Unit 3 Flashcards
standardized measure of a sample of a person’s behaviour, mental ability of personality tests
psychological test
test that measures general mental ability
intelligence test
test that access specific types of mental abilities
aptitude test
test that measures a person’s mastery and knowledge of subjects
achievement test
test that measures aspects of personality, motives, interests…
personality test
uniform procedures to administer/score a test
how you score relative to others
test norms
measurement consistency
ability of a to test to measure what it was designed to
if what is on the test is relevant to what was taught
content validity
test that makes a prediction of someone’s behaviour, compare pilot aptitude to the performance of flying
criterion-related validity
if the test is designed to measure a hypothetical construct
construct validity
british scholar, nature waaay over nurture, invented percentile scores and correlations
Sir Francis Galton
developed a test to test children’s mental ability, mental age
Alfred Binet
mentality of a certain age
mental age
a child’s mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100
intelligence quotient (IQ)
created by lewis terman, expansion of the Binet test, based on IQ
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
correlations among many factors
factor analysis
invented a procedure that uses factor analysis
Charles Spearman
reasoning ability, memory capacity, speed of information processing
fluid intelligence
ability to apply acquired knowledge
crystallized intelligence
locate subjects within the normal distribution, using standard deviation as the unit of measurement
deviation IQ scores
developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
David Wechsler
subnormal mental ability, accompanied by deficient adaptive skills, originating before 18, 1% of population
intellectual disability
social, conceptual, practical skills
adaptive skills
Mild (majority), moderate, severe, profound
levels of intellectual disability
someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrates some that are very advanced
savant syndrome
minimum IQ is 130, upper 2-3%,
IQ 130-150
moderately gifted
IQ above 180, introverted, socially isolated
profoundly gifted
high intelligence, creativity, motivation
eminent giftedness
estimated proportion of trait variability in a population that is determined by variations in genetics
heritability ratio
if children who are raised in a substandard household will gradually have lower IQs
Cumulative deprivation hypothesis
genetically determined limits on IQ
reaction range
IQ tests have gradually become more difficult to get a higher score, attributed to environmental factors
Flynn Effect
Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human contextual intelligence
intelligence is a culturally defined concept
componential (metacomponents, performance components, knowledge-acquisition components), experiential (experience and intelligence) subtheories
ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate, understand and reason and regulate emotion
emotional intelligence
a hypothetical concept is given a name and treated as a tangible object
moderately gifted children are diff than profoundly gifted. most gifted children do not grow to eminent adults
Ellen winner