unit 8 Flashcards
fear of going out to public places
less ability to experience pleasure, lack energy or motivation
anorexia nervosa
severe food restriction
antisocial personality disorder
impulsive, manipulative, failure to accept social norms
anxiety disorders
excessive apprehension and anxiety
developmental disorder, social and emotional deficits, repetitive behaviours and interest.
availability heuristic
estimated probability of an event is based on prevalence of memory of it
binge-eating disorder
binges from stress and then purging
bipolar disorder
manic depressive disorder, 1 or more manic episodes and depression
bulimia nervosa
binging and vomiting/purging
catatonic schizophrenia
striking motor disturbances
coexistence of two or more disorders
concordance rate
the percentage of twins or relatives that have the same disorder
conjunction fallacy
estimate that the odds of two things occurring at once is greater than one happening alone
culture-bound disorder
syndromes found in only a few groups
cyclothymic disorder
chronic but mild bipolar symptoms
out of touch with reality, false beliefs
distinguishing one illness from another
disorganized schizophrenia
severe deterioration of adaptive behaviour, babbling, giggling
dissociative amnesia
sudden loss of memory of personal information, too extensive to be normal forgetting, occur after trauma
dissociative disorders
people lose contact with bits of their consciousness or memory, disrupts sense of identity
dissociative fugue
loss of memory for their entire lives, loss of sense of personal identity. Can remember things like driving
dissociative identity disorder (DID) multiple personality disorder
occurs when two or more personalities coexistence in one person. Personalities are unaware of each other
dysthymic disorder
mild, chronic depression that is insufficient to be diagnosed as major depression
eating disorders
preoccupation with weight and control, severe disturbances to eating
the study of the distribution of mental/physical disorders in a population
apparent cause and developmental history of an illness
expressed emotion (EE)
relative of a schizophrenic patient and how much emotionally over-involved attitudes they exhibit towards the patient
hearing voices, sensory perceptions that occur without a stimulus
generalized anxiety disorder
(free floating anxiety) chronic, high level of anxiety not tied to any specific threat
major depressive disorder
persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in previously joyful things
Model that believes abnormal behaviour is a disease
medical model
mood disorders
disturbed emotions, lead to disturbing physical and social thought processes
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
behavioural deficits, flattened emotions, social withdrawal…
uncontrollable unwanted thoughts and senseless rituals
panic disorder
unexpected and recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety
paranoid schizophrenia
delusions of persecution and grandeur
personality disorder
extreme and inflexible personality traits, distress and impaired social functioning
phobic disorder
persistent/irrational fear of object/situation with no realistic danger
positive symptoms for schizophrenia
behavioural excess, hallucinations, dreams…
postpartum depression
depression that can occur after childbirth (within 4 weeks), can also include mania, higher when there is less social support
percentage of a population that has a specific disorder in a time period
forecast of the course of an illness, what might happen
representative heuristic
estimated probably of an event based on similarity to a prototype
seasonal affective disorders
depression that follows a seasonal pattern, less sunlight, melatonin production, circadian rhythms
schizophrenic disorders
disturbed thought, marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, deteriorating adaptive behaviour
undifferentiated schizophrenia
cannot be placed in one category, mix of symptoms
Nancy Andreasen
subtypes of positive/negative schizophrenia
Martin Antony and Karen Rowa
Aaron Beck
Robert Hare
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
David Rosenhan
Regina Schuller
psychology and canadian law,
Martin Seligman
learned helplessness, giving up with unavoidable events, people who are pessimistic are more likely to be depressed
Thomas Szasz
Person that says abnormal behaviour is really just deviation from social norms rather than an illness
criterion of abnormal behaviour
deviance, maladaptive behaviour, personal distress
caused by a traumatic event,, higher prevalence in women
schiz children repeat what they hear