Unit 8 Flashcards
Behavior that is voluntary not automatic, reflexive, or mechanical`
Methodological behaviorism and consciousness
Operationalizes consciousness as “behavior that measures behavior”
Cognitive science and consciousness
Emergence of consciousness as a natural phenomenon
Neuroscience and consciousness
Relation between nervous system or brain activity and consciousness
General psychology and consciousness
States and traits of consciousness
Psychoanalysis and consciousness (2)
1) Consciousness is an agent
2) Exists at 3 levels (conscious, subconscious, unconscious)
Related to responding
Responding to one’s own behavior or that of others
Related to rearranging
Rearranging one’s environment to bring behavior under the control of certain stimuli
Theory of mind
Awareness that what you think or believe differs from another person
False belief task
How much a child infers when others hold false beliefs about something
Set of principles that allow for observation and explanation of phenomena
Scientific Revolution
Communal adoption of a new paradigm incommensurate with an older one
Learning is mediated by a “mind”
Cognitivism: The “mind”
Receives, organizes, stores, and retrieves information
Copy Theory
Perception generates a sense of reality that isn’t reality
Behavioral process of response under stimulus control
Complex stimulus with overlapping aspects of otherwise dissimilar stimuli
Concepts allow for (2)
1) Generalization within a class
2) Discrimination between classes
Reflexivity: Without training or reinforcement
Selecting a stimulus (A) identical to the sample stimulus (A)
Symmetry: Without training or reinforcement
Selecting sample stimulus (B) when presented with original stimulus (A)
Symmetry: Prior training and reinforcement for
Selecting a specific stimulus (A) when presented with nonidentical equivalent sample stimulus (B)
Transitivity: Without training or reinforcement
Individual responds to equivalent relations between stimulus (A) and nonidentical stimulus (C)
Transitivity: Prior training and reinforcement for
Accurate responding to equivalent relations between stimulus A and stimulus B and between stimulus B and stimulus C
Adapting existing skill sets to new circumstances
Problem-solving occurs through (2)
1) Shaping
2) Generalization
Contingency-shaped behavior
Behavior acquired by direct experience
Rule-governed behavior is behavior primarily controlled by
Verbal descriptions of an A-B-C contingency
Has an effect on the observer and the creator
Extinction-induced variation
Unreinforced responding undergoes changes in some dimension of the response
Reappearance of a behavior after a reduction due to extinction
Reason for reappearance
After another behavior is placed on extinction
Lag schedules
Specify number of successive response variations to produce reinforcement
Early treatments of consciousness (2)
1) Structuralism
2) Functionalism