Unit 6: Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Random assigment
gender/age cannot be randomly assigned
week 2-9 develoment organ
9 weeks
virus, drugs, etc. that can damage a fetus or embryo
Fetal alcohol syndrome
physical and mental abnormalities
Physical development
+ Born with most brain cells but immature nervous system
+ after birth: walk, talk, memory
+ age 3 to 6 frontal loves (rationality) still developing
+ Last: association areas
+ biological development : stages
fine motor skills
the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists
gross motor skills
involves the large muscles in the arms, legs and torso
Piaget stages
+ Sensorimotor stage (0–2 years old)
- object permanence
- baby math
+ Preoperational stage (2–7 years old)
- can use language but not mental operations
- can’t imagine on action and mentally revise it
- pretend play
-egocentrism - difficulty taking another’s pov
- reflexive - how your actions influence others
+ Concrete operational stage (7–11 years old)
- ability to understand conversation and mathematical transformations
+ gain abilities of conservation
+ Formal operational stage (11 years old through adulthood)
- abstract thinking - hypothertical situations determine consequences
- later adolescence - full blown logic
framework for interpreting organizing info
interpret new experiences according to schema
adapt schema to new information
Lev Vygotsky
believed that human mental and cognitive abilities are not biologically determined, but instead created and shaped by use of language and tools in the process of interacting and constructing the cultural and social environment.
Piaget vs Vygostky
+ Mind grows - physical environment and maturation
think… young scientist
+ Mind Grows - Social environment
think…young apprentice
Zone of proximal development
- learned can go unaided
- learner can do with guidance
- learner cannot do
2 is the sweet spot between difficult and challenging
support for higher lvls of thinking
Today development is more _______ than piaget thought
Autism spectrum disorde
+ appears in childhood
+ defiencies in:
- communication
- social interaction
- rigid, fixated interest
- repeated behaviors
Levels of autism
Level 1 - high functioning
Level 2 - Needs substantial support
Level 3 -needs very substancial support
characteristic of autistic brains
+ underconnectivity
+ “broken mirrors” - less imitation
Margaret and Harry Harlow
Mankey experiemnt : - )
attachment = safe haven and safe base to explore from
process by which a strong bond is formed - animals
Mary Ainsworth
Stranger Situation experiment
+secure attachment - explore new situations
+ ** insecure avoidant** - Instead of craving intimacy, they’re so wary of closeness they try to avoid emotional connection with others
+ insecure ambivalent/resistant - becoming distressed, angry, and throwing a temper tantrum when separated from their caregiver
emotional reactivity and intensity - geneticlaly influenced
Erik Erikson
Securely attachment children have basic trust
life stages
Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust.
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt.
Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt.
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority.
Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion.
Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation.
Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation.
Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair.
Deprivation of attachment
+ lower intelligence
+ limited brain development
+ abnormal stress response
Diana Baumrind
+ authoritarian (too strict)
+ authoritative (just right)
+ negligent (too uncaring)
+ permissive (too soft)
Sigmund Freud
+ oral stage
+ anal stage
+ phallic stage
Oedipus - son fights father, gives up and finds woman like mother
Electra - vice versa
Freud - latency stage vs genetil
+ libido is hidden
+ cooties stage
+ he believed in this stage could lead to sexual issues
+ libido focused on their genitals
+ freud thought fixation in this stage is normal
Lawrence kohlberd
PC-Stage 1: Obedience and punishment. …
PC-Stage 2: Self-interest. …
C- Stage 3: Interpersonal accord and conformity. …
C- Stage 4: Authority and maintaining social order
POC-Stage 5: Social contract. …
POC-Stage 6: Universal ethical principles
PC - pre conventional
C - conventional
POC - post conventional
+ stages are sequential
+ may be stuck in one
+ revert back
Moral judgements are very….
Gender vs sex
socially influenced characteristics to define terms
biologically influenced characteristic that makes someone M or F
gender typing
acquisition of male or female gender roles - process of becoming self aware of gender
+ stereotyping - people interact differently with infants depending upon clothes
Social learning theory
rewards and punishment
+ ex. how does boy who wears dress treated
chromosomes women vs men
women XX
men XY
first menstrual period
+ early maturation at risk for anxiety and depression
what causes aging?
+ worn telomeres
+ cells stop producing
+exercise slows down the aging process
Aging brain
+ Frontal lobe atrophy - old people have no filter
+ Brain cell loss begins in early adulthood
+ By 80 brain has lost 5% of its weight
reminiscence bump
increased proportion of autobiographies memories from youth and early childhood in the memories of adults over 40
+ neural plaques
+ progressive decline in memory and cognitive function
+ acetylcholine
Social clock
preferred time for marriage, children, retirement
Aging amygdala
Less responsive to negative emotion
+ less extreme moods as we age