems with nothing to explain
+ex. blind with no physical condition
Facticious Disorder (mucnausen syndrome)
+ deceives others by pretending to be sick
+ intentionally getting sick/self injury
Dissociative identity disorder
+ “switching” to alternate identities. + feel two or more people talking or living inside your head,
+ feel as though you’re possessed by other identities.
Depersonalization/Derealization disorder
Detached from surroundings and thoughts.
+ dream like state reality
+ feelings as if watching a life as a movie
Dissociative amnesia
Reported memory gaps, blocking out certain event
Binge eating disorder
+ consuming lots of food followed by guilt
Significantly below normal weight, strict dieting and excercising
Weight influctions then purging
Culture vs Heredity : ED
+ identitcal twins, parent to child correlation
+ prominent in rich countries
Aaron Beck
+ Reverse negativity through gentle questioning
+ These thoughts invade conscious
Albert Ellis
Pioneered REBT
Exposure Therapy
+ targets reducing avoidance
+ works best with anxiety disorders
Aversive Therapy
Negative associations using classical conditioning
rational emotive behavior therapy
+ confrontational therapy - challenges ppls illogical and or self defeating attitudes assumptions
Cognitive behavior therapy
Change thinking and actions
+ effective for OCD, Anxiety, Depression and ED
Client centered
+ Active listening
+ Unconditional positive regard - Carl Rogers
Joseph wolpe
Systematic desensitization - takes longer, better at treating subjective anxiety
+ Imagine
+ exposure to stimuli
+ relaxation techniques
Mary Cover Jones
The mother of behavior therapy
Biomedical model
Treat mental illness with biological causes using doses of medication
Meta Analysis
statistically combining the results of many different research studies
AntiPsychotics - AntiAnxiety - AntiDepressants - MoodStabilizing
+ chlopromazine , thorazine
+ xanax or activan
+ works with PTSD, Anxiety and OCD
+ Prozac, Zoloft
Eloctroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
+ for servere depression